
Cushion cut crown and pavilion angles


Sep 1, 2024
can anyone please post ideal angle measurements for cushion cuts? Are the measurements dependent are the length to width ratio? Does a chart exist to help a layperson? Thanks for any input you can provide
There are no "ideal angles" for cushion cuts because there are too many different faceting patterns.
What to look for...
- Clear, crisp well-defined facets.
- Minimal "mush" (gray areas that aren't well defined) and minimum darkness.

You can post links to cushions you are interested in and experienced Pricescopers will tell you whether they are well-cut or not.
To go a bit deeper into the topic...

Everything (angles) about a diamond represent its representation to the consumer. In essence, yes, the angles will change as the length/width ratio changes (of course) even if two diamonds theoretically have the same crown and pavilion facets.

Some helpful tips,

1.) Cushions face up smaller typically than other cuts
2.) Deep cushions will hide weight, but the scintillation can get more interesting
3.) Cushions show more color than other cuts typically
4.) There are many mixes of cushion cuts including a mix of both crown and pavilion cutting (which makes it REALLY fun). With this being said, there are some major categories cushions fall into.

a.) modified brilliant (unfortunately a blanket term but we're going to use this to specify a cushion brilliant cut to mimic the scintillation of a round brilliant)
b.) crushed ice (again, all these terms will be a blanket due to the large number of facet maps, but this will represent a smaller sparkle)
c.) hybrid (typically mixes two of the crown and pavilion facet maps to create both a larger flash and a smaller flash)
d.) old mine / antique or modern revision cuts (more like a combo of an emerald mixed with a cushion outline

A great place to start here is the following -

Shape or, more importantly, corner shape
Cushions and ovals have length to width ratios but they also have a few important things to review. Corners - Some corners are rounded, some almost pointed, some taper to the middles and some are more flat to create a rectangle shape. The corners and "fill" of the corners are more important in some cases to the user's preference.

Since there are so many combinations of cushion cuts, I recommend you review many cushions and see if the cushions you keep being drawn to are actually the same cut.

Once you know your preference for corner shape, and your preference for faceting, these two combined will be able to direct you, instead of reviewing diamond dimensions!

Happy buying.
Good information @WindyRain is another thread that gives a lot of good information about the different types of cushions.
Worth a read...