
Cartier brooch? I can't believe it

So there are people who take the time to package and seal an item and not read the 14k??? Did you test it for gold? Never mind the Cartier—the 14k is a universal language!
I was amazed myself!
Nobody would fake a vintage flower brooch, especially since brooches are not really in style right now. So I'm pretty confident, too
Omg, SHUT UP :-o

That piece is pure luck, you MUST keep it, those are the rules to this kinda thing. Omg…. It’s so pretty. I would have paid to see the expression when you saw the hallmark! More details! Did you see it before or after you bought it?!?


So you want details....

They have all these little bags of costume jewelry hanging on pegs, and it takes a few minutes to check them all out. I saw the 14k on this brooch, and grabbed it real quick 'cause there was a lady standing beside me, also looking at the jewelry. I continued to look, thinking there might be more good stuff. There wasn't.

I paid quickly and headed out of the store. On the sidewalk, I stopped to look at it again and saw the Cartier mark.

Open mouth, big eyes, then evil grin would describe the look on my face:)
So there are people who take the time to package and seal an item and not read the 14k??? Did you test it for gold? Never mind the Cartier—the 14k is a universal language!

I guess this one slipped through the cracks.....right into my lap.
I guess this one slipped through the cracks.....right into my lap.

This is too much for me! I am the ugliest shade of jealous green right now. You saw Richard Chamberlain running on the beach AND found a Cartier brooch at the thrift store?!!! Just shoot me now!
This is too much for me! I am the ugliest shade of jealous green right now. You saw Richard Chamberlain running on the beach AND found a Cartier brooch at the thrift store?!!! Just shoot me now!

OMG, yes!
But he did look old. Handsome but old.
I wanted to chase him, but that would've been rude.
OMG, yes!
But he did look old. Handsome but old.
I wanted to chase him, but that would've been rude.

I would have chased him down! I’m sure that Richard would have forgiven me when I told him that he was my first ❤️!
I knew someday you would find a serious treasure lurking in one of the shops you frequent for less than the price of a candy bar (okay a “ Share” size but who shares them anyways?).

Anyways, This is amazing CARTIER, Woman you have outdone yourself. Congrats on such an amazing find!

It's funny how these things turn up.
These little treasures are often not at all what I'm currently hunting.
That's what makes thrift stores so much fun, you never know what you'll find!
That is exquisite! Wear it in good health - I don’t think I need to add “and with a smile”!
OMG, yes!
But he did look old. Handsome but old.
I wanted to chase him, but that would've been rude.

My RC story: loved him since I was a teen - Musketeers, Count of Monte Cristo, pretty much anything where he could twirl (faints) a cape.

2001 - my husband comes home from work, tells me over lunch he thinks RC is doing a book signing on campus. In less than a minute I find the location, leave the child with him (he was free, did not abandon her), and headed out. I had to stand at the back of the auditorium because I was late, but I was then able to be first in line for the signing. I managed to choke out a few fangirl sentences about how much he'd meant to me when I was growing up in the Back of Beyond. He was delightful and gracious.

Still got the book on my shelves, and the blu-ray of the Three and the Four Musketeers!
My RC story: loved him since I was a teen - Musketeers, Count of Monte Cristo, pretty much anything where he could twirl (faints) a cape.

2001 - my husband comes home from work, tells me over lunch he thinks RC is doing a book signing on campus. In less than a minute I find the location, leave the child with him (he was free, did not abandon her), and headed out. I had to stand at the back of the auditorium because I was late, but I was then able to be first in line for the signing. I managed to choke out a few fangirl sentences about how much he'd meant to me when I was growing up in the Back of Beyond. He was delightful and gracious.

Still got the book on my shelves, and the blu-ray of the Three and the Four Musketeers!

Well, after that I could have been beamed up to heaven and it wouldn’t have been any better that what you had just experienced here on earth, you lucky, lucky girl!
It looks fabulous with your pearls and black jacket. Also on your PJs, lol.
I’d love to sleuth back and find out when this was made, see photos from the ad campaign etc. would be fun to know! How does anyone even find such information? Wouldn’t Cartier have some type of library or archive?
I’d love to sleuth back and find out when this was made, see photos from the ad campaign etc. would be fun to know! How does anyone even find such information? Wouldn’t Cartier have some type of library or archive?

I was searching "vintage Cartier ads" and similar descriptions, hoping to stumble upon something.....apparently they are a very prolific company and they made thousands of designs over the years.
I still hope to find info about it soon.