
Calling on the asscher experts for opinion on stone... TIA


Jun 2, 2004
Hello Asscher experts (and anyone else who might want to chime in!),

I'm looking for mega wow factor in an asscher cut stone. I keep coming back to this video:

Wanted to get the experts' thoughts?


Thank you so much in advance!
Cut looks nice... Im not at my computer to check the crystal.
does the depth of 66.6 bug you?
Forgive my naievete, is a depth of 66.6 considered bad for an asscher cut?
Forgive my naievete, is a depth of 66.6 considered bad for an asscher cut?

some people are creeped out by the number 666 some are not.
Unfortunately now I'm at my computer I am seeing a lot of crystal issues. I think they will be eye visible.
If you want to mess around with a possible return you can check that in person if the vendor has a good return policy.
The price should be very low as its treated cvd with issues.
I'm okay with 66.6 depth:evil2:

Can I ask, what are "crystal issues" ?

Thank you Karl for your expertise, it is so greatly appreciated!
Very basically
CVD rough is grown layer by layer over time.
Starts and stops or other things not 100% right result in defects in the layers.
When the defects are bad enough they try and fix them using HPHT or other treatments.
HPHT = high pressure and high temperature.
A lot of the time defects are left that interfere with the diamonds appearance but are too small to be graded in the clarity grade.
They can make the diamond cloudy/hazy in some lighting.
That is one common type of crystal issue and the one here there are other types.
Thank you for that explanation. From your assessment of the video and on your computer it sounds like there are no major hard stops on this particular stone but the only way to really tell for sure is by seeing the stone in person, correct?

If I were to evaluate it in person what would be the determining factors as to keep vs. returning to vendor?

Do the potential defects created during the manufacturing process affect the long term integrity of the stone? Or is it mostly the cosmetic appearance in the form of light reflection and fire that are potential concerns regarding the manufacturing defects?

And re: a low price. Would you be willing to comment on what price range might be appropriate for this stone?

I understand if that's not something you can provide but just thought I'd ask to see if it is an appropriate price.

Thank you again for your expertise.
Thank you for that explanation. From your assessment of the video and on your computer it sounds like there are no major hard stops on this particular stone but the only way to really tell for sure is by seeing the stone in person, correct?
Its a bit of a toss up on the crystal issues, If you want a lower chance of doing a return then move on.
If I were to evaluate it in person what would be the determining factors as to keep vs. returning to vendor?
Cloudy/hazy in some lighting and angles.
Do the potential defects created during the manufacturing process affect the long term integrity of the stone? Or is it mostly the cosmetic appearance in the form of light reflection and fire that are potential concerns regarding the manufacturing defects?
Appearance, the durability should be fine.
And re: a low price. Would you be willing to comment on what price range might be appropriate for this stone?
I understand if that's not something you can provide but just thought I'd ask to see if it is an appropriate price.

Thank you again for your expertise.
Cant really comment on price, you can use the PS search engine to see where the price lands relative to other stones.
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Thank you @joe2. I think I understand the crystal issues better now. Thank you for the comparison diamond.

Just a general question to all:
Given the large amount of options to choose from in the lab diamond market, do crystal issues seen on a video automatically mean a "hard stop" for you on a particular stone? Do you immediately move on to the next stone or if a particular stone has some redeeming qualities do you give it chance in person?
For colorless round H&A cuts I would move on, as there are so many well cut options. It’s much harder to find well cut options in fancy shapes and colors, so I would be more open to inclusions and crystal issues if they are not visible in person.
That makes sense @0-0-0, thank you so much!
And again, thanks so much for everyone's input, it has really helped clarify things for me. I appreciate the guidance!
It's an example of a stone with less crystal issues. Any thoughts?

joe2, thank you. I struggle with this, never know if it is the crystal or lighting set-up. You have a good eye.
@Karl_K, would you mind taking a minute to describe to us what it is you're looking for in the first stone that indicated the crystal issues? When I looked at it, I thought it looked all nice and clear, so it kinda scares me that I'm totally missing it.

Thank you so much for all the insight and guidance you give us here.

It may be too small (9.5x9.3mm), poorly cut and too expensive. HPHT and $5600ish on another site.

Just a thought.

Potentially leaky.
Notice the areas that are same tone as background that dont flash well under the table.
Crystal is good.
@Karl_K, would you mind taking a minute to describe to us what it is you're looking for in the first stone that indicated the crystal issues? When I looked at it, I thought it looked all nice and clear, so it kinda scares me that I'm totally missing it.

Thank you so much for all the insight and guidance you give us here.

I will try to get to this later or tomorrow.
Its not easy to explain.
On top of everything else I have a cold that is knocking me out today.
I will try to get to this later or tomorrow.
Its not easy to explain.
On top of everything else I have a cold that is knocking me out today.

Oh, I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly! Please, no rush - take all the time you need to heal and attend to more important things. I'm not going anywhere, and I've got all the time in the world for learning. Thank you for even being willing.
@Karl_K, would you mind taking a minute to describe to us what it is you're looking for in the first stone that indicated the crystal issues? When I looked at it, I thought it looked all nice and clear, so it kinda scares me that I'm totally missing it.

Thank you so much for all the insight and guidance you give us here.
First you need a spin video and manually control the spin.
Start face up and move it the min rotation allowed.
These are not really videos its take a picture then rotate the diamond x degrees and take another picture rotate and take another picture.. then they are stitched together into a video.

Ignore the white areas they are turning light your not seeing the crystal in that area. Pay attention to the dark areas from grey to black or any colored areas.
Blue is fine as long as its not sand paper.
Your looking for the areas that look like sand paper.
This is different from areas that are just out of focus.
rotate the stone all the way to the side and spend some time on the side view looking for tints as well as sandpaper and bigger inclusions.
Go to the back view stopping a few times, due to focus limits this is often not that useful but sometimes it is.
Now go back to the face up view and rotate the other direction.
A big screen helps, I refuse to post an opinion on crystal unless I'm at my computer and its blown up on my 27 inch monitor.
Cut and aset/IS I can do from anywhere.
above turning light should be returning light. speeel check sux.
Thank you Karl. Hope you're feeling better.


I requested a video for this stone and got it. I cant get the video to load here. I'm sure it's a lack of computer skills issue.

Thank you Karl. Hope you're feeling better.


I requested a video for this stone and got it. I cant get the video to load here. I'm sure it's a lack of computer skills issue.


Upload the video to Imgur and either post the link here or you can embed it by clicking "Media" as shown in my screenshot and then post the video link that you get from right clicking the Imgur video to copy the video link (on my computer at least the embedding doesn't work if I click the 'copy' button on Imgur or the link from the address bar, I need to right click to get the link to paste into Media)


Thank you newtojewels

I'll try that when I get home from work, but I'm an old dog and that's a new trick.