
Cookie Diet?

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Jan 29, 2007
I keep reading about the cookie diet, where you eat cookies for breakfast & lunch & then a small dinner. Have any of you tried it? Seen results?
Cookie diet? Seriously? I guess theoretically it would work if you consume fewer calories than you did before, but it certainly doesn''t sound healthy! It sounds like a new version of the gummy bear diet. Thumbs down on that one...
Hehe. I wish.

I''m a firm believer of smaller portions throughout the day (a healthy mix of all food groups that is), and exercise! There really is only one way to do it!

And no, I''ve never read about the cookie diet!
I saw something about it...can''t remember where but I think there are breakfast cookies with oatmeal, etc. Kind of like power bars I think, but in the shape of a cookie. I don''t think they were just like chocolate chip cookies. Still think it doesn''t sound healthy and something you could do for a long time.
The commercials are all over TV right now. If you''ve been wondering why the airwaves are filled with Shamwow! and HairBumpits and Pedeggs -- its because commercial time is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP right now cuz no one is buying it. Same with that ridiculous "I Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar" commerical for the cookie diet plan. Its everywhere. And sooooo annoying. Do I think it works? LOL no.
Date: 1/16/2009 5:43:23 PM
Author: decodelighted
The commercials are all over TV right now. If you''ve been wondering why the airwaves are filled with Shamwow! and HairBumpits and Pedeggs -- its because commercial time is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP right now cuz no one is buying it. Same with that ridiculous ''I Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar'' commerical for the cookie diet plan. Its everywhere. And sooooo annoying. Do I think it works? LOL no.
Hey! Don''t forget the SNUGGIE!

Any of that crap...cookie diet, soup diet, gummy bear diet, special k diet, they all just limit the calories. I could eat chocolate cake for breakfast lunch and dinner and still lose weight but I wouldn''t be very healthy.

Balance nutrition in smaller portion is the only thing that works. Hence the reason that Weight Watchers and such plans work so well.
Maybe I should be more specific - it''s called Dr. Siegal''s Cookie Diet - it''s a diet food plan developed by a doctor, so you have to buy his oatmeal cookies. They are specially formulated, more like a power bar than a keebler cookie. I have an acquaintance who said that she lost about 20 lbs. on it, but I wanted to hear from more people to see if it really works. I think it costs about $50 per week to but the cookies, so I wanted to hear more about it before trying it.

Just so you guys know, i work out 1 hour a day, 6 days a week, but I gained a few pounds last year (I have Hashimoto''s Disease, so unless I''m on a perpetual diet & work out like crazy, I gain weight). At 5''9", I still fit into my size 8 jeans, but they''re getting a little snug. I just want to lost about 10 pounds, and I thought maybe a month on this meal-restriction plan would help me break my plateau.

Here''s the info so you know what I''m talking about:
Date: 1/16/2009 7:19:29 PM
Author: vespergirl
Maybe I should be more specific - it's called Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet - it's a diet food plan developed by a doctor, so you have to buy his oatmeal cookies. They are specially formulated, more like a power bar than a keebler cookie. I have an acquaintance who said that she lost about 20 lbs. on it, but I wanted to hear from more people to see if it really works. I think it costs about $50 per week to but the cookies, so I wanted to hear more about it before trying it.

Just so you guys know, i work out 1 hour a day, 6 days a week, but I gained a few pounds last year (I have Hashimoto's Disease, so unless I'm on a perpetual diet & work out like crazy, I gain weight). At 5'9', I still fit into my size 8 jeans, but they're getting a little snug. I just want to lost about 10 pounds, and I thought maybe a month on this meal-restriction plan would help me break my plateau.

