
Crib Wraps


Apr 14, 2006
Crib wraps- does anyone have this? A friend got us one and while I like the idea of preserving the wood above the railings, I wonder if they are safe. Once babies are biting their cribs, they are also standing or are on their knees-- can the wrap get tangled up or cause a baby to fall or otherwise be injured?

Thanks for any feedback!
Hey Fisher! I'm not really sure what it is? Not a bumper and not the plastic strip so they don't bite the rail?
do you mean a bumper or the rail? We have the rail covers. We have the breathable bumpers. Kids do chew on the rail (teething is big). The rail covers come in handy when they get older and can pull themselves up.


and this
Skippy, like the second link you posted. I've NEVER seen these, and I THOUGHT (haha... I'm sure this will NOT be the only time...) I had done a ton of research over the years of items for babies. :bigsmile:

I guess my question is regarding whether or not these are safe for babies who are pulling on them; can they yank them down and get tangled in the cloth, or can they otherwise get hurt from pulling on the railing cover and due to loss of the steadiness by holding onto a surface that shifts under them.... Yeah, I'm just paranoid!!
If you want to be 100% safe, I probably wouldn't use them.

I have nothing on my crib, and luckily my son has never teethed on the crib rail. I know it does tend to happen though. For that reason, we didn't buy an expensive crib, because so many of our friends said their cribs have bite marks all over them.
That's the thing, Laila. Our crib was a gift from mother-in-law and since her passing, we really want it to remain in good condition (it is a grow with me crib, so it will be around for a long while). I guess we will try it out when the time comes and see how it works. I've not been able to find any info on dangers from Internet searches.

We have the same stuff Skippy posted. Except that since A has gotten big enough to start thinking about climbing things, we took the bumpers off and I don't even think she noticed (they can step on them to help try to climb out of the crib).

Our rail covers have a sheet of plastic underneath some fleece, and she still mouths at it, but she can't chew on the wood anymore, which is what I was worried about. I didn't like the idea of splinters in her mouth! Or eating furniture varnish/stain! Plus it's a convertible crib, so I would like it to last a while. They have ties (don't know what the technical term is) that are about 4-5 inches long, and I tied them in double knots. She's never tried pulling them undone, which would be really hard because they are very secure. Plus the way they are made, they tie towards the outside of the crib.

I didn't get them until we had evidence of her chewing on the crib. Some babies just aren't interested, so I would suggest a wait and see approach and hold out until you need to get them. Amazon Prime has been the biggest lifesaver since having a baby!

ETA: Pic

fisherofmengirly|1357846386|3352348 said:
That's the thing, Laila. Our crib was a gift from mother-in-law and since her passing, we really want it to remain in good condition (it is a grow with me crib, so it will be around for a long while). I guess we will try it out when the time comes and see how it works. I've not been able to find any info on dangers from Internet searches.


Oh, I completely understand wanting to protect MIL's beautiful crib. I'm so sorry to hear of her passing. :(( She sounds like a very special lady. Hopefully your baby won't gnaw on the crib too much. Some do, and some have no interest. I can't imagine it tastes all that good, lol.
Fisher, hi! Glad you posted this thread because I was wondering what other people did when their little ones started gnawing. I have been told many times by my mom about the damage I did to the family crib when I was a baby, and how it was in great shape until I (the third baby) started gnawing on it and how they had to get a new one for my younger sister. I'm adding the one Skippy posted to my wishlist in case we need it when E gets bigger. I would think if you tie them on really tightly in knots like Freke mentioned, they wouldn't pose too much of a danger. So hard not to be paranoid about our little ones' safety though.

I also wanted to say that I read about the loss of your mother-in-law, and I am just so sorry. Especially so soon before the birth of her long awaited grandbaby. But like you said, your first baby now has a wonderful caretaker. And I am so excited for you Fisher and cannot wait until you finally have a baby to hold in your arms.
My polder son ruined my convertible crib by chewing on it. By the time the baby is old enough to stand and do damage he/she is no longer at risk for SIDS, so the only concern might be choking on the strings or something? Seems like a remote problem.

If I could do it all over I would just have gotten a cheaper crib ;))
Laila619|1357848538|3352382 said:
fisherofmengirly|1357846386|3352348 said:
That's the thing, Laila. Our crib was a gift from mother-in-law and since her passing, we really want it to remain in good condition (it is a grow with me crib, so it will be around for a long while). I guess we will try it out when the time comes and see how it works. I've not been able to find any info on dangers from Internet searches.


Oh, I completely understand wanting to protect MIL's beautiful crib. I'm so sorry to hear of her passing. :(( She sounds like a very special lady. Hopefully your baby won't gnaw on the crib too much. Some do, and some have no interest. I can't imagine it tastes all that good, lol.

