
Cracked diamond stud opinions...

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May 14, 2003
HI Everyone...

I think I know the answer to my own question but here is the situation...

My father is a generous man, but he and I take different routes attaining nice things...his usually involves a bargain. Mine usually involves a discount but no bargain...if you understand what I mean.

That being said, he purchased diamond studs 2 years ago for my mothers birthday...I believe it was her 53rd. They were rather large, and he bought them off of ebay at a very cheap price. I remembering questioning the price with my wife on the way home...basically asking...why would he throw money away like that??? Since they were around 4k.

Well my mother passed away rather quickly on Valentines day of this year. Today is her birthday so my sister chose to wear her earrings. She put them on and noticed a large crack in one of them.

Anything CAN chip, or crack...but when you''re talking about a diamond found in an earring, with very little wear and tear...and taking everything else into consideration the diamond was most likely flawed to begin with right?

There is alot of speculation with this obviously. It''s just upsetting to see some of the jewelry my mom loved not be perfect, and have my sister notice it on this day of all days.

I know any jeweler I have EVER dealt with would replace the stone in a heartbeat, free of charge. However, I looked up the fellow on ebay who did have over 2800 positive feedbacks...and guess who no longer is a registered user. UHG. I tried emailing him anyways, but I don''t expect much to happen.

It''s only a material item, but I hate it when my dad chooses to throw away his money...and something very special to my sister is broken.

Maybe thats why I over-research everything.

I''m so sorry to hear about your mom...

As for the earrings, I''m affraid you''re just going to have to file it under: Why not to buy on Ebay.

A suggestion, have the good stone set in a pendant.
That is very sad, but if you read here much, you''ll know that we never advise anyone to buy diamonds on ebay. If they were large and cheap, he probably got exactly what he paid for. I''d so much rather pay more and get better quality, or go for a smaller size and get better quality. Hopefully your mother enjoyed the earrings, and that''s all that counts. It is really the buyers responsibility to know what they are buying and have it confirmed by an appraiser when there is any question before the return period is up. And then the next step is getting the item insured. If they are insured, I''d make a claim. If not, I don''t think you have any recourse, unfortunately. I''m so sorry about the loss of your mother.

First, I am so sorry about the sudden passing of your mother.

Do you think it would be possible to have the uncracked stone set in a pendant or a RHR for your sister, that way she could have something that was your mom''s and wear it close to her heart? At least you could salvage the one stone.
Moosejaw, I am so sorry this has happened. It''s very strange, to say the least. Umm, were the earrings insured?

If not, were they appraised independently for authenticity? Do you suspect they are not diamonds? I''m wondering if it would help to go through eBay''s fraud protection program. Or maybe your dad paid by credit card or through PayPal and could get them involved?

I would have such a crazy mix of emotions going on right now if I were you. You certainly have my sympathy!
That''s a great idea in regards to the pendant, and the insurance. For some reason I didn''t even think of that.

I will see if my dad''s policy covers it, and possibly my sisters...however my experience that with most somewhat expensive jewelry you have to have a separate policy.

The suggestion might be a possibility at least...

When I originally saw the earrings I was pretty bent out of shape, due to all of the knowledge I have gained over the years from Pricescope, and just in the fact my dad didn''t ask me my opinion. However, he didn''t ask me since I wouldve said no way.

The most amazing part is that a family member of MINE bought that off of ebay.

Thank you for your sympathies...the day is going okay today...and we are so lucky to have a new life in our family, with my son Gordon. He is 8 months. :)

I will have to get some photos.

Maybe it''s a very large (old) inclusion rather than a (new) crack.
That could be too. We will just have to have it inspected, but my sister insisted it was a crack...but who knows.

Date: 1/11/2007 5:59:45 PM
Author: Moosejaw
That''s a great idea in regards to the pendant, and the insurance. For some reason I didn''t even think of that.

I will see if my dad''s policy covers it, and possibly my sisters...however my experience that with most somewhat expensive jewelry you have to have a separate policy.

The suggestion might be a possibility at least...


My condolences, MJ. Mothers are very special to all of us. And with a sudden loss such a short time ago, I''m sure you''re still grieving. Then to have something precious to her not as she remembered it. It''s like an extra dagger in an already wounded heart.

The suggestions for a pendant or RHR are good ones.

Generally speaking, your Dad may have some small amount of jewelry protection as a part of his regular homeowner''s. I know ours, even without a seperate rider, covers jewelry up to $2K or something like that. Maybe have Dad and/or Sis check into their homeowner''s to see if there''s at least some coverage that way.

Again, my condolences on your loss.
I''m very sorry to hear of your loss Moosejaw, please accept my most sincere condolences. It is possible that the crack that you and your sister are seeing within the diamond is a feather that might have been present when the diamonds were originally purchased - a lot of the diamond earrings sold are of "promotional quality" (I-1 / I-2) and often contain substantial inclusions. If your father has a copy of the original sales receipt and/or offering from eBay the clarity might be stated and thus you would be able to determine whether the crack is part of the original structure of the diamond or something new. If the diamonds were accompanied by lab reports with plotting diagrams, this would also provide a reference as to whether the crack was present when the diamonds were sold or not. It is also possible that the crack is the result of some sort of impact, the diamond falling and hitting a granite countertop or something like that, unlikely, but it happens... You might consider having one of the appraisers listed on the resources section here on PS take a look at the diamonds to assist you with making the determination.
I''m sorry about your mom. The first birthday of my dad''s was the hardest to get through after he died.

I''m sorry but not surprised about ebay. Maybe others are right and its a huge inclusion or feather? Or is it possible it was a fracture filled diamond and the filling came out?

If a jeweler says the stone is stable your sister may want to keep them as earrings. If not, I like the suggestions of making the better diamond into a ring or pendant.
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