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Oct 12, 2005
Today while checking the mail I noticed a flyer on the box that said folks in the neighborhood will be caroling in our community. I have to admit I have never done it & I personally dont know anyone who has. I have only seen it on t.v. it's just not something that is done around here. What I found funny is that the flyer asks "Please open your door." Tells you a lot about my city
I guess what I want to know is do I give them something when they are done like food or drinks or do I just clap & say thank you? Thanks in advance.
I think you can just applaud them and thank them verbally, VA. This is a practice of old times that just seems to be coming back into vogue and it''s understandable that people will be apprehensive over opening their doors to strangers, hence the flyer, imo. I would LOVE it if caroling took place in our fact, Ive been after my close friends for 5 years now trying to organize a caroling group in our neighborhood. I think you will be very pleased upon opening your door this year! I don''t think tips are necessary...but maybe keep a carafe of hot cocoa next to the door and some styro cups in anticipation of this event just in case. Have fun, and please let us know how it goes!! You''re one of a lucky few I bet who will get to experience this tradition!
Some of my college groups went out caroling; it is so fun! Your attention and applause are all they should be after.
Thanks Monarch & Gwendolyn. I can''t wait for their visit, it''s a really nice thing to do.
If you want to do something, perhaps a pot of coffee ready to go with paper cups would be a nice gesture. Or sharing some treats you already have baked. Applause is probably the nicest thing you could do (and your daughter enjoying them with you would make them smile for sure!).
i have been caroling with my churches youth group since i was 14...but we do things a bit differently than Americans would. the way that we carol is that we start after church on Christmas eve at 10pm...we don''t hit our first house till about 10:15..usually the elderly home is first....

~*answer to your question*~
then we keep going until about 4,5,even 6 am. the thing about our caroling is that we only visit the family''s who sign up to be caroled because we go sooo late. if we do go to surprise families we go to them first..but usually thats not more than 1 or 2 homes.

the families who do sign up will then serve small little hot finger foods, or even left overs from their parties, we don''t care too much what they serve, and the families are usually happy to get rid of left overs. although each house knows to serve these classic Romanian sausages, its tradition to serve them. serving little finger foods, or desserts is usually how the families who sign up to be caroled thank us.

i love caroling its the one thing that everyone looks forward to and does not change over the years. its so much fun, and you feel like you get closer to all your friends, i think its a great way to end the year.

p.s i forgot mention...theres usually about 50-70 teenagers who go caroling each year
Where I grew up, our neighbors had a huge Xmas Eve party each year. A large group of us would go around the neighborhood and carol for the people who either didn''t go, couldn''t go or were too old to go to the party. It was very nice and as others said, they either just thanked us afterwards, or sometimes some of them offered hot cider in paper cups, candy, little nibblies, etc. I have to say, those were always very appreciated, but not expected. Just enjoy it...!
AHhh, this brings back such fond memories of my best friend and I caroling in my neighborhood, just on our own. We thought it would be cool, but there were only us two, and we were in the fifth grade, and I''m sure we sang horribly (just didn''t know it!! I am well aware of my vocal shortcomings now) So picture hearing two thin voices, off key, which would only sing LOUDER until you came to the door!! We were pesky, I think. Now I understand why we got such odd looks from the people, but they were so nice to listen and say thank you, even though we were soooo silly. Now, when I think about it, I would not let my girls run around the neighborhood alone in the evening, so it just shows how times have changed.

I think the carolers would be quite aware people aren''t prepared to give them anything, but if you wanted to have something I think mulled apple cider in tiny paper cups would be yummy and quite in the spirit of the holiday. Have fun!
This year we didn''t do it, but previous years we did Sign Language Christmas caroling. It was a lot of fun; it was neat watching the kids trying to sign with us and seeing the fascination on adults'' faces. We went to nursing homes, malls, even Disneyland and Knott''s. Some people weren''t interested but many were and would talk to us afterwards. We signed to music (had we not and gone door-to-door people wouldn''t know we were there
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