
CIA scale for different metals and alloys

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Jun 5, 2007
Note: that should be CIE i think, I just started learning about this. ASMT, whatever.

Hey, I am trying to find the answer but I intend to finally finalize my deal tomorrow if possible. And as you will see I obviously don't know what I am talking about...

1) That is my first question--what is the CIA whiteness evaluation of Rhodium plating?

2) How about the 950 Palladium with various alloys?

3) 14 or 18k Gold/Palladium w/o rhodium?

4) 14-18k Gold/nickel w/o rhodium?

5) 950 platinum and iridium?

6) 950 platinum and other alloys?

Any of the numbers would be awesome, especially the one on rhodium!

My own personal reasons for asking though are that I am thinking of getting palladium and then having it coated in rhodium. Thus preventing any patina and overriding the slightly grayer color of palladium. I was also going to get Platinum prongs--so I guess I will have to have them plated as well? I am not sure how thick that would be, but with a .61 ct diamond in a four prong it would not be a thick enough coating of rhodium on the prongs to make the prongs any noticeably thicker to the human eye would it?
WHFSR, I snapped this for you some time ago but just downloaded my camera today.

I thought a graphic may be more useful than numbers. This is from 'The Metals Book' by Stuller (rep said ok to photo/post).

As nickel content in WG increases its color point moves toward the cluster of points for Pt alloys, but in order for it to get to that whiteness enough nickel would have to be added that the alloy would be unworkable and subject to fire cracking. That's why even Pd WG may be rhodium plated.

950 Pd is often alloyed with ruthenium and has the appearance of Pt950/Ru, or Pt-Ru on the chart.

You may have no more need for this, but perhaps still of interest?

Yea, I will def look over it. I already purchased my shank from knox, but def worth checking out. I was pretty surprised to see this thread back up at the top! My only question left now is whether to defeat one of the primary values of pd and get it rhodium plated for the simple sake that I think she would like the whiter color of the rhodium, even though it seems really silly to me, or to just give it to her as is and then get it rhodium plated if she wants it to be...

like it said, it almost defeats the purpose of getting pd if I do that, but I didn't feel that 14k gold was appropriate in the Japanese culture, so I don't think I had much choice with my shank selection.

Thanks for the response though. I will def be going through and hopefully remembering most of what is on that chart, and I am sure it will be able to help people out in the future!
I wouldn''t. That''s me though. You might see what she wants. I bet it''s going to be terrific as-is, and if she has any spark of desire for just a touch more whiteness (after she is done obsessing on the great bling & ring) you can always have it done later.
Date: 7/14/2007 9:25:29 PM
Author: JohnQuixote
WHFSR, I snapped this for you some time ago but just downloaded my camera today.

I thought a graphic may be more useful than numbers. This is from ''The Metals Book'' by Stuller (rep said ok to photo/post).

As nickel content in WG increases its color point moves toward the cluster of points for Pt alloys, but in order for it to get to that whiteness enough nickel would have to be added that the alloy would be unworkable and subject to fire cracking. That''s why even Pd WG may be rhodium plated.

950 Pd is often alloyed with ruthenium and has the appearance of Pt950/Ru, or Pt-Ru on the chart.

You may have no more need for this, but perhaps still of interest?
Well John, I really appreciated this.... of course the metal I''m using isn''t on there (900pt/ir) but I''ve heard it''s slightly harder and slightly whiter than 950. (*slightly* lol) and I might have it rhod plated anyway. If I can''t have creamy yellow then I want white white white because grey is just not my favorite color after these years in oregon LOL
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