
Daily Workout Thread- Fri March 10

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Feb 10, 2006
Good morning!
I am sooo happy it''s Friday b/c that means that i''ve finished my 5th day of exercise this week and have a day off tomorrow. I am too thrilled about that! I am sooo ready to be in my maintenance phase so that I don''t have to work out 5days/wk, although that will take forever b/c my goal weight loss is 31 lbs
!! But it''s got to come off sooner or later, or at least that''s my positive attitude for today.

Danielle, great job about taking 2 min. off your time! It''s nice to see those accomplishments; that sort of thing helps keep me going.

Anyway, happy Friday to everyone!
Amy, thank you for starting the thread this morning. I haven''t worked out yet but that''s because we decided to go to a free yoga class this afternoon. I''ve never done yoga so it''ll be interesting. I''m not terribly flexible (although working on it every day) so I hope I don''t make a fool of myself :) Hopefully it''s yoga for beginners.

Anyway, I too am glad it''s Friday... although my boyfriend (or FI, dare I say) is going out of town on Sunday morning and we won''t see each other for a week... which is kinda poopy. On a positive note, I may take my butt up to Columbus to check out a gem show Virginia pointed out to me. I''m still hunting for a sapphire for my pendant project.

So, hope everyone else is doing well :)
Hey ladies, just checking in and hope to be back with you next week. It looks as if everyone is doing a great job, keep up the good work. Amy, try not to worry about losing the 31 pounds too fast, give yourself time and eveyday try to do some work towards it and know that it WILL happen for you. Keep in mind too that if you aim for a steady loss and better lifetime eating habits, the weight will come off and stay off too.

Keep going all!
Well, I had a decent workout last night and really hope to do some jogging after work. The exhausted feeling seems to be lessening, and that''s good. Hopefully it just means I''m getting in better shape. Last night I did some abs, arms, legs, and 20 pushups, and I ran for 2.25 miles and walked for another .75 miles. Today after work I want to do 3 miles of interval running. I hope I''m up for it because I''m a bit sore from last night.
Hi ladies.

I had my trainer this morning and did about 30 minutes of cardio before she got there. She did an extra long workout with me today, so I got in almost 2 hours of exercise today. I''m super pooped today... I didn''t sleep well last night at all.

I weigh in tomorrow, so hopefully it will be good news!
good afternoon -- i had a three mile run yesterday and it went well -- though my shins are a little pained today...

so i''m going to do pilates today and change things up

eating has been going well.

can''t wait to enjoy this gorgeous weather currently in the DC area!

Have a great weekend everyone
Thanks Amy! I was pretty excited about my time going down. I am hoping that I can maintain my running pace longer as I continue training. I''ve been pushing myself pretty hard to not be such a wuss, but at the same time being mindful of my body. I ordered new sneakers as I am an extreme over-pronator, but they came & they were too small
. I have to send them back and wait again for my new sneaks! Right now I''ll have to deal with some foot/lower leg pain, although it''s not too too bad.

Tonight I don''t know if I''ll make it to the gym. I have to choose whether I clean the bathroom/straighten up the house or work out & shower before we have some friends over. Since I didn''t plan on a long run today anyway, maybe I will do my yoga dvd & some weights at the house. Then I should still have time to take a shower & do a quick clean up on the bathroom. Hmmmmm...

I''ve always wanted to get into Yoga, but never wanted to pay
. Good luck!
yay Danielle on your shorter time!!

i am pleased to report i actually sucked it up and went to kboxing class last nite, took it easy on the arm (well except at the end when i had to hold a pad while the strongest girl in class kicked it and i had to ''catch'' her kicks...ow on a good day), but i felt really good in general and was very strong on cardio and legs, which i found interesting. it''s so funny how when you take a break for a while and then get back into it, as long as you aren''t just sitting around on the couch then your body is still able to work it out just fine. except for the gimpy arm i was feeling great. when i came home i put heat on the arm and it doesn''t hurt too badly but it seems maybe a little swollen near the shoulder. i figure i will keep going 1ce a week to kbox and see how that works with the arm. greg still wants me to see a DR so maybe i should just go. my trainer said they could possibly give me arm exercises to do so that if its a pinched nerve or something, it can speed healing? damn.

have a fabulous weekend ladies.
So I followed some of your advice from yesterday, got to bed a little before midnight (still not ideal, but better), and then... pressed "off" instead of snooze this morning and way overslept. I woke up after the pool closed for the morning. There''s an afternoon session I can never make it to because of class, but that class was cancelled! So I swam for 35-40 minutes this afternoon.

Mara, it''s good that you''re heating and icing. Are you also taking ibuprofin? I always forget to take it when I''m actually having problems with swelling/pain, but since it''s an anti-inflammatory, it can really help to just take it around the clock for a few days. It also probably wouldn''t hurt to see a doctor. If you need to take a break or get some sort of treatment, it''s good knowing it sooner rather than later so you don''t aggrevate it further. If it''s really not a problem to keep working out on it, it could ease your mind to know that. I hope it starts feeling better.
Sounds like everyone''s doing great with their exercise! Yay!