Here's the info so you know what I'm talking about:
I think I would get bored of eating cookies all the time; I do weight watchers and it is a great plan and completely doable for every lifestyle. Yes you can have cookies on Weight watchers but they teach you tools for healthy weight loss or even check out for something similar and free. I think with cookie diets/ soup diet etc, those sorts of diets people do lose weight but they don't learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and after all the cookies can't do it forever and then gain the weight back. Hopefully if they are successful and keep the weight off but what happens after they lose the weight? Do you still eat cookies? Sorry, i hope I don't sound negative but there are many doctors who put out diets but they aren't the healthiest diets out there for maintaining weight loss and keeping it off. Vespergirl, I do wish you the best and you should join our healthy lifestyle thread where we support each other in healthy eating, etc.
Hey vesper... I am hypothyroid so I completely understand. I should have stated before that I have heard all about this diet. It will probably work but will still most likely be a short term fix unless you eat these cookies forever. Every nutritionist I''ve worked with has pretty much said the same things. Work into your diet what you like, watch your portions, balance your meals and don''t deprive yourself. Honestly, it works. I still understand what it is like not to see the scale move. I am extreamly active and if I don''t maintain my activity level I to will gain weight. Its what sucks about thyroid disorders. We have to work so much harder. Are you on Synthroid?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I work in the medical field and there are a ton of docs that I would never take diet advice from. Some I would. This diet will probably work but what I would ask myself is can I do this forever?
i just wanted to say that i actually gave in and got a pedegg and i LOVE it lol
ok that''s all
back to your regularly programmed thread
Vesper-unfortunately there are no quick fixes or easy way outs when it comes to dieting. There are also a lot of idiot doctors. As many of us has said, you could lose weight eating ANYTHING for breakfast and lunch with a small dinner as long as you were eating fewer calories than before and lose weight.

So I *personally* would not pay for gross looking cookies. I''d just eat more sensibly all the way around. As Skippy said you''ll lose some weight but unless you make a total lifestyle change it''ll come back.
Date: 1/17/2009 1:25:49 AM
Author: Smurfysmiles
i just wanted to say that i actually gave in and got a pedegg and i LOVE it lol
ok that''s all
back to your regularly programmed thread
I need that thing. My feet are so dry right now.
Um, I''ve been on the cookie diet for YEARS now and I can tell you that it does NOT work.
Seriously, I let my students get out of tardy offenses if they bring me one of those giant, delicious, moist chocolate chip cookies from the cafeteria. And they do. Often.

Seriously, though, I''ve never heard of this diet before, but I''m intrigued. I''m not much of a dieter, in general, but I''ve had some success going on strict diets in the past just to get my weight loss jump started, and then I''m motivated enough after some time to do my own healthy cooking. (Two summers ago I had some incredible success on Bill Phillips''s Body for Life plan, for example.) And I love cookies. LOVE them.

Are you going to try it, Vesper?
Date: 1/16/2009 7:00:06 PM
Author: emeraldlover1
Date: 1/16/2009 5:43:23 PM

Author: decodelighted

The commercials are all over TV right now. If you''ve been wondering why the airwaves are filled with Shamwow! and HairBumpits and Pedeggs -- its because commercial time is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP right now cuz no one is buying it. Same with that ridiculous ''I Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar'' commerical for the cookie diet plan. Its everywhere. And sooooo annoying. Do I think it works? LOL no.

Hey! Don''t forget the SNUGGIE!

Any of that crap...cookie diet, soup diet, gummy bear diet, special k diet, they all just limit the calories. I could eat chocolate cake for breakfast lunch and dinner and still lose weight but I wouldn''t be very healthy.

Balance nutrition in smaller portion is the only thing that works. Hence the reason that Weight Watchers and such plans work so well.

LOL. Snuggie...too funny! The conversations that commercial has started!
Hi guys, I really appreciate all your feedback - thanks for weighing in.

Skippy, I think you are right, and you are not the first person who''s told me that they love WW - I should really check it out. I am actually a really healthy eater now, and I love to cook, so I make all my own meals at home, and I already watch my fat and calories. It''s just that now that I''m in my 30s, post-baby, with a thyroid disorder, doing what I''ve been doing hasn''t been working as well as it used to, so I''ve been exploring different avenues. However, I think that you''re right about getting bored eating cookies all the time (sounds impossible, but I know it would happen)
I think that just cutting back my portions would work better - still eat the healthy things I like, just less.

EmeraldLover, thanks for asking about the thyroid - I have been on Levoxyl for about 20 years (I was diagnosed with Hashimoto''s when I was 12) and currently take 150 mcg. I just had my levels checked as well, so I think everything is being managed - just as you said, it''s so much harder for us to lose weight - even maintaining is a struggle
I never let my weight get above a certain level (as long as I still fit in my size 8 clothes, I''m happy) but it used to be so much easier to drop 5-10 lbs. (sigh)

I also wanted to mention that I would really like a SNUGGIE. I kept telling my husband that I wanted it for Xmas, but I guess he thought I was joking, becuse it never showed up under the tree
I want a snuggie too! I get waaay cold on my hands and feet and told hubby I would wear it to bed and he said no way!
Only if I can eat my own homemade cookies and that of course would be a disaster for me.

