Just Wondering....
The stone is a Round Brilliant and is 7.4 mm x 4.8 mm
I am wondering if I need to have a stone this size custom set or if
I can purchase a setting that will fit it, and
if so, what size?
Assuming that 4.8mm is the depth (since it's round, not oval), I think a 7.5mm stock setting should be fine. Get a jeweler who specializes in colored stones to set it, though. Jewelers who set primarily diamonds may not be attuned to the subtleties of colored stones.
Hi Y'all! Thanks for the replies!
First please know, I am very new to this and take lousy pics
on my iphone!!!!!
They are not the least bit representative of the stones themselves,
so until I get it together, no pics, sorry
The stone is a pretty from Uli and I was just wondering
I initially got into colored stones as a way to find things I like, to be
set and WORN!!!!
But as my tiny collection grows I find I really enjoy playing with them
in their little boxes ~ is that crazy?
I did a depth calculation and your stone is close to 65%, so it is a little deeper than most colourless diamonds that face up at 7.4 mm as well. Based on that, you should be able to easily get a stock 7.5 mm round setting or if not, even a stock 8 mm round setting should fit.
Not crazy at all as I’m sure many of us do the same. My only caution is to only open the boxes on a padded table to minimize the flying gem phenomena and damaging the stone but you probably already know this.
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