
Daily Workout Thread 10th Feb

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Apr 30, 2005
Good morning all.

I hope we are all doing well. Now I have backache to add to my sore arms, plus one of my chickens got stuck behind a partition the other day and was yelling his head off to be rescued. I had to make a step of bedding bales, clamber up, reach down and grab him by his tail feathers to haul him up to safety. Result I have bruised under my arm reaching down with sharp wood jammed into it
but the chicken is ok!

Anyway I digress. Today I am going to take things a little easier hopefully until my backache and sore arm eases. Darn scoliosis

On a good note, I am doing well with my water consumption
Lorelei, I don''t know how you do it! A farm must be so much work. I never lived on one, but I have lived around them all my life, and quite honestly I don''t think I could do all that work. So, take it easy today (even though I know there''s always things to do).

I had an ok workout last night. Still felt tired, so I did 2.25 miles at 6.7 mph and stopped there. Today after work I''m going to do some interval training and hope to do 3 miles total. I normally don''t workout on the weekend, so I''ll be able to give my body 2 days of rest before going again on Monday. Hopefully that will help with the fatigue I''ve been feeling.

I hope everyone has a great workout today!
The work never ends Coda! It is good fun although hard going at times, especially when silly chickens get themselves stuck! My hens have begun laying eggs already so that is another job, trying to find and collect the eggs each day as they lay them in hard to get to places and if I am not careful they will be sitting soon and I will have MORE babies!!!!!

You are doing great, having a rest over the weekend is a good idea as you have really been working hard recently. Once you get so tired the only cure is to rest up for a day or two to recharge the batteries.
Good morning all!

Lorelei...chickens need ''boundries & rules'' you need to be firm with them!

But seriously...I have been trying to increase my water consumption too. Basically, because DH suggested I was drinking far too much coffee. (12-14 cups a day)

But the withdrawal from caffeine is horrible....massive headaches!

DH is a life long veggie, doesn''t drink alcohol and doesn''t smoke. His body is a temple.

Mine is too....old and in ruins!! LOL
You are so funny Blod ! I will tell the chicks that you said they need rules and boundaries and see if it helps!!!! The caffeine withdrawal should get better, it might take a little time so don''t go cold turkey!

I wish I could view my body as a temple - temperamental would be closer to the mark!
Just wanted to pop in and say you ladies are doing great with your exercise! I''ve been a total slacker lately and fallen off the exercise wagon. But I''ve been trying to eat well so I''m not a total loss!

I''m about halfway through a book I picked up called "The 7-Day Detox Miracle," has anyone read it? It''s basically a 7 day diet where you do a water fast the first two days and then the next five days you eat only fruits, veggies, and brown rice. you can''t eat anything packaged or processed, and the end result is that your liver and kidneys will be detoxified of most of the harmful substances we get from processed food and our environment.
Good morning, Ladies.

A bit of a weights session this morning. I have to say, while I love working out with my current buddy (a girlfriend from work), I miss the days of working out with the BF. He had no problems going "Come on damn it, push it!" or running with me and yelling "keep up, keep up, keep up!" (in the most loving way possible, of course).

Right now, my friend and I are pretty "delicate" with each other as far as working out goes. I don''t really push her and she doesn''t push me... so really, I''m in slight danger of not doing that much if I don''t feel like it. Motivating and pushing yourself is the most difficult thing of all.

Anyway, it was a decent workout on the whole, and I''m even trying to learn the dips. This weekend, BF and I will probably set up our weights in the basement so he can teach me the proper squat technique. I''m looking forward to seeing what all the hoopla is about. :)

Lorelei, on days when I hurt a lot, I remind myself of a slogan I once read on a billboard somewhere... "Pain is just weakness leaving your body!" :) It helps, a little.
Thanks Stermag! I will try to think of it in a positive way, more pain to come as I have fencing to install this weekend - luckily I will have some help.
Good morning ladies.

You are all doing so well!

I can''t imagine living on a farm. That is literally the complete opposite of my life -- I live in NYC! Chickens only come from the store, prepackaged, fat cut off.

