
Can you write in CURSIVE? be honest now!!

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
ever since the computer age I have noticed many young well educated college students who can't or know how to write in cursive, b/c all of their school reports and home works are done on a computer.
Yes, the guy who runs the office team that drafts my land surveys calls me and yells at me because he can't read my paperwork when I get lazy and write in cursive handwriting instead of a more block print :lol:
LOL I am a child of the sixties and seventies so yes I learned how to write in cursive but my handwriting sucks lemons and that was always a weak point for me. I got an A in every single subject all throughout school except for penmanship. I also don't print that legibly either.:oops2: But yes if push came to shove I could write in cursive. It just wpuldnt be legible.:P2

For perspective we did not even use computers in college or graduate school and so I still don't even type well. What can I say. I am hopeless.:razz:

Mine is currently too cursive... I write by hand only to take fast notes and to think, so my writing has turned into knotty lines - too cursive. It had been illegible well before typing took over, so worse has ever been sure to come! Upside - I can write nearly as fast as typing; downside - after a day or so, I couldn't tell you what I have written.
Mine is currently too cursive... I write by hand only to take fast notes and to think, so my writing has turned into knotty lines - too cursive. It had been illegible well before typing took over, so worse has ever been sure to come! Upside - I can write nearly as fast as typing; downside - after a day or so, I couldn't tell you what I have written.

Hahaha me too.:lol:
And I also write way faster than I type but again cannot read it after a day. And sometimes before a day is up I'm like what did I write?
It's probably a generational thing we used to get our hands smacked or caned with a wooden cane if it wasn't neat enough to read.
...cannot read it after a day. And sometimes before a day is up I'm like what did I write?

I wonder what it is that changes about reading during this time!

on with the day
It's probably a generational thing we used to get our hands smacked or caned with a wooden cane if it wasn't neat enough to read.

I've certainly known melower times: I'd be called on to read my own exam papers rather than anything.

Every now and then, I could be caught failing to replicate the writing abilities of my great aunts - three school teachers of the good days.
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I've certainly known melower times: I'd be called on to read my own exam papers rather than anything.

I think it is generational my left handed British father and my mother both write in beautiful cursive handwriting.
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Yes I can, but my middle school students can’t as they really don’t teach it anymore. I wish, at the very least, that kids be taught keyboarding because it drives me cray cray to watch them hunt and peck. :whistle:
I believe that I'm considered to be a "Millennial" but I was most definetely taught cursive in school and now I use a mixture of that and print in my day to day life. Although for journals, scrap books, etc I write full cursive.

Sadly the youngins' are losing this skill because educators have decided to throw it out. I really wish we kept it because its used in many formal and non formal ways. How are the next generations going to sign their name? All in print? Or let me guess, they'll Google "cursive lettering"?
Pretty sure ‘this’ generation hears ‘cursive’ and thinks it means F-bombs and such. :lol:

Learned cursive, wrote cursive then, still use/write in cursive today, but not all the time ... moreso depends on why I am writing/why. Grocery list? Probably not. Personal message inside a greeting card? Yup! All of my work ‘writing’ is paperless, so that writing tends to be Arial or Bookman. :mrgreen2:
Yes, I grew up in the 60s. It's not pretty, though. When I had to take notes fast in college I developed a rapid, efficient style with some letters connected and some not, some cursive and some printed.
I had really nice penmanship as a young child..drummed in from the nuns in Catholic school...If I take my time it’s still pretty good...but most of the times I’m in a rush so it’s a messy cursive...I never print...even my grocery list is in cursive...
Yes. Beautifully.

When I was growing up I got terrible grades in handwriting, but it must have been because I didn't care. (Nodody hit your knuckles in public school in the United States in the mid twentieth century.) As an adolescent I noticed another girl's handwriting and wanted mine to look as good. I must have learned something over all those years while I was producing messy writing, because all I had to do was try and out came beautiful writing. People I know look at things I write, even checks and envelopes, and exclaim over my writing. Now tell me what this skill has gained me in life?