I agree, and offer my condolences as well :blackeye:

Ryder does not even stand in his crib! Let alone chew it. And he is 18 months old already. Contrast with Hunter who stood as soon as he could and chewed it all up, and climbed out at only 22 months. I am hoping to keep Ryder in his crib until he is five. :halo:
I think the bumper covers are fine because by the time they can pull up to chew then they are big enough to not really get tangled. Our bumper cover has ties and I double tie them and there are many ties so i can't see my son removing them and getting tangled. I could be wrong but he has blankets in his crib too; they get cold. I think it is the case of use your mommy judgement.

eta: I actually just googled and I don't see a ton saying not to use them. I guess do some research. I didn't use them until they were about 12 months.

hugs and I am sorry about your beautiful MIL.
Hi Fisher: I don't use crib wraps but only because the crib we inherited from my mom (she had it in her home for my niece) has plastic over the top of the rails. I never knew what it was for! I also wanted to post a reply here because I wanted to respond to your question in the newborn-12 month thread about carriers/slings/wraps.

You will have a newborn during the summer months, right? (i think the last I read you were about 6 months along, congrats!) I'm 5'10" and have a medium frame, and I used a woven cotton ring sling that a lovely friend gifted me during the very hot summer we had here last year. It worked really well and the baby loved it, she would just go right to sleep anytime I wore her in it. I'm looking forward to using it again this summer and carrying her on my hip in it. As the weather cooled down I wanted to try a different kind of carrier and also one that my husband felt comfortable using too (we are close to the same height and size.) I got us an Ergo and we both love it. It's totally adjustable and provides plenty of coverage unlike the smaller baby Bjorns. You can even get an extender for the waist if you need one. I've seen more ladies who are NOT petite using Ergos in my town than any other carriers, now that I think about who I've noticed using them. I haven't tried a Maya wrap yet but want to. I tried one on during our childbirth classes and there is SO MUCH material! I think they definitely suit any size frame. If you get a chance before you get hugely pregnant, try going to a place that sells lots of different carriers and try some on. I think you live where it gets pretty hot, though (IIRC) so keep that in mind. That cotton ring sling I started with was really light and breathable.
doh and I said bumper cover, I mean Rail cover.
Thanks, mamas!!

Monarch, thanks for the info on carriers-- I feel awful that I didn't think to read posts prior to making my own on that thread! And then I couldn't figure out how to delete it. I feel so insensitive!

I will look into ergo-- heard good things about them. I wonder if they carry them a BRU.

Thank you to everyone for the thoughts regarding my mother-in-law; it doesn't seem real sometimes that she's not here. I'm glad she was feeling well enough to rejoice with us over the news of our pregnancy; that's a blessing.
Oh and Freke-- baby and pup are so adorable! :)

Glad to know some people use the covers-- we will keep them on hand in case we have a wood-chewer on our hands in several months. :bigsmile:
Fisher, re the carrier. We followed the advice of a friend to use a sleepy wrap for under age 1 and a boba for over age 1. We have a sleepy wrap (and I would probably spring for a nice lightweight sling) for whatever infants join our family in the future, but the Boba for was probably the best investment we made as parents (and I loved our Radian carseat and our Baby Jogger stroller)!

I nannied for years and used Becos, Ergos, Bjorns, wraps, slings, etc. and the Boba is so comfy for me and for him. I find it much more comfortable than the Ergo. I have broad shoulder, am very busty, and am a size 14-16. I used it for my friend's 1 year old and it was great too!

I think they might have a new model that works for under 1 year, but ours is an older one that is only for 1 year and up.

My friends who are really petite prefer the Beco, but petite is not something that I have to consider:-)
What's a sleepy wrap, Bella?

The slings I've seen make me angry because they all come in sizes and stores only seem to carry medium. Um, weird. I don't know that we will be full-on attachment parents, but we do hope the baby and his parents will enjoy the carrier we end up with so that we can use it often.

For seats, we are thinking Chicco Keyfit if it works well in both our cars. It has good ratings, the straps adjust easily and it's not a fortune. We need to go to BRU and make sure it works in both our cars before we decide for certain, though.

I hate strollers because they lock up and are bulky but I know we will need one. We are no where near making a decision yet, but I do prefer the three wheelers over the four. They seem to maneuver easier for me and the handle seems to be higher-- I so dislike how so many strollers require a parent to stoop over to push their child. I'm average height for a woman 5'6".... So it isn't an issue of me being extra tall or anything, so I don't know why so many strollers seem to be that way. Weird. :confused:

I do like that strollers and car seats are available in patterns and colors that are unisex now; I remember in the 90s they were all animal print or pink or blue. So yay for progression!! )
fisherofmengirly said:
What's a sleepy wrap, Bella?

The slings I've seen make me angry because they all come in sizes and stores only seem to carry medium. Um, weird. I don't know that we will be full-on attachment parents, but we do hope the baby and his parents will enjoy the carrier we end up with so that we can use it often.

For seats, we are thinking Chicco Keyfit if it works well in both our cars. It has good ratings, the straps adjust easily and it's not a fortune. We need to go to BRU and make sure it works in both our cars before we decide for certain, though.

