
Coffee Loophole for weight loss


Dec 20, 2012
What’s with the internet talking about coffee loopholes that cause weight loss?
Want you to watch a video, then still no info.
Does anyone have the formula, if there is one….
Scam pushed by the same scumbags behind the quit your yyy medication for zzzzzz just pay us and we will tell you.
I know of someone who their gullible mom went from diabetes under control to sever kidney damage by following their garbage.
Yep, scam.

Ask your doctor about losing weight.
Anything advertised is almost certainly a scam.

Good luck.
Looking at it

It doesn't sound like a great idea. It sounds like it would make you potentially lose sleep, and kind of jittery (and stress and cortisol both trigger hunger -- even if you short term lost weight it could rebound on you. If you're not getting enough sleep or have any form of increased anxhiety from the regime youll be unlikely to control your weight long term.).

Some of the supplements theyre recommending might be ok though.
I don' t know about the additives they put in the coffee that supposedly help weight loss (chromium, green tea extract, capsaicin, and L-carnitine) but of course the caffeine in coffee is an appetite suppressant by itself. And drinking coffee, or any other liquid, also eases hunger pangs just by filling your stomach. That could help control weight if the liquid itself didn't have any calories. Water would do the same thing.

I drink two to four cups of coffee without cream or sugar per day, and I'm pretty sure I'd put on a few pounds if I stopped. So I think it does make some difference in weight but it's nothing new and miraculous lol. Also, it can/does have side effects like jitteriness or sleep disruption. For me it's more like a bad habit or mild addiction.
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I don' t know about the additives they add to the coffee that supposedly help weight loss (chromium, green tea extract, capsaicin, and L-carnitine) but it's not rocket science that coffee is an appetite suppressant or that drinking coffee- or any other liquid- eases hunger pangs, simply because it fills your stomach.

I drink about two to four cups of coffee without cream or sugar per day, and I'm pretty sure I'd put on a few pounds if I stopped. Meh.

We also know that side effects and danger outweighs any positive effect at high levels.
I know 4+ people that ended up in the ER from the big caffeine diet pill fad of the 80s.
One had a heart attack at 25ish.
We also know that side effects and danger outweighs any positive effect at high levels.
I know 4+ people that ended up in the ER from the big caffeine diet pill fad of the 80s.
One had a heart attack at 25ish.

Yikes! I recall those "No-Doz" tablets when I was a student and needed to stay up all night to study for exams because I was too silly to just pace my activities in the first place. We don't always think of caffeine as a drug but it is. It can be dangerous and it's also addictive. That's why I still want my coffee, even at night though I know it causes or at least contributes to my insomnia. I don't do it for weight loss though, it's just a longstanding bad habit that I have.

It's definitely true that loony "cures" can be far worse than the original problems.
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I lost 50 pounds over 10 months.
All I did was just sit on my f@t @ss and drink a cup of coffee a day.

... Oh, I was on Ozempic too.
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My deepest apologies to @ss.

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We also know that side effects and danger outweighs any positive effect at high levels.
I know 4+ people that ended up in the ER from the big caffeine diet pill fad of the 80s.
One had a heart attack at 25ish.

So true Karl that caffeine can make a heart irritable. That's really sad about your young friend who experienced a heart attack. I was put on a beta blocker (I have a minor heart valve issue) because I kept experiencing a fast an irregular heart rate. Stopped drinking so much coffee and was able to get off the medication.
Caffeine makes some people skinny, but it works in metabolism as well as on the nervous system and the heart rate etc. Being jittery all the time means you burn more calories.

Coffee and donuts go together--can't see any weight loss angle here......:devil: And those caramel chocolate machiatofrappies can't possibly decrease blood sugar and promote weight loss even if you have a double shot of coffee....
