
Can you help me?

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Dec 12, 2008
I hope this isn''t too rambly..I get to talking and get all over the place sometimes..

At some point, I want to get a different engagement and wedding ring. I''ve been reading and following links in the various forums here, and was settled on mint tourmaline/rose gold. I love the James Meyer bezels like Coati''s and the picture AJ (I believe) posted. But, they''re waaay out of my price range. The last couple days I found myself reading about OEC''s and really digging the warmer colors and how different the cuts are than the way they do it now. I ended up on Fay Cullen''s site yesterday and I really like some of the settings on those sites..the antique-y look w/the slightly yellowish old cut diamonds. So then I started to falter about what I want when I do my rings. Then, lo and behold, I get on here today to dink around and there''s a thread below about chunky faceted gemstones!

Now my ponderings..what if I do a mint tourmaline in an older type cut as a center stone, and then incorporate diamond OEC''s in a lesser color (LMNOP type), maybe as side stones or as a wedding band? And as far as a setting goes, would it be possible to combine JM''s bezels w/the antique-y look? And in rose gold?

Am I goofy? Do you think that would get too out of hand price wise or look ridiculous?


Sep 20, 2008
Date: 2/8/2009 6:00:00 PM
I hope this isn''t too rambly..I get to talking and get all over the place sometimes..

At some point, I want to get a different engagement and wedding ring. I''ve been reading and following links in the various forums here, and was settled on mint tourmaline/rose gold. I love the James Meyer bezels like Coati''s and the picture AJ (I believe) posted. But, they''re waaay out of my price range. The last couple days I found myself reading about OEC''s and really digging the warmer colors and how different the cuts are than the way they do it now. I ended up on Fay Cullen''s site yesterday and I really like some of the settings on those sites..the antique-y look w/the slightly yellowish old cut diamonds. So then I started to falter about what I want when I do my rings. Then, lo and behold, I get on here today to dink around and there''s a thread below about chunky faceted gemstones!

Now my ponderings..what if I do a mint tourmaline in an older type cut as a center stone, and then incorporate diamond OEC''s in a lesser color (LMNOP type), maybe as side stones or as a wedding band? And as far as a setting goes, would it be possible to combine JM''s bezels w/the antique-y look? And in rose gold?

Am I goofy? Do you think that would get too out of hand price wise or look ridiculous?
Well, a tourmaline isn''t really good to wear for everyday use. It will easily chip. Your design idea sounds pretty though, I have seen lots of designs with rose cut diamonds in halos, so it''s not out of the unusual to get OEC''s as part of a three stone ring or in a band. The problem would be to source those OEC''s in the same size and a matching color.


Dec 12, 2008
Thanks for your help TL! What if the tourmaline had a full bezel around it, and the diamonds were smaller, like going down the band? I suppose if they were too small, the bigger facets wouldn''t be very noticeable. I might have to do an either/or thing and do the solitaire in one stone and a 3/4 eternity band in the other!


Sep 20, 2008
Even if you bezel the stone, the table can get chipped with every day wear. That''s just a fact of life with tourmalines. A bezel sounds pretty though, especially if you get a stone with light to medium light saturation.


Nov 23, 2008
I''m not trying to hijack the thread - but TL what''s up with the avatar? I didn''t even recognize you!
I loved your old avatar - that was YOU! Well I don''t know who it was - but for me it was YOU! Dang it


Apr 22, 2004
I would not use a tourmaline for an e-ring, even with a bezel. The exposed facets is still open to damage, wear and chipping. If you like a minty colour, why not a Meralani mint garnet? A lighter tougher, good reflective index and still has that lovely minty colour.


Dec 12, 2008
Doh-I never thought about a mint garnet! That wouldn''t chip quite so easily then? I''ll do some searches on here for them..I can''t remember who the cutter mentioned in the other thread was who did the chunky facets, but I''ll go look.

I''m glad I asked what you guys thought! A co worker is getting engaged, so looking for rings, and I was describing what I want to do for my new set, and her eyes got really wide, then she did that thing w/her mouth where you''re trying really hard not to laugh and she said "Oh? Really? Um..oh", smiling the whole then I got worried I had some kind of weird taste or something!

Oh, and TL, I liked your old avatar too!


Jun 4, 2008
Date: 2/8/2009 10:27:44 PM
Author: packrat
Doh-I never thought about a mint garnet! That wouldn''t chip quite so easily then? I''ll do some searches on here for them..I can''t remember who the cutter mentioned in the other thread was who did the chunky facets, but I''ll go look.

I''m glad I asked what you guys thought! A co worker is getting engaged, so looking for rings, and I was describing what I want to do for my new set, and her eyes got really wide, then she did that thing w/her mouth where you''re trying really hard not to laugh and she said ''Oh? Really? Um..oh'', smiling the whole then I got worried I had some kind of weird taste or something!

Oh, and TL, I liked your old avatar too!

People are seriously rude! I would love to see her reaction when you do get your upgrade and she sees how beautiful it is! Mint garnets in rose gold would look lovely - and like Chrono said, would give you a similar effect but with a hardier stone. I can''t wait to see what it looks like!


Dec 12, 2008
Date: 2/8/2009 10:54:34 PM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
Date: 2/8/2009 10:27:44 PM

Author: packrat

Doh-I never thought about a mint garnet! That wouldn''t chip quite so easily then? I''ll do some searches on here for them..I can''t remember who the cutter mentioned in the other thread was who did the chunky facets, but I''ll go look.

I''m glad I asked what you guys thought! A co worker is getting engaged, so looking for rings, and I was describing what I want to do for my new set, and her eyes got really wide, then she did that thing w/her mouth where you''re trying really hard not to laugh and she said ''Oh? Really? Um..oh'', smiling the whole then I got worried I had some kind of weird taste or something!

Oh, and TL, I liked your old avatar too!

People are seriously rude! I would love to see her reaction when you do get your upgrade and she sees how beautiful it is! Mint garnets in rose gold would look lovely - and like Chrono said, would give you a similar effect but with a hardier stone. I can''t wait to see what it looks like!


Do you guys think I could do it for $2-$3000 for stone and setting?


Apr 22, 2004
2K to 3K shouldn''t be an issue. In fact, if you are choosing to go the JM route, the setting will probably cost more than the garnet. I think it''ll be great to do a 3 stone bezel in rose gold with a center mint garnet flanked by 2 OECs.


Dec 12, 2008
I''m not even actually sure what the budget will be when we finally get the money saved up- 3k is probably stretching it a bit. I''m betting JM will be out of range, but I still have the setting saved to oogle it! I spent most of the day on the computer today browsing Pearlman''s and saving pictures of things I like..certain aspects of certain rings, making notes trying to envision things in my head. I''m kind of glad it''s not something we can do right now b/c I''d be a mess trying to make a final decision. I''m like a crazy it''s shiny ooo look at this ooo I like this too!
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