I hate strollers because they lock up and are bulky but I know we will need one. We are no where near making a decision yet, but I do prefer the three wheelers over the four. They seem to maneuver easier for me and the handle seems to be higher-- I so dislike how so many strollers require a parent to stoop over to push their child. I'm average height for a woman 5'6".... So it isn't an issue of me being extra tall or anything, so I don't know why so many strollers seem to be that way. Weird. :confused:

I do like that strollers and car seats are available in patterns and colors that are unisex now; I remember in the 90s they were all animal print or pink or blue. So yay for progression!! )

Let me recommend the Baby Trend Expedition stroller. It's a jogger but isn't giant. It's very agile as well. The handle adjusts so that my 6'7" husband can use it just fine.
Thanks, amc!! We will look at that exact model when we go to BRU! I appreciate it a lot. :)
Sleepy wrap (I guess it is called boba wrap now)

it's like a moby, but the fabric is a little softer and more breathable.

We have the previous version of the boba carrier in glacier. it's gorgeous, gender neutral, and B LOVED being in it.

We loved our baby jogger city classic stroller (a craigslist buy that we resold when we didn't need it anymore for the same price we bought it!) and I also love the Bob Revolution and the Bumbleride Indie.
Ideally, we want a travel system, but not for the loss of a safe, easy to use car seat nor for the loss of a good stroller. I'm glad parents have so many choices in gear now, but it makes choosing daunting!

Boba wrap- I follow now, Bella. Thank you for the suggestions. Sure hope the baby is a cuddler who will enjoy being carried. I'm very much looking forward to that aspect of baby's first year or more. :bigsmile:
Hi Fisher!! :wavey: Regarding baby carriers, Ergo has the Ergo Sport, which has a few extra inches in the waist and shoulder straps. I have this and adored it!! So sad when S clearly grew too large for front carrying. I never did get the hang of back carrying, so don't carry her any longer, even though I made one last noble attempt to carry her on my hip in a ring-sling with a special toddler weight fabric. I used the moby wrap for the newborn phase, but really just for carrying around the house. When she got a little bigger, I wore her in the Ergo on and really loved the closeness. She did too!!
fisherofmengirly said:
Thanks, amc!! We will look at that exact model when we go to BRU! I appreciate it a lot. :)

I wanted to add to my post. We got the travel system, but they do sell the stroller by itself. My only complaint with the car seat is it only goes up to 28.5 inches, 22lbs. Here we are at 5 months with a 28", 20 pounder, so we already have to switch to a convertible. We knew our baby was going to be big but bought it anyway, and would buy it again. But it's still something to think about. I can't rave enough about the stroller. We have the Expedition ELX in Windsor. The color is great.
We ended up agreeing on the Chicco Keyfit 30 because of the ease of use (our nephew had this and we've both used it and had no problems) and safety ratings. Still, I'm tempted to find a travel system, still. If not, there is a stroller caddy by Chicco that supposedly works. BRU didn't have one on display this weekend, so we need to find anther store to test it out. I'm not stooping! :bigsmile:

Also didn't see a Boba, and I felt like such a clutz trying to figure out ALL of the carriers there. Bummer.
We love our key fit 30. nice choice! We were going to buy the Chicco caddy, but ended up purchasing a bugaboo off Craigslist and just got the car seat converter to use with it. Something worth considering, depending on your stroller usage needs!
Wait-- I thought the car seat would only work with the caddy stroller! We want a jogger (not because we jog, but we do walk a lot and the three wheelers just maneuver so much better). Now I will look into this. Yay!

Thanks for the info-- BRU was deceiving!!
Hey, fisher!!! None of my kids ever chewed on the rail, so it may not even be an issue! But I'll tell you why I wouldn't worry about it. Babies are generally in the crib when they are sleeping. When they wake up, you go in and get them! So it's not like there is a lot of time that they are just standing there chewing on the rails! Maybe if people use the crib for a playpen or something! And I don't recommend that since you really shouldn't let them be in it with toys unattended anyway. You can always wait and see if there is a problem and then put on the cover.

And I am so very sorry about the loss of Paul's mother. :((
Hi DS- I just love when you post! Hope you're doing well. And thank you for the prayers along this road.

Yep, we will leave the crip wrap in the closet and see if we have a wood-chewing baby or not. :) I should find a place to post a pic of the furniture Martha got for the kiddo- gorgeous!
fisherofmengirly|1358179101|3355219 said:
Wait-- I thought the car seat would only work with the caddy stroller! We want a jogger (not because we jog, but we do walk a lot and the three wheelers just maneuver so much better). Now I will look into this. Yay!

Thanks for the info-- BRU was deceiving!!

Yes! Just make sure the stroller you choose has a chicco carseat converter. We have both a BOB and a Bugaboo (both CL purchases!) and have carseat converters for both. Totally worth it IMO b/c then you don't end up with 4-5 diff strollers/caddys/etc. Just the one or two awesome strollers you want for when baby is bigger and the converters.