
Can''t decide if I should keep these Tahitian baroques

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Nov 27, 2007
I just got one of the strands of Tahitian baroques on sale at PP. It was in the cheaper price range- $420. I got a second strand, same price, because one of the center pearls has a white end that annoys me. It''s the only one on the strand with a white end (probably the MOP bead showing through the nacre I guess); if it was towards the end I wouldn''t care, but it is quite eye catching as the one just to the left of center. So anyway, I''ll see what the second strand looks like and probably decide then which, if either, to keep. I mean, I like them, they''re nice. I''m just not sure if they''re $420 worth of nice. I have a strand of freshwaters that were $80 that I like nearly as well, though they''re more purple hued and round-ish.

The thing I think I''m most unsure about is if they have enough orient for me. In pictures they show a lot more orient than in person.

Opinions? Keep a strand? Return? I''m pretty sure the second strand will be quite simillar, hopefully just with a not-white-ended pearl in the middle.

Pics coming...
Crappy camera. Sorry.

This is my favorite pearl on the strand. It''s towards the back unfortunately. But it''s cool!

The objectionable centerish pearl.

A neck shot. They''re something like 9mm to 10.5mmish.

I think they look really nice on you. You can have the pearls restrung and have the one pearl removed. Also, what do you mean by orient? I feel like that''s a misunderstood term, and sometimes people are actually seeing overtone. Have you looked at the pearls in different types of lighting? They look different in different positions and lighting.
Oops. I''m crooked! Forgot to rotate me. But when I rotate the picture, it triples the file size. Or gives me and error uploading. I''ll try again later. Sorry!
Thanks brightlight
I don't wear pearls a lot so I'm a bit unsure if they're "me" or not. Um, by orient I mean the iridescent quality; hopefully I'm using the term right, I am no expert on pearls- definitely let me know if I'm not actually understanding that right! They have a bit of that iridescence in pictures, but in real life you just see a hint on the ends of a few of the pearls. It has been cloudy out here in Seattle (shocking!) so I haven't gotten a look at them in direct sunlight, but I've checked them out in most other lighting, but not halogen yet. At least PP gives a generous 90 days to decide!
Also wanted to mention that different colored clothes can also bring out the colors in your tahitians. You should try on different tops with them.
Date: 8/21/2009 5:09:54 PM
Author: LittleGreyKitten
Thanks brightlight
I don''t wear pearls a lot so I''m a bit unsure if they''re ''me'' or not. Um, by orient I mean the iridescent quality; hopefully I''m using the term right, I am no expert on pearls- definitely let me know if I''m not actually understanding that right! They have a bit of that iridescence in pictures, but in real life you just see a hint on the ends of a few of the pearls. It has been cloudy out here in Seattle (shocking!) so I haven''t gotten a look at them in direct sunlight, but I''ve checked them out in most other lighting, but not halogen yet. At least PP gives a generous 90 days to decide!
I don''t think any of us are pearl experts, which is why I think we may be confusing orient with overtone sometimes ... but I''m not an expert either so I may be wrong too.
Little- if you aren''t super 100% then my thoughts are maybe this isn''t the one? but they look great on you.
I think they lookd great on you too...but I know what you mean about having the wierdest, not so eye appealing pearl in the middle. I was going to suggest sending them back and having them restring them in a manner that would be visually more appealing. I say that because I have considered buying a set of the tahitians..........but wasn''t so sure how I liked the placement of the pearls.
Oh gosh they look great on you!!!! If you are worried though, I would return them. But I think it''s kinda cool- the different pearls that is!
I think they look great on you, but if you don't love them (and thus probably won't wear them) then they should probably go back. I also like the idea of re-stringing if only that one middle pearl is bugging you, maybe you could swap positions with your favorite pearl on the strand

Oh, here you are right side up

I am super duper jealous, as I have been dying for a baroque tahitian strand. Interested to see what you think of the second strand before I post options on the particulars...
I think they look awesome on you but if that pearl is bugging you they should go back.
OK well at least nobody has said "pearls and tattoos? ridiculous!" so that makes me feel a bit better about how they look on.

THANK YOU all for the restringing idea. For some reason that totally didn't occur to me- dunno why, since I do string pearls sometimes. I could change the clasp too... I have a vintage rhinestone one I could use, which would be perfect for me. And yeah- the pet pearl and the weird one could switch places easy- the pretty one is oddly larger than the others around it, so it could go to the front of the necklace and still look balanced.

I'm still dithering. I will wait until I get Strand Numero Dos to see if I prefer one to the other, and if I want to keep either. Thank goodness for 90 day return periods! Indecisive souls like myself love them.

Thank you Poshpepper for rotating me! I couldn't get it to work- it was mocking me and erroring out every time I uploaded it with yet a different name. I'm sure people's necks thank you too for not having to lean all crooked to look at the pic.
I think they look great on you! I''d get them restrung with the vintage clasp. That sounds really cool.
LGK, I would certainly hope that no one would ever say anything, or pass judgment on anyone with tattoos wearing whatever they choose to wear!

Pearls are classic. What makes anything a "classic" is that it has the presence to be worn with everything from formal wear to jeans and tatts... At least in my mind and by my definition. And this is coming from someone that likes the looks of tattoos on others but would probably not have one for myself as I''m probably too old at 50 to pull one off - or ever try...
jmtomaui, you''re never too old for your first body art
My mom is getting one at 60 for the first time- heck, she didn''t get her ears pierced until 40something! (My art has grown on her- she was a bit horrified at the first few but now she loves them.)

OK, so I got the second strand today. Definitely keeping the first one. The second one is lovely too, but it''s more homogenous and the center pearls are smaller. I like the more interesting mix of pearls the first strand has- silver, purple, green, etc- whereas the second one is pretty much just green.

I got a look at Strand Numero Uno in diffused sunlight. That was what convinced me to keep one, for sure. Ohmigod, it is SO pretty! The iridescence just pops. You can''t see it, interestingly, in bright sunlight, and it''s fairly subtle in fluorescent. But in shadow on a sunny day, it''s so frigging amazing. Keeper!

I''ll be restringing it myself once we finish moving and find my pearl silk and stuff. It''s... somewhere, in a box. I was really amazed when I realized, upon closer scrutiny, that each pearl has a mate on the other side! They matched them so beautifully and I didn''t even notice at first. I thought it was just a random selection, but no- they carefully matched pairs across from each other. It''s very cool! I''ll have to be soooo careful when restringing, lol.
I think the pearls looks great with the tattoos.... It is part of your style that makes it! Not too many people may be able to carry it off as well as you.

So I am glad you are keeping the first set and restringing them yourself. You will have to show us pics when you are finished.
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