I just got back from a 20-min walk with my co-workers--it''s really nice outside. I had my yearly review here a couple days ago and one of my suggestions was that we start walking when it''s nice out to get some activity in since we are all sedentary for most of the day at our desks. So my office manager listened and now we have a nice thing going.

We had a "potluck" at work today also (which I hate because I tend to graze all day and eat way more than normal), so I brought fresh fruit as my contribution. I was surprised to see some pretty healthy things on the breakroom table, there was a nice spinach salad, a chinese noodle salad with carrots and bell peppers, and someone brought a chicken dish that looked relatively healthy. I think I''m having a positive impact here! People like to ask me all kinds of questions about the food I bring in (organic skim milk, tons of veggies, almond milk, weird vegetarian food, etc.) and why I eat the way I do, so I tell them all about it. Sometimes you get resistance or smart ass remarks, but mostly people are interested and say they wish they could eat healthier food.

Tomorrow I begin walking with the group at my gym who is training for the Avon Walk in June-I''m excited, but it''s supposed to rain so I''m gonna have to dig up a poncho! Getting up early on a Saturday morning will not be easy at first, but it will certainly keep me from staying up late on Friday nights...I also have sleep issues and can never get to sleep before midnight! I hope that forcing myself to not sleep in on weekends will help me get into a better sleep routine. We shall see...

Stermag, I''m excited for you about trying yoga. I really like it. I say this only having experienced it a couple times but those that I did, I enjoyed it. I felt calmer afterward and got a good workout from it. I''m not sure if everyone sweated like I did, but for me, I did quite a bit. Also, i''ve tried 3 different places and liked them each differently. Actually, the last place was in my house b/c it was a tape and didn''t like that nearly as much as the actual yoga places. The first place was a yoga center and the second was at my gym so very different experiences. Definitely liked the yoga center the best. If I could work it into my schedule, i''d do it. And i''m not very flexible either, especially w/back problems. One thing I liked is that both places asked if there were any beginners and also if anyone had injuries. If so, they should you alternate moves and I felt no pressure to do what I couldn''t either place.
I hope you like it!

Lorelei, doing something every day toward my goal is a really good approach. It''s certainly always on my mind, but I like thinking about it postively and I like thinking about goals and how to meet them. So even if it''s a small, daily goal, it helps me to meet that. Thanks again, I really admire your attitude about all of this!
(organic skim milk, tons of veggies, almond milk, weird vegetarian food, etc.) and why I eat the way I do, so I tell them all about it. Sometimes you get resistance or smart ass remarks, but mostly people are interested and say they wish they could eat healthier food.
Monarch, I tried soy milk and also had my son try it, and we both thought it was ok. He said it tasted kind of like a vanilla milkshake.
I want to try it for awhile and see if that helps my stomach problems. He also takes a really long time in the bathroom (not that any of you wanted to know that), but I wonder if lots of milk could be a cause. So i''m experimenting a bit to see if that improves. I actually looked for almond milk at Whole Foods but didn''t see it, although I only glanced at the milk section. Where do you get it? Do you use that in place of regular milk or in addition to? Also, do you like soy milk?
Date: 3/10/2006 3:54:52 PM
Author: amy94

Lorelei, doing something every day toward my goal is a really good approach. It's certainly always on my mind, but I like thinking about it postively and I like thinking about goals and how to meet them. So even if it's a small, daily goal, it helps me to meet that. Thanks again, I really admire your attitude about all of this!
Thanks Amy! It took me years of misery to learn this, but one day I realized that hopping on and off the scales and stressing about " how bad" I was if I slipped had brought me nothing but anguish and wildly fluctuating weight! I could then see what a slippery slope it was and that I had been so hard on myself, that I had wasted time and happiness by expecting perfection and could have been in control a long time ago. Once I realized that I was so unhappy being this way, that weight control or rather achieving a healthy weight was actually a lifetime process and not something to be pursued like a mad thing, feasting and fasting as I used to do, I GOT IT! Now I allow myself to be human, eat normally but wisely and expect life to intrude now and then where I might want an icecream - I have it and don't feel bad. I might just cut back a little the next day and be a little more active and it works! I don't want to live the life of conflict and deprivation I used to, I am human and not perfect, nor should I be - I have a life to live and to enjoy.

If Hubby is about and at weekends I know a visit to the burger bar might be on the cards, I might join him with maybe some fries and a diet soda, but as I don't let myself get too hungry, very often I choose just to have the diet soda. I can do this and it feels good. If we go out for a meal, I will have what I want and not worry about it, just occasionally is the key. I would rather splurge on a restaurent meal than fast food. I try to make good choices and realise I can have a treat now and then, but if I do it all the time I will gain weight, it's that simple. I choose not to eat the wrong things all the time, tomorrow is another day where I can eat the cake if I really want it! But mainly I choose not too. I am so happy for my new attitude every time I look in the mirror!

