


Mar 8, 2009
Who has them and what type?

C has begun rolling over and moving quite a bit in his crib. He gets limbs stuck just about every day. I'm sure he will grow out of it, but for the time we wanted to see what options, if any, exist. Thanks, as always, to the amazing ladies of PS.
I have the same ones Skippy posted.
I'm in the minority, but I don't have a problem with traditional bumpers once my kids show me they can move well (lift head, roll both ways, etc). For Oliver that was 5 months, Elliot 6, and Miles just got his at 7 months. My kids are crazy helicopter sleepers and slam their heads into the rails and wake up without bumpers (seriously, O gave himself a bruise once!). All three have the same "super soft" white bumper from Carter's. Since we did a bumper so late all of my crib sheets are patterned, hence the plain white.
We also had the breathable bumpers. I was only concerned with their arms and legs getting struck in the crib, not with the bumping heads.
qtiekiki|1357145402|3345493 said:
We also had the breathable bumpers. I was only concerned with their arms and legs getting struck in the crib, not with the bumping heads.

My kids are total lunatics while awake, it's only fitting they'd be the same way asleep!
We had the breathable bumpers too. Ethan was on vacation with us and got his arm stuck between the slats and woke himself up. So I was glad we had them. However we have since taken them away since I read you shouldn't have bumpers when they can pull themselves up to standing in the crib? I guess it's to make sure they don't have an extra "foot hold" to climb out. Has anyone else done that? Ethan's like Kunzite's boys, he bangs his head on the crib rails too.
I don't want to sound like I'm advocating for everyone to go get bumpers (just to be clear!!) but I think the standing on them argument is sort of weird. When O stands on his with his entire weight it just squishes down and adds like an inch. I mean, those little ties are no match for a standing child IMO. Maybe my ties are just extra weak, I don't know.

Again, not to totally take over this thread (sorry meg!!).. but this really just happened.

Apparently O's bumper is no match for him! He'll get his head against the rails and feet through the slats whether I like it or not :lol:

I'm just too paranoid, so I never bought bumpers for either of my kids. Both of them sleep fine in their cribs without them.

If I did, it would be the breathable bumpers for sure though.
LOL Kunzite, I love that picture. Yeah, I kinda felt the same way about the whole standing thing, but did remove them. In the end the breathable bumpers don't do anything padding-wise for Ethan's head knocking habit. Maybe I'll just buy/make some fabric bumpers just to help save his noggin.
Laila619|1357165488|3345757 said:
I'm just too paranoid, so I never bought bumpers for either of my kids. Both of them sleep fine in their cribs without them.

If I did, it would be the breathable bumpers for sure though.

the only reason we got the bumpers was because they got their hands and legs stuck outside the cribs so the breathable worked great for us.

the other non breathable ones are fine for bigger babies, when they can do what Kunzite mentions, somewhere in the 8-9 mo range. If I remember correctly for us??
I think whether or not to keep the bumpers on after the kids is standing depends on the kid. DD definitely used it to fling herself out of her crib at 15 months. DS didn't; he never tried to climb out actually. And I still have the bumpers on the back and sides after we converted to the toddler bed. I only recently took it out because I was going to give it to my sister.
Super cute picture, Kunzite. Your kids are too cute!

I have bedding that came with this breathable bumper I don't have it in his crib yet because he is only about 12 weeks and still in the highest risk for SIDS and I am paranoid. But he is already moving all over in his crib and ending up with his feet or face up against the edge, so I might be putting it in the crib sooner rather than later.
Kunzite, that pic is hilarious. It also makes me wonder then if bumpers are more trouble than they're worth. If the kids find ways to be on top of them, squash them, etc. and they don't do a whole lot of protecting, then I'm not sure it makes sense. But I also agree this could be kid-dependent. For now I think we will stay bumper-free and see how that goes. Thank all for your input!