
Custom pearl eternity band - mini gold akoya in CvB Legacy :-)


Aug 14, 2009
I've loved Caysie's Legacy eternity style since I first saw it :love:

I'd intended to send her one of my diamond eternities to reset... But just a few days before I planned to ship out Takahashi posted a few lots of naturally-coloured mini akoya. And I couldn't possibly resist. And then I got them, and, well, why not have that Legacy made with pearls instead of diamonds? It seemed like the general style - curvy, flowy, and feminine - would suit nicely. And a custom pearl band would be totally different for me!! Caysie loved the idea so off they went :bigsmile:

Pictures from Takahashi - Yy chose mine from the top left lot. All 4-4.5mm. I asked for eighteen that were strong pink and well-matched in size and colour and as always she delivered, they're all beautifully lustrous and fabulously iridescent and all within 0.1mm :appl:




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We decided on 20k "peach gold" to match the colour of the pearls as closely as possible. I had some vague waffles about whether the Legacy prong style would actually translate well into cupping fully round stones... Then the CADs came in, picture perfect, absolutely nothing to have worried over!! The ring used fifteen pearls and ended up right at size 5. I'll wear it on my right hand, just used the left for some of the photos ::)



Turns out the pins inside the cups can be safely cast if they're 0.8mm or wider, but smaller than 0.8mm becomes much more challenging. Fortunately I'd asked Takahashi to half-drill my lot with a 0.8mm bit so I was right on the right side of that minimum pin size.


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Caysie's pic!! :cool2:

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And some of mine ::)


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this is amazing on all levels
Only this kind of perfection could come from a Yssie + Caysie project

So classic, so delicious

Absolutely unique and an heirloom piece!

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Here it is on the (Caucasian) other half's hand. The pinkish gold of the pearls is... Not really his best colour. He agrees. I have to say that the "peach" gold looks phenomenal against his light-with-strong-pink-undertones skin though. I am eternally jealous of how well he wears all shades of pink!


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My skin is terrifying in this pic. I promise I'm not actually part lizard, thank you phone :eek-2: But it shows the fit well. The pearls are ~4.2mm diameter - not small!! I can't squeeze my fingers all the way together whilst wearing this. But I knew that'd likely be the case so I'm not fussed - a pearl band is an occasional-wear sort of thing anyway.


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Totally distracted through movie night :halo: Which just so happened to also feature the popcorn kernels that I used for these pics earlier today :lol:


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Here it is on the other (Caucasian) half's hand. The pinkish gold of the pearls is... Not really his colour. He agrees. I have to say that the "peach" gold looks phenomenal against his light-with-strong-pink-undertones skin though!!


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My skin is terrifying in this pic. I promise I'm not actually part lizard, thank you phone :eek-2: But it shows the fit well. The pearls are ~4.2mm diameter - not small!! I can't put my fingers all the way together with this on. But I knew that'd likely be the case. A pearl band is an occasional-wear sort of thing anyway so I'm not fussed.


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Totally distracted through movie night :halo: Which just happened to also feature the popcorn kernels I used for my pics earlier today :lol:



It even looks amazing on little kitties head as a teeny pearl crown! The black fur looks phenomenal with the pearls!
Beautifully thought out and executed.
lucky you.
Firstly, this 100% needs to shimmy over to SMTB. It’s far too underexposed here for how stunning it is. (The modifications to Caysie’s design to adapt to pearls might be helpful for coloured stone folk to envisage something similar with how the Legacy design could look with cabs maybe?)

Secondly, this is stunning and soooo luxe & decadent. Absolutely gorgeous! Those prongs :kiss2:. This is going to sound bizarre but it reminds me (in a thoroughly good way) of a fairy ring: it has the same magical, enchanting quality somehow - something about the way the prongs cradle the orbs maybe? Like this (but pearls are obviously several leagues above mushrooms in the classy stakes!):

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Okay, just wow. That’s amazingly gorgeous!
It is very beautiful. Does not seem real. Would a little bracelet be beautiful too?

This is a dangerous suggestion, for me anyway! I can safely admire Yssie’s Legacy ring from afar, knowing I’m far too clumsy to be entrusted with something similar myself. An equivalent bracelet would shoot straight near the top of my one-day-I-need-one-of-these list…
That’s so beautiful, @yssie! Will you be able to stack the ring, or will you have to baby it and wear it occasionally?

It looks stunning though!!
Thank you! Yeah, this one will have to be babied, no way around it I’m afraid! I do tend to be pretty easy on jewellery though, fortunately for me.

And in this case the pearls were so inexpensive!! Each was only $14 :bigsmile: And I’ve got three spares, too. So I’m going to try to be very careful to keep the mount safe but at the same time try to actually wear it without worrying *too* much… Let’s see how that goes :lol:

It's shockingly gorgeous!
Thank you!! ::)


this is amazing on all levels
Only this kind of perfection could come from a Yssie + Caysie project

So classic, so delicious

Absolutely unique and an heirloom piece!
Thank you so much!! :love:

Caysie did a marvellous job!! At this point I basically just hand things over to her with some general ideas and let her do what she wants, she knows me well :bigsmile:

When she sent the green wireframe CAD with the pins… Well those pegs sticking out of the cups do look rather suggestive :lol: We realized about the same moment that there was no way we could keep calling them “baby akoya” - so I’m going with “mini” and they’re fully consensual :lol:

It even looks amazing on little kitties head as a teeny pearl crown! The black fur looks phenomenal with the pearls!
It really does!! He has this super lush black velour coat that goes almost blue in sunlight, and these gorgeous long eyelashes… Totally wasted on him, he won’t even model properly for me :???:
Beautifully thought out and executed.
lucky you.
Thank you, I do feel very lucky :))

Super classy, as ever, @yssie! This has a real Edwardian feel to it, though is somehow modern at the same time!
Yes!! That’s it exactly!