All kidding and wishing aside, we all must find our own plan that works. I think I''d get sick of eating them all the time. Also, it makes it harder to deal with every day eating. I wish you luck in whatever you decide.
I tried the cookie diet for about 6 months. You can lose weight very fast on the diet, but when I couldn''t keep up the cost of the cookies and the weekly doctors visits (this diet should be monitored by a dr.), I gained all of the weight back plus some (I lost about 60lbs). I think by eating so much less that you should, it messes with your metabolism. Plus since I was so deprived for 6 months, I think I over did when I went off of the diet, which was totally not my intention. I kept justifying to myself, all I ate for 6 months was nasty cookies (the cookies do not taste good) and salad and chicken, so surely I deserve some pizza, or nachos, or whatever. Now I''m having to undo the damage and I''ve chosen weight watchers, which is much more of a realistic plan. The diet works, but I''m not sure I would recommend it, unless you were doing it for a short amount of time and knew for sure you could maintain your results.
Date: 1/19/2009 8:10:38 AM
Author: goodfun7580
I tried the cookie diet for about 6 months. You can lose weight very fast on the diet, but when I couldn''t keep up the cost of the cookies and the weekly doctors visits (this diet should be monitored by a dr.), I gained all of the weight back plus some (I lost about 60lbs). I think by eating so much less that you should, it messes with your metabolism. Plus since I was so deprived for 6 months, I think I over did when I went off of the diet, which was totally not my intention. I kept justifying to myself, all I ate for 6 months was nasty cookies (the cookies do not taste good) and salad and chicken, so surely I deserve some pizza, or nachos, or whatever. Now I''m having to undo the damage and I''ve chosen weight watchers, which is much more of a realistic plan. The diet works, but I''m not sure I would recommend it, unless you were doing it for a short amount of time and knew for sure you could maintain your results.
Thanks for your reply, goodfun. I guess that I''m worried about being able to stick to the cookie diet. Since I love to cook, I may get bored eating packaged foods and then just boring salad w/grilled chicken. Maybe I do really need to check out WW.

I think that I''m going to try just a regular calorie restriction diet for the next few months, but if the extra weight isn''t off by this summer, I may try a month of the cookie diet just to see if I can break my plateau.

It''s weird, because after I had my baby, I was able to lost all of the baby weight with little effort in only 7 months. It seems like it''s easier to lost a large amount of extra weight, but it''s these stubborn last 10 pounds that don''t want to go away. I smoked for years, and I gained 10 pounds when I quit, and now it seems like I''m stuck with them for life. My husband told me that he would rather have me be healthy & non-smoking than 10 lbs thinner, but it''s hard to accept that I may never be a small size 6 again

It''s funny because whenever you see the celebs so skinny (like Jennifer Aniston) or read books like French Women Don''t Get Fat, what they don''t tell you is that those women are generally smoking a pack a day (most of Hollywood, nearly everyone in Europe). In my opinion, it''s no coincidence that once there was a real push in this country to eliminate cigarette smoking, obesity rates sky-rocketed. Not that I gained that much after I quit, but I know that a lot of people replace cigarettes with food - I know that before when I was bored I would have a cigarette, but now it''s easy to reach for a snack instead. I wish that I lived 50 years ago before they knew that all this stuff was bad for you. I was watching an episode of Mad Men where they showed a largely pregnant woman with a cigarette in one hand and a martini in another, and I totally wish we could still get away with that
Date: 1/19/2009 8:33:21 AM
Author: vespergirl

Date: 1/19/2009 8:10:38 AM
Author: goodfun7580
I tried the cookie diet for about 6 months. You can lose weight very fast on the diet, but when I couldn''t keep up the cost of the cookies and the weekly doctors visits (this diet should be monitored by a dr.), I gained all of the weight back plus some (I lost about 60lbs). I think by eating so much less that you should, it messes with your metabolism. Plus since I was so deprived for 6 months, I think I over did when I went off of the diet, which was totally not my intention. I kept justifying to myself, all I ate for 6 months was nasty cookies (the cookies do not taste good) and salad and chicken, so surely I deserve some pizza, or nachos, or whatever. Now I''m having to undo the damage and I''ve chosen weight watchers, which is much more of a realistic plan. The diet works, but I''m not sure I would recommend it, unless you were doing it for a short amount of time and knew for sure you could maintain your results.
Thanks for your reply, goodfun. I guess that I''m worried about being able to stick to the cookie diet. Since I love to cook, I may get bored eating packaged foods and then just boring salad w/grilled chicken. Maybe I do really need to check out WW.