Caffene withdrawl is horrible. The closest experience I''ve ever had was to quit smoking eight years ago. I can still remember how horrible it was.

As for working out, I had my trainer and did 30 minutes of cardio before she got there. I don''t know if it''s the exercise or the eating more healfully, but I''ve noticed that I am not nearly as hungry as I used to be. I used to wake up in the morning starving. Now two clementines or a package of oatmeal or three egg whites will hold me over for lunch -- and much later than I used to eat. Weird...

I have my weigh in tomorrow morning and, once again, I''m nervous. I would love to lose at least 2.2 pounds -- that would make it 10 pounds even. But, I''ll be happy with any loss. I''m again worried that I gained because I drank a lot this week. My eating has been good overall though this week. We''ll see! My bf might even come to the gym tomorrow with me! (I think he just wants to see what my trainer looks like since I keep telling him how pretty she is).

Keep up the good work!
Date: 2/10/2006 10:50:18 AM
Author: AmandaPanda
Good morning ladies.

You are all doing so well!

I can't imagine living on a farm. That is literally the complete opposite of my life -- I live in NYC! Chickens only come from the store, prepackaged, fat cut off.

My chickens are my pets and they all have names
Chickens can be very cuddly too.
Amanda, have you tried cutting back on the alcohol even portion wise, aka instead of one glass of wine do 1/2 or something like that? It could be an easy way to cut the intake so you basically drink 1/2 of what you used to, and sipping the wine or drink instead of just drinking it. Then you could still go out with the friends and do the wine with dinner and stuff, but just drink a smaller glass. You are doing so well with your food and workout, I hate to see you sabotage yourself with alcohol and I think you could make even more positive strides with the small goals.

Well my arms are FINALLY feeling better, but I'm glad I didn't go workout last nite since I'm sure I'd be intraction. I did do 2 miles at the park yesterday so that was good. Today I think I will take a day off and then do some more walking this weekend. Back to kickboxing on Monday with the hopefully new-and-improved arm.

I did situps and leg lifts last nite as well, so plan to do the same again today, just no walking or anything else. And haven't done anything arm related since Monday...yikes!

Mag, you gotta start pushing your girlfriend and yourself too with the verbal stuff. Can you guys stop and talk about it? Say, I work out harder if someone is on my case? In a nicer way of course.
I have a hard time doing that in class too, aka when we partner up I just tend to zone out and count for them but I'm not all 'come on just 2 more you can do it!!!!' like some of the other girls, I just don't feel comfortable doing that, but I'm sure it DOES I have been trying to work on that more too since it seems like some people really like it.

Lorelei, it sounds like the farm keeps you so busy, I'm sure you will see huge results very soon!! I like to daydream about living on a farm and working on the land and eating off it and Greg just laughs and says I would probably die within a week. Men! So not supportive.
Mara I have been debating for ages whether to turn one of my smaller paddocks into a vegetable patch, but it is the thought of all that digging that puts me off. I do have plenty of fresh horse manure for it should I ever do it though, it fertilises taties a treat I am told!
Lorelei, I have been intrigued recently with Tomatoes...I''m not a veggie patch person at all on my patio garden, but my coworker grows tomatoes in her garden and brings them in and she grows the super small sweet yellow ones (i think they are yellow, or maybe orange) that literally taste like candy!!!! They are tiny so you can just pop them as snacks.

They are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. I was going to ask her what variety they were so I could get some seeds and try it in the garden this spring...maybe another fun snackie snack for us to eat instead of sweets in the house.

I know it sounds weird, at first I was like a tomato that tastes sweet like candy? please! I don''t even really like tomatoes. But they were GOOD!
Thats the funny thing I hate tomatoes, but these do sound interesting! I have heard if you let tomatoes get too ripe then they lose the sweetness, do have a try with them, it is amazing what you can grow in a garden, small greenhouse or even a few tubs! A friend used to grow his own new potatoes in a tub and they were delicious

Ideally I would like to grow veg for us and the animals, so that would be carrots, lettuce, celery which grows very well in the soil here, leeks, potatoes and a strawberry patch would be fantastic! Trouble is there are too many pilfering rabbits and squirrels etc here so I doubt there would be many lettuces or strawberries left for us.
Hi Ladies,

I broke my 18 day streak of exercise because I''m feeling sick today.

