
Color pref: pinks/purples or blues/greens?

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Jul 27, 2005
Just curious, do you gravitate towards reds, pinks, and purples....or the cooler shades like blues and greens? I''m thinking of this in terms of clothing preferences, but which way do you lean in general?

Personally, I''m a blue-green kinda girl.
I''m usually going toward blues/greens, but I do also like light pinks, purples. I love red! But I can''t wear a lot of it. Oh! and I also die for an eggplant purple
but ya, my staples are blues and greens. hehe!
I''m definitely more the cooler colors person...lots of blues/greens/turquoise. I like pink and lavender too...but the ones on the cool side of those colors. I don''t much like red, orange, or yellow. Funny thing is my house is decorated to my preference for cooler colors. My mom is the exact opposite. Her house and clothes are mostly reds. My grandmother (mom''s mom) is all cool tones like me. My son likes the warmer tones like my mom. Wonder if it skips generations or something?
I definitely gravitate towards blues. My house has a lot of blue in it. But I am a pink lover too. The one color I don''t like to wear is red.
I'm a total pink/purple girl! I've loved purple since I was a little girl. I have always liked pink too but it seems to have made a big "comeback" in the past few years as far as clothing is concerned. When I'm in a store, I'll always gravitate towards the pink or purple clothing and I like the whole range from light/pale shades to deep/vibrant hues. I try not to overdo the hot pink though!
I gravitate to one color: BLACK

And it makes me so mad that I do that! But I do love pale pink, and reds

Just this morning I bought a cream lightweight dress coat and a burnt orane sweater.

The sweater is for the Univ. of Texas game this weekend. Hook ''em horns!!
its funny because for decor i love greens and blues, both are soothing colors and i like to feel comforted and soothed in the home environment. but we also use a ton of neutrals in decor too so that i can accent with blues and greens. i love the idea of red in decor but so far have not been brave enough to use it.

for clothing i tend to gravitate towards neutrals mostly, but i also have a fair amount of blue as well. i think i'd say blue is my fave color overall, like a soft blue with a touch of gray or sometimes lavendar. my car is blue, i have jeans and a pale blue & white threaded sweater on today, and i want the blue india b-bag, what more to say? hahaa. i do have some colors in my closet but mostly it's blues and neutrals like browns, tans, creams, and blacks.

i like pink and it looks nice with my skin tone but i'm not a super pink gal...though i do have the new soft pink katana and 2 soft pink sweaters in my wardrobe. but pink is better used sparingly in my opinion, while blue seems like it's more versatile for things like decor and wardrobe and everything!!
Right now I am leaning toward all shades of greens. I kind of go through phases of colors.
I am definitely a blue/green kinda gal!
I like both color families, actually..but I absolutely do not like pink clothing. Pink diamonds? Pink flowers? wonderful Pink clothes, my friend''s pink carpet? No thanks.
I like lots of colors...blues and greens, also neutrals, and warm tones too, with the exception of bright orange or yellow or fire engine red. I also love black. Do not like white white, or colors that are too muddy or greyed, since being blonde with blue eyes they tend to wash me out.
... brown. I like brown. And after that Greens and Orangy-pinks.. but usually not together.

What? I''ve got a weird skin tone, ok?
I like cool greens/yellows/blues/purples for my home, but when it comes to my wardrobe I always lean towards warmer reds/oranges/earth tones... I guess you could say I like being in a "peaceful" environment, sort of nature-inspired, but I tend to dress in warmer, punchier colors because they compliment my skin tone. Although I will contradict myself and say that I LOVE the deep purply-black nail polishes this season and have slightly adjusted my shopping to include some browns and deeper, cooler tones that go well with the nail polishes I''ve purchased thanks to PS enablers on the fave nail polishes thread, hee hee.
All this color talk makes me think of bbags again... pink, blue, green, purple... Sigh, that's all I think about these days.

But to answer the question, I'm more of a blue/green girl. I like looking at pink stuff, but I don't think it's a great color on me. Lately, I've been gravitating towards brown.