I think that I''m going to try just a regular calorie restriction diet for the next few months, but if the extra weight isn''t off by this summer, I may try a month of the cookie diet just to see if I can break my plateau.

It''s weird, because after I had my baby, I was able to lost all of the baby weight with little effort in only 7 months. It seems like it''s easier to lost a large amount of extra weight, but it''s these stubborn last 10 pounds that don''t want to go away. I smoked for years, and I gained 10 pounds when I quit, and now it seems like I''m stuck with them for life. My husband told me that he would rather have me be healthy & non-smoking than 10 lbs thinner, but it''s hard to accept that I may never be a small size 6 again

It''s funny because whenever you see the celebs so skinny (like Jennifer Aniston) or read books like French Women Don''t Get Fat, what they don''t tell you is that those women are generally smoking a pack a day (most of Hollywood, nearly everyone in Europe). In my opinion, it''s no coincidence that once there was a real push in this country to eliminate cigarette smoking, obesity rates sky-rocketed. Not that I gained that much after I quit, but I know that a lot of people replace cigarettes with food - I know that before when I was bored I would have a cigarette, but now it''s easy to reach for a snack instead. I wish that I lived 50 years ago before they knew that all this stuff was bad for you. I was watching an episode of Mad Men where they showed a largely pregnant woman with a cigarette in one hand and a martini in another, and I totally wish we could still get away with that
I know how easy it is to want to believe that but seriously be positive that you are going to be healthy! You already are healthy! I''ve been on thyroid meds for almost 2 years now. Honestly it changed my life. It didn''t change my weight unfortunatley but the other areas that were suffering (sleep, energy) totally improved. Its really hard for me to loose weight but it does happen usually I''ll switch up my workouts a little and just cut back the tiniest bit in my calories and eventually the weight comes off. However, I do find that if I severely cut back my calories more that 200 or so a day I don''t see as fast of results. Its so different for everyone as you know but I know that you can do it! best friend is on a soap out in LA. She is and always has been around 90lbs. Even in college if she gained a few pounds it would just fall off of her. Its not fair. Anyway, she''s in my wedding and I keep thinking about how I am going to look like a giant next to her. Cause while I think I look good at 130lbs at 5''3'''', standing next to someone who is 5'' and 87lbs and proportioned...looks a little weird, like I could eat her.
Vesper, I just had to ditto the posters saying to try out WW! I''m in Weight Watchers, and I completely love it. I feel really empowered, and know that I can have anything I want (within reason) so there''s no "cheating". There''s just budgeting. (And yeah, sometimes I go over budget...oops.) I''m almost halfway to the top of my goal range, and it''s really exciting. It''s also changed the way I look at food and the scale. I am naturally pretty thin, but developed bad eating habits in college that messed with that. WW is really helping me develop and keep healthy habits.

Give it a shot! It''s way better than eating nasty cookies for 6 months. We get Oreos....
I am on the cookie diet and yes, it is working for me. It''s not for everyone so lots of people will say "it won''t work, it''s not healthy, you can''t stay on it for a lifetime, etc". Well, being overweight is not healthy and I won''t be on it for a lifetime! I lost 12 pounds on the cookie diet and 15 pounds more on the R&D Diet Cookie ( because it''s cheaper and worked just as well (maybe better?). 10 more pounds and I am done! Losing slowly doesn''t work for me. If it worked for everyone we would all be healthy and slim! I would rather lose the weight quickly. Afterwards, I know all kinds of healthy eating programs for maintenance!

