
Color Pendant Design Ideas

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Scott Terence

May 27, 2004
Hi Everyone,

So I have been sitting on two real pretty colored stones and just not sure of how to set them.

First up is a medium-light violetish blue round brilliant sapphire

7.00mm diameter (1.16cts)

and an oval portuguese-cut spinel I have shown a few times before

8.00 X 10.40 X 4.70 mm (2.89cts)

I was thinking a pendant with white and rose gold in a brushed/satin finish to match my tension set diamond ring. After careful observation of the oval it appears to catch the light better in an east-west orientation (not nearly as nice in the north-south
). IEnclosed is the ring I want to match, pics of the stones (stones are prettier in person...) and a version of the design I was thinking.

I hope that some creative and kind souls can help me out with this, since it is driving me crazy to just carry the things around in tweezers at home and not enjoying them outdoors

the ring i want to match

hand pic

design that I was kicking around. Thank you for any and all help that comes this way

Hi Scott

I''d be worried about the security of the stones in the design you have provided. One of the jewellers here should be able to comment on that.

I like the idea of the 2 colours combined in a pendant. Have you thought about a bezel setting that matches the style of your ring? You could have the white gold next to the blue stone and the rose gold on the outer part of the bezel and the reverse for the pink stone ie rose gold next to the stone and white gold on the outer.

Just an idea for you. Have fun with your gems!
Hi Camellia,

That design is just the frontal image. I was thinking of an unobtrusive bezel as you mentioned, like the one in this design from Images Jewelers

What do you think with those settings ebedded in the X of the pendant?

Best regards,

Scott - I''ve got pencil and paper out to draw your design to proportion to get a better idea. Would you have the stones sitting on top of the X or between it to give the appearance of a tension setting?

PM me if you want to chat via email.
Here is another better pic of the stones, without a flash this time... maybe this can inspire more designs?


I''ve got some pictures that might inspire you. Here''s the first one:

multi gem and pearl pendant 36_128.jpg

Another one for ideas. I think the bale on this one would look good with your stones.

jan logan multi pearl pendant.jpg
Scott, is this pendant for you? If it is how about bezel setting the stones in a dog tag? Found a pendant like your x design just so you can see it. With out prongs how are the gems going to be secure in the X pendant design?

Feel free to call me a bitch !

... now, seriously, how about those tension set pendants (one stone in each)like Weggermann or Gelin & Abacci make ? One particularly intricate pieceshown at AGTA carrie several tension set several 'links' each carrying a different precious stone, assembled as a chain (=bracelet). The designs are relatively boyish to begin with.

I can't remember any done in Ti, but perhaps it is high tme that someone started

Your schetch reminded me strongly of a certain piece - not simple at all, really. This is one of the award winning designs on Garry's website:


The original caption reads: 'JAA Gold Design Award, by Doug Sutherland,
A chequer board pattern of 18ct Pink and White Gold,
featuring an exquisite Argyle Pink Diamond
Good one Valeria
That got me laughing pretty hard...

Now I am intrigued by the tension settings linked together, though I am not exactly "seeing" what you are alluding to. Do you have a picture for reference?


Hi Camellia,

That boxlike bale is very nice. I like the simple and archetechtural appearance of it... maybe that part can be brushed/satin finished in a white metal with a rose gold inlay for a unified appearance with the ring...

Thanks and keep the ideas rolling in :)

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the X pendant pic, that was how I was envisioning the bale part to work on the first design. The proposed method to keep the stones in that design were to build a basket/bezel where there would be an elogated prong or two as depected in the emerald/RB diamond pendant I posted.

As for the dogtag, that also has some nice potential for embedding the pair of stone in it. My only concern is that if made with gold, that the piece will be so heavy (and expensive) that it might be more than I am looking for. Thanks for the contribution.


Yeah I was recently inspired by the metal work that Garry posted on a similar piece, the interleaving of the metal to make a seamless design is very attractive. This is probably the matching ring for the piece you posted.


Date: 7/23/2005 7:49:21 PM
Author: Scott 00

Now I am intrigued by the tension settings linked together, though I am not exactly ''seeing'' what you are alluding to. Do you have a picture for reference?
Can''t find it right away, but for now...

this comes from one of the AGTA Spectrum lists. It could be worked on... The blue stone would go on the side.