You can do it Amy!
You cannot mess up - honestly! If you have a day where you eat more, it's just a day, you haven't blown it and tomorrow you can always do a little more towards your goal.

Another tip, stay off the scales if you can and if you are comfortable with this. Focus instead on other things, really notice your face changing shape, collar bones beconing more prominent, jeans fitting a little easier, arms becoming more slender, things like that. Scales can fluctuate as we know, but the actual loss of inches and fat you can really see. This way you really focus on the visible success, also ask people you know to remark when they notice you have lost weight. Sometimes people don't like to comment, but if you ask their opinion they fall over themselves to congratulate you!
all i can say ladies is that you should let yourself enjoy a burger and fries once in a while and a REAL soda. i seriously do not understand why people eat something like a big ole burger and fries and then a diet soda. at that point, JUST GO ALL OUT!!!

i drink 2 real sodas a week...and it''s gotta be regular, not diet.
Date: 3/10/2006 4:19:15 PM
Author: Mara
all i can say ladies is that you should let yourself enjoy a burger and fries once in a while and a REAL soda. i seriously do not understand why people eat something like a big ole burger and fries and then a diet soda. at that point, JUST GO ALL OUT!!!

i drink 2 real sodas a week...and it's gotta be regular, not diet.
I like to save the calories from a full fat! But I went off regular soda a while ago, I think I like the artificial sweeteners better
But yes, if you like reg soda and you are going to have a wee treat, the do go all out! You have to live and a little of what you fancy does you good I am told
Date: 3/10/2006 4:25:47 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 3/10/2006 4:19:15 PM
Author: Mara
all i can say ladies is that you should let yourself enjoy a burger and fries once in a while and a REAL soda. i seriously do not understand why people eat something like a big ole burger and fries and then a diet soda. at that point, JUST GO ALL OUT!!!

i drink 2 real sodas a week...and it's gotta be regular, not diet.
I like to save the calories from a full fat! But I went off regular soda a while ago, I think I like the artificial sweeteners better
But yes, if you like reg soda and you are going to have a wee treat, the do go all out! You have to live and a little of what you fancy does you good I am told
I read that a coke you drink at the movies is 3x your daily allowance of sugar. YIKES.

Anyway the artificial sweeteners make me feel icky...I like the regular but I only reward it to myself 2ce a week!! Water the rest of the time.
Date: 3/10/2006 3:59:06 PM
Author: amy94

(organic skim milk, tons of veggies, almond milk, weird vegetarian food, etc.) and why I eat the way I do, so I tell them all about it. Sometimes you get resistance or smart ass remarks, but mostly people are interested and say they wish they could eat healthier food.
Monarch, I tried soy milk and also had my son try it, and we both thought it was ok. He said it tasted kind of like a vanilla milkshake.
I want to try it for awhile and see if that helps my stomach problems. He also takes a really long time in the bathroom (not that any of you wanted to know that), but I wonder if lots of milk could be a cause. So i''m experimenting a bit to see if that improves. I actually looked for almond milk at Whole Foods but didn''t see it, although I only glanced at the milk section. Where do you get it? Do you use that in place of regular milk or in addition to? Also, do you like soy milk?
Hmm, your son maybe has a lactose intolerance? Some people''s bodies just aren''t able to deal with animal proteins and stuff, so maybe you''re right, he is having trouble digesting the cow milk. You know humans are really the only species that drinks another species'' mothers milk! It''s really weird that humans do that, if you think about it (and I''m sure you have, lol!)

I found the almond milk at Dominick''s in their organic section, and at Jewel it''s by the rice and soy milk and Kashi cereals...but it''s on the very bottom shelf. I still haven''t been to a Whole Foods, believe it or not, because there isn''t one in my neighborhood. The nearest one is about 20 minutes from me, unfortunately.

I haven''t tried soy milk yet, but I will soon and I''ll let you know what I think! I put the almond milk in my cereal. Hubby doesn''t like anything but regular bovine milk, so I don''t substitute anything at home. It took me a whole year after we first moved in together to get him to switch from 2% to skim anyway. He''s a little stubborn about making dietary changes, which is totally understandable. The other night he made Hamburger Helper (yuck) and used my Morningstar fake meat crumbles which I hadn''t gotten to try yet. I wasn''t hungry, and didn''t try any of the fakeburger helper, but instead of saving some for me to try, he declared it "not fit for human consumption" and threw it all out. LOL!

I''ve decided to take the plunge and add morning workouts--you''ve inspired me Amy! I also have a friend who gets up at 5:15 every morning to run...she says the same thing as you''ve said--it takes some getting used to, but once you get into it becomes easier. Monday morning, here I come, lol! Hubby has even agreed to kick me out of bed if I hit snooze even once, ha ha!
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