
Buyers Remorse Already!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what is your budget for the ring?
How about a plain band in whatever metal the Ering will be made of, that she can use as either a wedding band or a stacking band once she gets the diamond ring soon afterward?

I think every woman needs a plain band in her jewellery wardrobe anyway, so it's a good investment :)) You can even flat out tell her that you couldn't wait to ask her to marry you her and that you'd made some elaborate plans, but there was a last minute issue with the diamond and so the diamond ring won't be ready for a couple of weeks. Take her to dinner and "propose" again when the diamond comes in if you want ::)
slg47|1309643339|2960779 said:
you could just tell her there was a delay in shipping it. or you could lie and say you couldn't afford a ring and wanted to propose, and then a few days later tell her that you got a ring :)

Thank you, Im sure you are trying to help....but thats very tacky especially when there are other options. Because there is no specific deadline, I'll just charged this to a lessen learned and wait to return/exchange on Tuesday. I bought it here in NY on 47th street so I'm sure I'll find a better GIA diamond. Her birthday is on the 5th. Hopefully, I'll be able to make exchange earlier in the day and by time we go out that evening....I can pop the big question.
Yssie|1309643894|2960787 said:
How about a plain band in whatever metal the Ering will be made of, that she can use as either a wedding band or a stacking band once she gets the diamond ring soon afterward?

I think every woman needs a plain band in her jewellery wardrobe anyway, so it's a good investment :)) You can even flat out tell her that you couldn't wait to ask her to marry you her and that you'd made some elaborate plans, but there was a last minute issue with the diamond and so the diamond ring won't be ready for a couple of weeks. Take her to dinner and "propose" again when the diamond comes in if you want ::)

that sounds like a great idea to me!

if you are going to the diamond district I recommend checking out ID Jewelry-many PSers have had good experiences with them and Yekutiel

interestingly, HCA gives this result
Low crown angle can result in chipping of the girdle. Should not be considered for purchase.
Tell ID jewelry you're a pricescoper - they get a lot of good press here and would probably love to be able to help you out of this predicament for an ontime b-day proposal!!!!! Good luck!
dyingbreed|1309642761|2960770 said:
.when we 1st started talking about marriage and the ideas of rings were mentioned...she found an article by Edward Jay Epstein titled “Have you Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?” :lickout: .....she was very against conforming and following the traditions so I doubt she would be so..........vain.

If this is how she truly feels, does she even want a diamond ring?
This is probably not in your budget, but is it possible to go ahead and buy an excellent stone locally asap, and return the one you have when the original jeweler is back at work?
slg47|1309643339|2960779 said:
you could just tell her there was a delay in shipping it. or you could lie and say you couldn't afford a ring and wanted to propose, and then a few days later tell her that you got a ring :)

I love this idea! :appl: Yeah, yep, I'm all for this idea. I'd keep all your plans as they are and propose without the ring, tell her that you hope to be able to put a ring on her finger one day soon but you just couldn't wait any longer to propose....yada ya...She will be soooo surprised and excited when the ring comes because she will have thought that it wasn't in the cards right now.....
I would not lie.

Return it.
Get a good stone.
Propose when it is right.

You are about to spend 80 years with this gal.
What's a few weeks?
Christina...|1309649940|2960839 said:
slg47|1309643339|2960779 said:
you could just tell her there was a delay in shipping it. or you could lie and say you couldn't afford a ring and wanted to propose, and then a few days later tell her that you got a ring :)

I love this idea! :appl: Yeah, yep, I'm all for this idea. I'd keep all your plans as they are and propose without the ring, tell her that you hope to be able to put a ring on her finger one day soon but you just couldn't wait any longer to propose....yada ya...She will be soooo surprised and excited when the ring comes because she will have thought that it wasn't in the cards right now.....

Oops sorry I didn't see that this already got shot down as 'very tacky'. I actually think that (some) guys just miss the point sometimes....sure girls like flowers and jewelery, and chocolates, and whatever other cliched thing is out there, but thats not ALL we like. Things don't always have to go as planned, there is romance is spontaneity, and originality, and something that just make a girl flutter when a guy is just so in love with her that he just can't wait to tell her that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Yeah, flowers, dinner, a diamond ring, it's all nice but THATS been done before too!
kenny|1309650671|2960847 said:
I would not lie.

Return it.
Get a good stone.
Propose when it is right.

You are about to spend 80 years with this gal.
What's a few weeks?

Greetings! I agree with Kenny completely. It's probably terribly disappointing that the ring and the proposal won't be ready as you originally planned but in the grand scheme of things I suspect you'll be much happier offering a ring you truly feel good about.

And, I second the ID Jewelry suggestion. I used IDJ in the past and their product and service is stupendous. Pricing is very reasonable and he will work with you to make sure you are completely satisfied.

Good luck to you and your lucky lady. Hoping all works out as you wish.
dyingbreed|1309642761|2960770 said:
Today is a rough day for me. Ive entertained many thoughts. One of which I would propose and then within two weeks take back to jeweler and do the swap and just tell her I needed to get it polished. But thats kinda cheesy and like one of the other post said, she is not gonna want to part with it so soon. As far as her wearing a crappy diamond for the rest of her life and her having to suffer.... :wink2: ....when we 1st started talking about marriage and the ideas of rings were mentioned...she found an article by Edward Jay Epstein titled “Have you Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?” :lickout: .....she was very against conforming and following the traditions so I doubt she would be so..........vain. However, I on the other hand, because she is so loving and humble and as a result all the more deserving...wanna make sure I place something on her finger that her girlfriends and family members will be GAGA over :love:

It is not about vanity or impressing others. It is about spending your money on something beautiful that you are happy with. And something she will look at all the time and adore because it is a stunning work of art, as well as something to represent your relationships.

And it is actually more conforming to wear a porly cut diamond than to wear a really stunning one.