
Cloth Diapers?

Ladies that CD, how many do I actually need? We plan to do prefolds and covers for her newborn moments, but will be doing pockets for when she can fit them. How many of each do I need? Also, how many inserts should I get? I want to make sure I have all my bases covered here :)
Wanted to bump this thread back up to the top because I'm thinking we're going to try cloth out with #2 (we used disposables with #1). After doing a good amount of research (including reading the majority of this thread) I think we're going to do pre-folds with covers for the first couple of months or so and then switch over to a combo of those and pockets once I'm back at work. I know the school where DD is accepts cloth, but I'm almost positive that they would not do prefolds. I guess it will be worth checking into though.

So, my question to the BTDT moms.... what are your favorite covers and / or pockets??
After trying EVERYTHING with DS, we pretty much streamlined our whole stash to just the following for #2 (due in Feb):

-applecheeks (we stuff with a prefold)
-bum genious elementals (AIO)
-sunbabies (we stuff with a prefold)
-ragababes AIO or two step
-green mountain prefolds
-a few thirsties covers
Brown eyes, we use cloth and love prefolds and covers. But at daycare we send pockets stuffed with prefolds since we have found the pocket inserts not absorbant enough. Our fave pockets are hands down bum genius and prefolds we love green mountain diapes. For covers we rock thirsties duo wraps - they are awesome. We also have some blueberry covers which are good too and a few smart snug pockets that we like.
Meg - thanks for the input. That is exactly the route we were going to take GMD prefolds with Thirsties duo wraps, and the Bumgenius pockets. It's good to know that they are roomy enough to stuff with prefolds.

Everything I read says to get a variety of brands, but I feel like if I get a quality brand, I should be ok getting a little stockpile going with just those. Has anyone done this and regretted it??
Bella - not sure how I missed your post. Thanks for sharing your stash! It looks like the green mountain prefolds are a favorite around here!
Has anyone used Charlie Bananas one size? Likes? Dislikes? Leaning toward starting my stash with these over the BG 4.0s. They look trimmer for a one size because of the way the rise is adjusted.
FYI-there are usually LOTS of great Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales on Cloth Diapers...I think Green Mountain Diapers has already started their sales...
CD mamas, I need help!

For a couple of months now I've been having leak issues. It's not that I need to strip (done it at least 5 times now), and it's not that the diaper is saturated. The problem seems to be with the PUL, it's like the shells are no longer waterproof. Has anybody come across this? What could have caused it. Anyway, we're in a situation now where we only use cloth at home, and switch to disposables to go out because the diaper will definitely leak onto clothes.
Hi Mayerling-Yes, the PUL can lose its waterproofness. How long have you been using the diapers and what brand are they?
The best tip I have heard is to run them through your dryer on high to remelt/reseal the waterproofing.

We are doing this now with some generic/china cheapie lil joeys we bought b/c they seem to have some leaking issues:-(
Thanks for the info, Bella! How long should they be in the dryer for?

They've been used for about 18 months now, and I have all sorts of brands and types but my shells are Flip, CB, HH, FB, Rumparooz, swaddlebees, and thirsties.
I would try 1 cycle on high heat.
Is it possible that a diaper could be so saturated that the shell becomes wet?
:-) I was just going to post about that b/c E is a super pee-er. Sometimes I think a super soaked diaper can wick moisture through the fabric trim on the cover and make the soft out part of the PUL damp/wet, at least for our thirsties covers that seems to be true.
Yup, definitely possible. Ethan did this around 24 months. I had to use double hemp + 1 small microfiber insert in his overnight diapers. Now we switched to disposable pull ups since he's potty training.

We decided to retire the cloth diapers since Ethan was making the step to underwear. He still has accidents, but it's not much different than when we did cloth diapers. Well, actually poop in the underwear is easier to clean because we can usually tell almost immediately, and it's not smushed on him by a snugly secure diaper.
Bumping for Aviastar and anyone else considering or planning to CD!

We will cd again and are completely stocked up on cds (thanks especially to a good friend from here and tons from my daughter.) I'm sure a lot has changed in terms of what is trendy these days. Will probably get more one sizes as we reach that point, but for now, I am still researching everything else, so not planning to add to the cd collection any time soon.
Ooh, thanks LV! I'm in deep research mode right many options!
welcome to the crazy world of cloth diapers aviastar:-)

FYI, for anyone who is interested I am selling off our stash as E is starting daycare and part-time cloth diapering doesn't work very well for us in the city.

