
brown ??? ,maybe ... wedding cake beads, brown pearls and a two cent coin

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
i hope i do not regret making this thread ! :lol-2: :???:
Celebrating the brown :lol-2::lol-2::lol-2::lol-2:

so yesterday this lady came into work with a really pretty necklace
it had little brown beads of some sort, tiger eye and a few large very dark apricot pearls,
it was one of those ones where the elements only went at the front of the necklace with the rest being a gold chain

im thinking hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .... my wedding cake beads :appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl:
i feel inspired:lol-2:

if i write this down here the idea wont get lost in my mind:lol-2:

this may be a slow burn :sleep:

i have no photos of the necklace i saw so....
i will embellish with flowers :lol-2:
i couldn't help but think of our old one and two cent pieces -which are brown

and i must confess i forgot how pretty they were (the coins)
first, this our national flower the Kowhai,
yes, another tangent:lol-2:
its a spring flowering tree that the birds love -
it is currently Autumn,
maybe this will be finished by spring :lol-2::lol-2::wall:
maybe i could even make this myself and bung a magnetic clap on it without having to go to the jeweller although i think it will be too heavy ?

anyway everyone has a whole bunch of these coins somewhere, we do, and i even know where they are,
in a money box of old worthless coins (Ive checked) in shelf in the spare/ coat wardbrobe

we still end up with the odd one at work because the 10 cent coin is now 'brown' but not actual bronze like the old one and two cent
  • The 1 and 2 cent coins were minted in 1967 when we first switched switched to decimal currency
  • The last 1 and 2 cent coins were minted in 1987
  • The coins were withdrawn from circulation over time.
  • The coins were demonetized on April 30, 1990.

anyway anyway where was this going

soooooooooooooooooooo i have some small tiger eye chip beads
and some Wen apricot pearls
the Murano beads are brown with a bit of colour (white)
im thinking about buying some small brown Wen pearls as i wont be wasting gold chain on a fun piece like this, i think the pearls are dyed ??

i dont know why i even brought brown wedding cake beads ???????????:wall:
but the fat neck problem struck again and the necklace was always too tight :cry2:
then i lost them and they were only rediscover by the recently departed Sox cat knocking a box off a shelf
and i have dismantled the necklace so i must now carry on, inspired by what i consider a successful remaking of my old and tiny corral beads

i will have a play around with the bead board and take a picture of progress ....

brown is not in anyway my favourite colour but over time i have grown to appreciate it a little
Embrace the brown @Daisys and Diamonds ! I absolutely love smokey quartz, it’s a very underrated stone, and when you look at it closely, has many nuance of colours. Brown is beautiful :bigsmile:
@Daisys and Diamonds, There was a ring on Pricescope years ago that had a brown color diamond set surrounded by white diamonds. It was a beautiful ring. I fell in love with it and would have been thrilled to own it. I never realized how beautiful brown stones were until I laid eyes on that ring.
@Daisys and Diamonds, There was a ring on Pricescope years ago that had a brown color diamond set surrounded by white diamonds. It was a beautiful ring. I fell in love with it and would have been thrilled to own it. I never realized how beautiful brown stones were until I laid eyes on that ring.

i read a lot of Wilbur Smith and from a historical perspective brown diamonds were never wanted by the miners in his stories

many many years latter they were in the mall jeweller (micheal hill) as cognac diamonds

i love my smokey topaz pendant, it was a trade me buy

my high school uniform had a brown jersey for juniors (with a green kilt) and a brown netball skirt (with a yellow polo), a brown basketball shirt with brown shorts , then when i went to work it was another brown jersey, i was all browned out for a long time :lol-2:
@Daisys and Diamonds, There was a ring on Pricescope years ago that had a brown color diamond set surrounded by white diamonds. It was a beautiful ring. I fell in love with it and would have been thrilled to own it. I never realized how beautiful brown stones were until I laid eyes on that ring.

i read a lot of Wilbur Smith and from a historical perspective brown diamonds were never wanted by the miners in his stories

many many years latter they were in the mall jeweller (micheal hill) as cognac diamonds

i love my smokey topaz pendant, it was a trade me buy

my high school uniform had a brown jersey for juniors (with a green kilt) and a brown netball skirt (with a yellow polo), a brown basketball shirt with brown shorts , then when i went to work it was another brown jersey, i was all browned out for a long time :lol-2:

opps i remembered this wrong
Micheal Hill call them chocolate diamonds as the congac diamond is trademarked to Le Vian