Haha, I just noticed Mara also mentioned bbags. That's all she thinks about lately too!
I''m a blue/green gal with a ton of neutrals too. I went to J crew earlier this week and wanted to try on a fushia sweater I saw in the catalog. It looked so cute on the model and thought well I''ll try it. I put it on and did not like the brightness of it at all. I ended up buying a navy hooded sweater instead..I have a lot of brown and black but I''m really wanting more grey and blue this year.
For home decor I always want to incorporate blues/greens and then I end up with things in the red family.
I've been thinking lately about switching out the coral based oriental rug in the living room and the coral curtains with something in the light blue/aqua range but we paid so da*m much for that rug that it would kill me to have it rolled up and not on the floor! (Unfortunately when we bought our rugs we lived in a giant open loft space with all hardwood floors and now we have more traditional space with some areas carpeted, so we don't even get to use all the rugs we have as it is.)

I also prefer blues/greens for clothing but in looking at my closet last night things seem to be pretty balanced between the blues/greens and the red family. I know I look good in green because it brings out my eyes so I don't know why I don't know why I don't have more of it (???). Hmmmm... I can feel another shopping mission coming on...
I gravitate towards blues/greens but also love pink/purples. I know it sounds crazy but since I wear jeans every day, the pockets are mostly blue embroidery (Paiges) or blue/pink (Rock & Republics). My bedding is a nice soothing medium blue color.

However, I do love the india blue bbag at that Mara is lusting after!
Date: 11/2/2006 5:51:34 PM
Author: luckyhonu
I gravitate towards blues/greens but also love pink/purples. I know it sounds crazy but since I wear jeans every day, the pockets are mostly blue embroidery (Paiges) or blue/pink (Rock & Republics). My bedding is a nice soothing medium blue color.

However, I do love the india blue bbag at that Mara is lusting after!
LOL LH...Carebear was just saying the other day ''I wonder if LuckyHonu is going to turn into a B-Bag lover too...!''..hahaha. Mwahahaa come over to the dark side!!! Well...come over to the blue side. You''re already on the ''dark'' (black) side!
Strange. I would say that blue is my favorite colour... but do I own any blue clothes? No. Even though I''m technically a brunette, I have family members on both sides that are redheads and have a lot of red in my hair. I''ve also pulled off red hair and fooled people... because my colouring matches that of a redhead.

Looking in my closet, it''s blacks (lots!), golds, neutral greens, reds, burnt oranges, grays, browns... all colours good for redheads!
I never noticed that before! I love bright, vibrant colours but rarely wear (and thus buy) them... I have a slate-blue sweater, but that has a gray-green undertone to it.

When it comes to decor or shoes, I''m all about red. Le drool.

Then again, I love shoes, period. Especially ones in great colours.

But I detest pink!
I don''t mind purples, and some shades look good on me, but mostly I just coo over the purple shade and then move on to something I''ll actually wear.
Finally - someone who leans my way Gala!

I detest pink. The only thing I own that's blue is denim. I wear fall colors - period. Olive, gold, brown, camel, copper, rust, army green, yellow, burgundy, plum...must be my auburn influenced hair color and golden brown eyes.

Oh, and I own five different pairs of red shoes
For clothing, I gravitate towards deep reds, burgundy, and eggplant purple. Black too. Not so much a pink gal. I love blues and greens but I don''t look as good in them, so I go for them in non-clothing purchases.
I''m a blue/green type, too. I''m toying with green paint in the kitchen, but, I may be too big of a chicken. I do have quite a few pink/red shirts along with a lot of blue/green and brown and black and cream and white and gray and tans...This morning DH and I were in the closet and he said, "Man, you have a lot of clothes for a stay at home mom." I said, "Yeah, and I don''t even have the winter stuff out yet."
Well I love blues and greens for my home. Most of my rooms are painted either pale blue or green or beige. Mostly colors found in nature are colors that I want to be surrounded by at home.
I have found that I like most colors to wear except pink which looks horrible on me. Espeically the bright fuscia or puple colors look really bad. They make my slightly olive skin look sickly. I love greens and browns especially. Also burnt orange or that salmon-peachy color are nice.
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