
Daily Workout Thread--Friday, May 12

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Aug 12, 2005
"Sorry to revive yesterday''s workout thread, but I just wanted to thank everyone for their good wishes. I am going to try and get a workout of some sort in today. " --Coda 5-12-06

Hi Coda--I copied your post into today''s workout thread, which I just started. Good to hear you are going to try to workout today! Hope it goes well!

Well, yesterday was very rainy and cold here so I didn''t walk at all. I could''ve gone to the gym and used the treadmill but, you know, I just couldn''t bring myself to do so! Instead I curled up on the couch most of the evening and caught up on some magazine reading! My arms and abs are still sore from two days ago this morning, so at least that workout paid off.

Still raining and cold today...we''ll see what this evening brings, but tomorrow morning I am meeting my team at
5:15 a.m. and we''ll start our 20 miles at 5:30!
My problem is not really the early factor, but the fact that it''s not very warm at 5 a.m.! We''ll be lucky if it''s 40 degrees.
OK, stopping whining now, lol!

have a great day ladies!
Coda, sorry to hear about your accident. That''s great that you''re trying to workout again but don''t overdo it!

I got in my 5th workout today! I am happy that''s done!! I''m going out of town tomorrow until Tuesday so I have to figure out a way to workout while i''m gone. I''m actually going to try to make it to a gym if possible, or do a lot of walking. And then i''ll be gone again the later part of the week so it''ll be a challenging workout week for me. So I probably won''t do too much posting next week so have a great week ladies!!

Monarch, hopefully the rain stops for you by tomorrow. If not, can you go w/some of your team to the gym and walk on the treadmills together? This weather around here is pretty dreary!

Gotta run..have a good Friday!
Dixie, good job on completing 5 workouts and wanting to do more this weekend!!!
You are one motivated lady!

Oh, I so wish we could stay inside if it rains tomorrow, but we all agreed when we started training together that we would walk outside, rain or shine. Since the actual marathon itself takes place outside there will be no wimping out then and no treadmills, lol! DH has a rain suit I can wear the jacket part of and be covered pretty well, (legs would be too long unfortunately) and I''ll just have to bring extra socks in case my feet get wet.

Have a good time wherever you''re going--"see" ya next week!
Coda: Congratulations on starting it up again, i know that you''ll listen to your body!! speedy recovery to you.

Monarch: 20 miles - WOW - inspiring. you''ve been working really hard, a night with a magazine is well deserved

dixie: i''m pretty certain i have never done 5 workouts in a row!! excellent work

I did the elliptical last night for 3.5 miles. and it was a much needed break for my shins and blisters.

tonight is friday, no workout for me, but it''s been a good week.

have a wonderful weekend.
i''m a workout slacker!!!

i have just been so unmotivated this week after coming back from texas. but my eating has been really good 99% of the time, so i don''t feel too bad. though last nite instead of going to kickboxing, it was such a nice day out that greg and i walked over to this local cajun place for dinner and had po boys and BREAD PUDDING for dessert, divine and we sat outside and enjoyed the night i didn''t feel too guilty. but i really shoulda worked out. oh well!! bread pudding was WAY more fun.

so anyway for breakfast today i had something new, a whole wheat tortilla with scrambled egg whites with a bit of jack cheese, pretty yummy. lunch will be tuna sandwich or something basic...then dinner who knows since it''s our anni and i know greg is taking me out. ah well! if i can get a walk in this weekend maybe next week i will be SUPER motivated!!
Mara, don''t feel guilty! I''m sure you''ll get in some bedroom gymnastics routines this weekend, lol!
Date: 5/12/2006 10:54:18 AM
Author: monarch64
Dixie, good job on completing 5 workouts and wanting to do more this weekend!!!
You are one motivated lady!

Oh, I so wish we could stay inside if it rains tomorrow, but we all agreed when we started training together that we would walk outside, rain or shine. Since the actual marathon itself takes place outside there will be no wimping out then and no treadmills, lol! DH has a rain suit I can wear the jacket part of and be covered pretty well, (legs would be too long unfortunately) and I''ll just have to bring extra socks in case my feet get wet.

Have a good time wherever you''re going--''see'' ya next week!
Monarch, don''t give me that much credit! I was talking about trying to get workouts in Mon. and Tuesday. 5 days a week is PLENTY for me!!

Well, hopefully it doesn''t rain on you tomorrow OR at the walk. That won''t be fun but think of how proud of yourself you will be (and we will be ) if you walk all that time in the rain! Wow!!

Lulu, how long does it take to go 3.5 miles? I never track my distance on that but i''m pretty sure I haven''t ever gone that far. I usually only do 30 minutes although am only doing the treadmill now to try to accomplish this running program.

Mara, your dinner sounded good!
Good breakfast idea. I didn''t realize eggs had so much fat???

Gotta go.
mara -- enjoy your anniversary! congrats

dixie: i keep a pretty brisk pace on the elliptical -- most machines have an option to show you distance or speed, etc. i''m sure they aren''t the most accurate measurements, but i can do 3.5 miles in about 30 minutes, so you never know, you might be going farther than you think!
Ladies: I''m happy to report that today I joined a gym that''s about 2 blocks from the office.

I finally decided to get off my butt and do something. My wedding is 4.5 months away, and I''m never going to get to my goal (lose a dress size) by procrastinating!

I lost about 30 pounds 3 years ago, and slowly regained about half of it over the last year or so. I know what I need to do to lose it, but I''ve been lazy about it.

So, look for me on these posts beginning Monday!
Congrats on joining the gym, Chargergirl! I''m glad to hear you''ve taken the initiative to get yourself back in better shape and I really look forward to you posting more here on these workout threads. It''s been fun getting to know everyone who posts here and very motivational for me...I hope you gain as much from it as I have and continue to! "See" ya Monday, then!
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