Basically, I eat 4 to 6 cookies during the day then a sensible, good tasting dinner of around 350 calories. After the first couple of days I have to remind myself to eat a cookie. I don''t obsess all day about "what can I eat?" The cookies are nutritional and very satisfying. The first day was a little difficult... not because I was hungry but because it took some getting used to (to eat a cookie instead of a meal). It''s not a "magic bullet". You still have to want to lose the weight. In other words... you can eat a cookie and still go eat at a Chinese Buffet! The cookie eliminates your hunger so it gives me the strength to stay away from the buffet. (Actually... I am not tempted by the buffet!)
What kind of cookies?
Technically, you could make your own cookies and lose weight. If you ate one cookie in the morning and one cookie for lunch and then dinner, then you are taking in very few calories. Same thing as the slim fast plan, the Special K cereal challenge, etc. It is all about calories in vs. calories out. Why do you think billions of dollars are spent on these diet products every year and we have such a high obesity rate? Because people go on these diets and then lose what they want and then go back to eating normally and the weight is back on in an instant. There are no quick fixes, you have to find a plan you can do long term if you want long term results. If you just want to lose a few pounds for a vacation, sure this would work just fine.
Date: 1/24/2009 9:30:27 AM
Author: steph72276
Technically, you could make your own cookies and lose weight. If you ate one cookie in the morning and one cookie for lunch and then dinner, then you are taking in very few calories. Same thing as the slim fast plan, the Special K cereal challenge, etc. It is all about calories in vs. calories out. Why do you think billions of dollars are spent on these diet products every year and we have such a high obesity rate? Because people go on these diets and then lose what they want and then go back to eating normally and the weight is back on in an instant. There are no quick fixes, you have to find a plan you can do long term if you want long term results. If you just want to lose a few pounds for a vacation, sure this would work just fine.

Well said.
It''s a nutritious, high protein, high fiber, tasty cookie that is designed to be a meal replacement. It satisfies hunger so you can think of other things. There is more information about the ingredients at
I''ve tried Slim Fast and Special K and found niether of them to be filling and satisfying. I''m sure they work for some people. I agree it is simply a matter of calories in but some of us need more help then simply... "eat less"... duh
Date: 1/24/2009 9:07:58 PM
Author: Sally B Good
I've tried Slim Fast and Special K and found niether of them to be filling and satisfying. I'm sure they work for some people. I agree it is simply a matter of calories in but some of us need more help then simply... 'eat less'... duh
My point is, what happens when you get sick of these cookies or decide you don't want to spend a fortune on them anymore and go off this diet? Then you have learned nothing about how to successfully take the pounds off and keep them off which is the hardest part. You say you have tried Slim Fast, Special K, now this cookie diet and who knows how many others...well guess what, I tried them all too and the only thing that really works is portion control and exercise....just good old fashioned hard work! Something like Weight Watchers or will give you the tools you need to keep it up over a lifetime so you don't gain it right back. Sorry if I sound harsh, it's just that I've been there, done that, bought the tshirt and know what happens as soon as you get tired of these fad diets. Maybe you could join us in the healthy lifestyle thread?
Date: 1/25/2009 8:43:36 AM
Author: steph72276
Date: 1/24/2009 9:07:58 PM

Author: Sally B Good

I''ve tried Slim Fast and Special K and found niether of them to be filling and satisfying. I''m sure they work for some people. I agree it is simply a matter of calories in but some of us need more help then simply... ''eat less''... duh

My point is, what happens when you get sick of these cookies or decide you don''t want to spend a fortune on them anymore and go off this diet? Then you have learned nothing about how to successfully take the pounds off and keep them off which is the hardest part. You say you have tried Slim Fast, Special K, now this cookie diet and who knows how many others...well guess what, I tried them all too and the only thing that really works is portion control and exercise....just good old fashioned hard work! Something like Weight Watchers or will give you the tools you need to keep it up over a lifetime so you don''t gain it right back. Sorry if I sound harsh, it''s just that I''ve been there, done that, bought the tshirt and know what happens as soon as you get tired of these fad diets. Maybe you could join us in the healthy lifestyle thread?

I agree with Steph. These types of quick fix plans are exactly what someone who needs more help DOESN''T need because it doesn''t teach you anything about maintaining it in the real world. If you know nothing going in and nothing coming out, the weight will just pile right back on. Might take longer but in the long run it''s much better to actually learn healthy habits so it''s a lifestyle change instead of a diet.
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