And, on the other hand, Middle School children I taught couldn't read what i wrote on the blackboard. ;))
Millenial. Yes I can. Not the most gorgeous but I can write legibly. And I plan on teaching my daughter too. Even if her school chooses not to. I think it's important.
I always write everything in cursive.
We were taught the Peterson Handwriting system back in the early 70's and I still remember it well!
As a kid, it always struck me how the upper case Q looked like a number 2.
Yes, I write in cursive only. There are studies that show that writing thoughts down in cursive does apparently wire your neurones differently and is beneficial for scientific and artistic writing - or at least it was the study that was presented to us like that when we had to decide whether our kids' curriculum should continue to include penmanship in our private school . We voted 100% yes afterwards...
That’s up for debate.

My father, who was raised upper class in “the old country,” had beautiful, consistent, handwriting. But then, his thinking and emotions were pretty orderly too.

My mother also grew up in “the old country” albeit a different one and under much different circumstances. Her handwriting had a beautiful flair, though it could range from consistent and easily read to almost unintelligible.

I never mastered penmanship. My handwriting, whether cursive or block letters, very much mirrors my my emotions/how I’m feeling about myself and the how orderly my ADHD-riddled mind is at the moment. Most of the time it’s pretty good now, but there are times when it’s downright embarrassing, or should be. I’m learning to just shrug those times off.

What can I say? The keyboard is my friend - and anyone who would otherwise have to read my handwriting has no idea how lucky they are!
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@AGBF obviously we are barbarians in Australia they did away with the cane a few years after I was at school, mostly people got it for being naughty but you could get a good rap over the knuckles for poor writing, slow writing, in my case messy writing etc.....
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My 3rd grader had cursive instruction for about 2 weeks this school year. It's not enough IMO so I forced him to complete the rest of the cursive workbook over the summer break. Lots of complaining but he finished it.

Whenever I have to handwrite, which rarely happens nowdays, I do use cursive. It's just easier that way.
I write everything in cursive. Only occasionally I’ll print like an address on a shipping box or something.
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Yup. My Mothers handwriting has always been beautiful. Lovely to read. Mine is sloppy unless I take the time.

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I'm also a millennial (24 yrs old) and my elementary school teachers made us learn cursive because their reasoning was that nobody uses anything but cursive once you get older. It was fun realizing that barely anyone uses cursive. I was petty, so whenever one of my teachers in middle school or high school would piss me off I would use cursive because it would take them forever to read it hahaha.
I use a fountain pen all the time. My regular handwriting is horrible but my cursive is beautiful.
I can. It's not as pretty as it might be, but it's still cursive.
The school I currently work in does not teach it anymore.
My older daughter (24) was taught it in 3rd grade (I think) but was not required to use it past 4th grade (she started middle school in 5th grade)
My younger daughter (20) was taught it over the course of 3rd and 4th grade (different district) and was never required to use it outside of the lessons on it.
Neither can write or read cursive.
I kind of feel like a know a secret code that few under 25 can read :)
I write exclusively in cursive, but my kids who are 17 and 15 can both read my writing because they were taught cursive in Montessori starting at starting age 3!

We were told by the Montessori teachers that cursive is what comes naturally for for developing toddler hands. Most toddlers cannot draw straight lines but can naturally scribble in circular motion, and that is why cursive is taught before print. Made total sense to me!
I'm a graduate of the Palmer style of cursive. I loved to practice as a kid. Remember the cursive letter examples that hang in every classroom? That was Palmer, and I write exactly like that. Exactly. :eek2:
I'm a graduate of the Palmer style of cursive. I loved to practice as a kid. Remember the cursive letter examples that hang in every classroom? That was Palmer, and I write exactly like that. Exactly. :eek2:
Me too!
My kids are teens at school in the U.K. and they have both been taught “joined up” writing. They haven’t been taught typing skills, though, which I find very odd.
Haven't written cursive in like 20+ years but just tried it and still remember how!