I have our carefully curated and excellent condition stash (DH is a diaper washing genius!), namely BumGenius Original Organic Elementals (OBGE) my absolute favorite all in ones, Applecheeks size 2 envelope covers, and a bunch of misc. Sun babies covers, prefolds, inserts, doublers, cloth wipes, motherease, etc. if anyone is interested let me know and I will post on Loupetroop so we can start a conversation.
We are mostly leaning towards flats and wool. I've been doing a lot of reading and the biggest thing I've picked up on is that you shouldn't be afraid of flats or wool; and since they have a rep for easy washing, and are very economical we're going to go for it I think.

We really love the idea of all natural fibers, no need for stripping like with synthetics, regular detergents, easy washing. We have plenty of space to line dry on sunny days for some sun bleaching.

At the moment, I'm thinking 36 flats- mix of GMD cotton- maybe two sizes- and some bamboo rayons, and two Babee Greens wool covers for daytime and two Disana pull ons for nighttime. The flats can be used as babies grow and the covers have a large range of weights. If newborn fit is tough then we will use disposables until baby plumps up a bit.

I've been watching fold tutorials on YouTube; anyone tried flats and loved/hated them?
We're planning to cloth diaper as well. I plan on using a mix of flats/prefolds/covers and some pockets. I have a couple AIOs as well. I've been stalking some wool covers on Etsy, but they're sized and I want to wait and see how big she is before I commit given that the cost is quite a bit more than the covers I've purchased thus far. I have Alva's, Assunta and a Flip. I've also got a couple Fuzzibunz coming as well.
Thanks for the link! We're seriously considering wool, too!
I'm hoping to CD as well, looking to use the bum genius Freetime. They just seem the least complicated and DH friendly. Anyone use these?
We had several. I liked them, and they were my DH's favorites.
Bella_mezzo|1434682068|3891148 said:
We had several. I liked them, and they were my DH's favorites.

Glad to hear that! I plan on buying 24 and they will only be used half of the day and weekends since my Mom is watching during the day and is adamant about using disposables. Can't argue with the woman providing free day care. Does this sound sufficient? I was also reading that sometimes people like to put extra in there for overnight, do you have any specific suggestions for what to use? Thanks!
We liked the thirsties doublers (but didn't need to use them until about 5 or 6 months) and once he started eating solids we also used a diaper liner that we could throw away with the poop in it (helps to prevent staining and made washing in our NYC laundry room a little easier).
Bella_mezzo|1434809288|3891717 said:
We liked the thirsties doublers (but didn't need to use them until about 5 or 6 months) and once he started eating solids we also used a diaper liner that we could throw away with the poop in it (helps to prevent staining and made washing in our NYC laundry room a little easier).

Thank you! We went to buy buy baby today and they actually have the Freetime in the store. DH was with me and was able to check them out and he seemed happy enough. I showed him the liners too they were right above the diapers and I was able to explain about just peeling off the poo. He got a kick out of the diaper sprayer but I don't think we'll use one. I live in NY as well, long island but an apartment and we only have a mini washer. We'll be using it daily lol.
One of the things I find so intriguing about cloth is what works for some people and what works for others. It's infinitely adaptable!

We are in the opposite situation as Asscher and Bella- we live in the country, with a septic system, and a full sized washer and dryer and plenty of sunshiney clothes lines. So we'll be getting two diaper sprayers, and using them, cause we can't use anything flushable with the septic.

And one of the big reasons we're trying cloth to begin with- rural trash pickup! Mine only comes every two weeks- can you imagine storing two weeks worth of dirty diapers in a shed? The smell, the animals...what a nightmare!

But we will be able to do laundry in our own machines whenever we want, line dry when it's sunny, etc.

We're very interested in only using completely natural does anyone feel about bamboo? It's a natural fiber, but the processing to create the bamboo rayon is a little murky. How about hemp? Any thoughts?
I couldn't imagine trash pickup only once every two weeks! We get ours picked up twice a week!
My family lives in the country with NO trash pick up. They have to take theirs to the local dump!