There are a ton of antique and vintage styles that I absolutely love but over the years here on PS I’ve learnt that I personally prefer the precision that modern manufacturing permits. I know that I gravitate to vendors like Caysie and Erika Winters for exactly the sort of “antique meets modern” work that you’re talking about - old world design meets new world machining :love:

I would still love a Georgian repro ring done in steel or pinchbeck one day. One day when I find a jeweller who won’t sprint away from the request :lol:

Beautiful as always !!!!! :love:
Thank you!! :bigsmile:
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So beautiful! Those pearls are so warm and very sensual, and the execution-MWAH (chef’s kiss)!

All the words that come to mind involve food for some reason. It reminds me of gently toasted marshmallows and caramelized creme brulee. I’m a huge foodie so that’s meant as a complement, lol. Jewelery photos have never made me hungry before!
:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:
gorgeous @yssie
another beauty
Thank you so much Daisy!! You’re always so sweet ::)

That is gorgeous :love: Love it!
Thank you!! ::)

Okay, just wow. That’s amazingly gorgeous!
Thank you so much :bigsmile:

It is very beautiful. Does not seem real. Would a little bracelet be beautiful too?
Oh my goodness. A bangle would be out of this world… :love:

Girl. I’m supposed to be saving. I need to save. I haven’t gone to Starbucks in two weeks. You’re not helping… Wait that sounds familiar… :lol:

This is a dangerous suggestion, for me anyway! I can safely admire Yssie’s Legacy ring from afar, knowing I’m far too clumsy to be entrusted with something similar myself. An equivalent bracelet would shoot straight near the top of my one-day-I-need-one-of-these list…

Now for lissyflo’s bracelet… I’m thinking bigger pearls - maybe ~6mm? All pearl colours look fabulous on her, pink and blue and green and white and light gold, no restrictions there! Gold is probably better than platinum, for all the tiny little prongs… Perhaps shiny palladium white gold with baby grey akoya… o_O

I do so enjoy spending other people’s money :bigsmile:
Omg this is simply stunning. Love!!!!
Firstly, this 100% needs to shimmy over to SMTB. It’s far too underexposed here for how stunning it is. (The modifications to Caysie’s design to adapt to pearls might be helpful for coloured stone folk to envisage something similar with how the Legacy design could look with cabs maybe?)

Secondly, this is stunning and soooo luxe & decadent. Absolutely gorgeous! Those prongs :kiss2:. This is going to sound bizarre but it reminds me (in a thoroughly good way) of a fairy ring: it has the same magical, enchanting quality somehow - something about the way the prongs cradle the orbs maybe? Like this (but pearls are obviously several leagues above mushrooms in the classy stakes!):

Oh my goodness. Okay, so. One of my favourite paintings is Thanatopsis by A. B. Durand - inspired by the poem - I saw it for the first time in my tenth grade English text and I ripped that page out before tossing it end of year. Somber, but without veering into haunting, somehow… Just peaceful. Decades later I learnt that the original was right where I live!! At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. Magical in person.

I wasn’t expecting my first thought when I opened my package to be that it seemed like it belonged in that world at that time. And your fairy scene - shrooms and all! - could be part of that same exact landscape.

How crazy.

I feel like this ring is so simple in design but so magically executed - I’m just going to keep using your word :love:
This is just beautiful, romantic and sexy too! You are the pearl queen my friend!
So beautiful! Those pearls are so warm and very sensual, and the execution-MWAH (chef’s kiss)!

All the words that come to mind involve food for some reason. It reminds me of gently toasted marshmallows and caramelized creme brulee. I’m a huge foodie so that’s meant as a complement, lol. Jewelery photos have never made me hungry before!
I’m delighted to have made you hungry :bigsmile: I tried to find cinnamon sticks for the pics but I think we’re all out, had to settle for popcorn instead :lol: Toasted marshmallows and creme brulee, that’s lovely, so much more decadent… ::)

This is by far the most cost-skewed piece I’ve ever had made, in terms of what I spent on pearls vs. mount. I feel like I’m supposed to feel a bit guilty for putting such inexpensive gems into a custom mount :twisted2: but the totality of *these* pearls in *this* exact setting, I know I couldn’t have gotten any other way, so worth it :love:
Omg this is simply stunning. Love!!!!
Thank you!! ❤️

I love this! It’s a circlet of lustrous magic!
They really are so lustrous!! And the overtone is off the charts, they go almost purple in lightbox sort of lighting :love: Yy loves light golds and mentioned that a strong purple overtone is her favourite in akoya, so I’m pretty chuffed to have some of them!! And these minis are allllll naturally coloured, no bleaching, no pinking :bigsmile:

This is just beautiful, romantic and sexy too! You are the pearl queen my friend!
:bigsmile: Thank you love!! ❤️

I shall need a tiara like one of yours to really do the part justice though :bigsmile:

HOLY. MOLY. Of course @yssie has great Saturday morning surprises! It just glows.
