
Cobalt Blue Spinel

Jan 20, 2012
Hello friends,

I've been on a real tear lately with my gemstone buying, which is sort of inconvenient when you're trying to responsibly maintain your first home. :roll2: But none of my recent purchases were terribly high. This one was up there a little. With any luck, I will hate the stone when it arrives. (But I secretly hope to love it.)

Anyway, I bought it from a gentleman in VN. He was born, raised, and still lives in Luc Yen. Can you imagine? I would have my little plastic beach shovel and pail out there every day hoping for a score. :cool2:

The gem is 2.61ct. with (according to the seller) medium-dark tone (6) and vivid saturation (6). Clearly, at this size, it's not going to be the neon variety. He showed me one that was 5ct. and almost a half million dollars. :oops2: But if the color is similar to the melee suite I have from Yvonne, I'll be pleased. As you can see, he has a low-relief feather, which the seller says you really have to look for at eye level. We shall see if I can tolerate it... it's so difficult to find clean stones in this material. He has a decent native cut though, so I'm happy there. It comes with a new GIA cert.

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