What''s worse, I ate all this candy this morning to make myself feel better. I was starving at work and needed a pick me up so I just started eating anything in sight!

I hate being sick.
Well today I got a massage and my gal was telling me that this new circles forward/back/left/right arm workout I am doing sounds like it's too intense for me to do it daily, I should do it every few days. She thinks my arm just gave out in protest! Also she wants me to take breathing exercises or a yoga class to try to enhance my breathing so I don't feel lightheaded during kboxing class when I really push myself, one of my biggest pet peeves. Lastly, she suggested I get a book on stretching, she said there was a book that has been out for a long time called 'Stretching' (imagine that!) and that it is the best stretching book she has come across. So I will see if I can find it.

Eating today has been good...cereal with banana and coffee; a salad for lunch; and just had a banana as a snack...because tonite we are going out and I'm sure I will be getting dessert....yum yum. Weekends are my free days.

Aww Jelly sorry to hear you feel sickly, actually eating candy typically makes me feel worse...hehee. How did you feel after?!
Yesterday I did 20 min of pilates, and today, 25 min of hill intervals on the treadmill and 20 min of weights. For lunch I had whole wheat spaghetti w/turkey meatballs and spinach, oranges for snack, and leftover spicy Chinese pork w/tofu and bok choi. Oh and a couple of Reese''s cups this afternoon :)

Good job everyone!

Mara, does the weekdays-on, weekends-off thing work for you? I sort of do that but every other weekend because that''s how often I see my fiance right now, and I worry that it sabotages all the work I do during the week. works for me because i didn't have alot of weight to lose originally (~10-15lbs) so there was not alot of 'rush' in it...and also because i have never been the type who can go for weeks and weeks without feeling like i get some indulgence. some weekends i don't even indulge. but knowing that i CAN and it won't be a big deal mentally goes a long way for me. i'd rather eat really well all week long which is easier for us since we are apart and then greg can have his pizza and i can have my salads for lunch, and then have dinner and dessert out both nights on fri and sat and have a big hearty breakfast at home on sat or sunday (which we do) and feel happy about it.

but i think if i had say 50 lbs to lose or something i would not be AS indulgent as a whole weekend off, maybe more like one day. but this has worked out for me so far. i will say that if i didn't do the weekends off thing that i would probably have been at this point i am at now like 6 months ago or something, but again it wasn't like a huge weight loss or a rush rush thing, i just wanted to go with something that i could do steadily, aka eat healthily 90% of the time and then have a mental splurge option for those days when we go out with friends or similar and not feel guilty. that guilt will sabotage you every time!!

i have read alot as well in mags and things that doing what works for you mentally, aka knowing you can have a day off or a weekend off doesn't 'undo' what you are doing AND it helps you out to keep going with it rather than trying to not give yourself any indulgences and then you are more likely to 'fall off the wagon' at some point and eat a pint of B&J!

every other weekend sounds good...i think if i were alone that i would not have the weekend indulgences, but greg likes to eat good food, and i dont want to be the downer on the weekends going 'oh i have to have a salad'....
plus if he was eating some fish and chips i would NOT be able to just get a salad! marital happiness!
Thankfully I don''t have a huge amt of weight to lose - I''m ok w/my size but it would be nice to lose about 1-2 lbs of fat that I''ve had since college. It''s pretty hard to lose though, I think because it''s been there for awhile and it''s the last bit of "extra weight" that''ll stick to you unless you undertake a drastic exercise/diet program...Maybe closer to my wedding I''ll be super-motivated enough to finally get it off. For now though, I agree that I can''t always eat salad while my fiance eats yummy stuff!
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