Hi Val,

I like the industrial look of that piece, very much in the look I am going for, even down to the black cord. I think that the prongs on this might go well... or even better "elongated half pipe channels" in the metal coming from the edge of the metal, meeting the stone as prongs. I hope that description isnt too confusing. It would look cool if the metal that makes the prongs would lead away from the stone like a waterway or something.


Date: 7/23/2005 7:49:21 PM
Author: Scott 00

Now I am intrigued by the tension settings linked together, though I am not exactly 'seeing' what you are alluding to. Do you have a picture for reference?



This is by Kretchner and the picture comes from a totally random webpage about tension settings (this) I had no idea of before. These tension set links (also necklaces) must have caught my attention in some jewelry journal some time ago. I like the style as well although it is a bit daring to be practical for my scholarly whereabouts.

With two stones in the works, your version could easily be three links of different shapes (and they do not even need to be tension set after all) linked to black Ti cord...

You might want to take a look at Bunz for some pendats half way between the four prong you posted (they have a wonderful version) and tension - which they also make.
Quite an intriguing design Val, never quite saw anything of that nature before
I think that I might be concerned about the links rotating and potentially knocking the stones (aka lateral pressure which might chip the already stressed girdle).

I just saw the Bunz website, now those were some JAW DROPPING designs! I will try to engineer those NSEW prongs into the design, they are very striking and unusual.

I appreciate all the kind help that everyone has contributed so far... it was a tall order, two colors, two shapes, pendant for a guy. But if *anyone* could do it, I figured the international jewel crew that is Pricescope could help to point me in the right direction!

Best regards,

and here are two more pics in morning daylight in a position that they will experience while set... I think that once the design is finalized they ought to perform well outside

Date: 7/25/2005 9:22:06 AM
Author: Scott 00

....I think that I might be concerned about the links rotating and potentially knocking the stones (aka lateral pressure which might chip the already stressed girdle).
This would be a problem, but the way the links are hinged together can prevent it - unless the resulting design complexity does not soun dounting. Actually, the four prong design you found looks great and I would likely favor something of the sort as well.

Thank you for the last set of pictures ! They are wonderful, and certainly make for some design incentive.

Best of luck with the project !
So I was so drawn to the simplicity and industrial, understated design of the Bunz pieces, I managed to put these together. I was thinking of having each stone set as the picture below indicates and to have an optional linkage between the two so they can be worn individually or as a set depending on the occassion. What do y''all think about this one?


oh and thanks to watching Val''s amazing photoshop skills, I am venturing to try my hand at it too...


Date: 7/25/2005 11:38:43 AM
Author: Pricescope
Two bezels - one tube
Leonid !!! You must be a mind reader ...

I would definitely wear this
Now Val, hands off, it''s for men only
Date: 7/25/2005 11:13:28 AM
Author: Scott 00
So I was so drawn to the simplicity and industrial, understated design of the Bunz pieces, I managed to put these together. I was thinking of having each stone set as the picture below indicates and to have an optional linkage between the two so they can be worn individually or as a set depending on the occassion. What do y''all think about this one?


oh and thanks to watching Val''s amazing photoshop skills, I am venturing to try my hand at it too...



I love that piece Scott. Imagine if you could have a stylish bale on each stone so that you could invert the pendant depending on mood?

Here''s another ''industrial'' design. It''s not suitable for your stones but it''s worth looking at. This is the site:


henrich&denzel pendant Bild6.jpg
Thanks Leonid and Camellia!

It truly is amazing how many unique design types people have thought up over the years... A theme I am noticing is that a brushed/satin finish is a must, coupled with some black cord (be it rubber or black Ti). As for the versatility of the design, it occurred to me that if the two individual settings for the stones in the design I photohopped have dual bales, in fact the piece will have a high amount of configurability...

can be worn singley (in two orientations, which might actually be interesting because the pink spinel has a white crystal inclusion that might show up better one way vs the other)

can be worn as blue on top of pink or pink on top of blue

and if other stones come my way, they can be set similarly and thrown into the mix and match game (thinking about grossularite mint green garnet

This has been a great learning experience and I thank all participants deeply for sharing of their time and thoughts, it is most certainly appreciated.

Here is the type of mint green stone I might be shooting for in the future, though I think that if I can find a princess cut one or radiant cut stone that the color and shape combination will add a new twist to the sleek design.

Best regards,

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