
Daily Workout Thread, Monday April 3

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Aug 12, 2005
Good morning Ladies! Thought I would start the thread today.

I''m planning on working out tonight after work. I didn''t do a darn thing all day yesterday--the weather was still kinda crappy here and Dh and I just lazed around all day, which was nice!

I weighed myself yesterday and have lost another couple pounds--a total of 9 pounds now since I started trying to lose a couple months ago! I am actually wearing a pair of jeans I haven''t been able to get into for over a year today! I have about 10-15 more pounds to go to get where I would really like to be. I think increasing my workout time and cutting way down on my intake of alcohol has made a huge difference. This thread has been a huge motivator as well--thanks ladies!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Congratulations Monarch!!!!!!!!! 9 pounds is a great success, as is fitting into an old pair of jeans

I am feeling quite sore from the race on Saturday, but I think I will hit the gym tonight to do some light cardio & lift some weights (upper body).

I totally did not realize that daylight savings was beginning this weekend. My body definitely likes daylights savings much better than when we aren''t on it. I just feel more awake - if that makes any sense.

Good luck everyone this week!
Monarch! congratulations!!!! that is great progress.

I was sort of halted last week, but it''s out of my system and i''m ready to devote myself to working out and making smart food choices!

wedding in 3 months has set me straight
congrats monarch!!!! great progress.

i went my 2.5m yesterday and my thigh is kind of sore so i''m taking it easy today, maybe doing some stomach and pilates/core work this afternoon.

it''s pouring depressing!
I would like to join the daily workout thread. I am overweight and my goal is just to be more active and get fitter. I am not pressuring myself with "I have to lose weight" mentality, and I am not dieting. I am eating what I want, in moderation and very much trying to eat *ONLY WHEN HUNGRY* A very big thing for me.

I have been going to Curves (albeit sporadically) for a few months and basically haven''t been in a few weeks, so tonight I am going back to a more scheduled workout routine (3 times a week at Curves). My husband and I bought bicycles about 6 weeks ago and have been doing really well at motivating each other to go ride. We ride 3.5 miles a night with up to 8 miles on the weekend. In the six weeks I have gone from averaging 8 mph to about 12mph on our daily ride and I hit a personal best a week ago riding 18.3mph under my own power : ) I have lost about 5 pounds since starting to ride, and have definitely noticed a huge difference in my arms of all places, definitely firmer.

We are getting to that point where the excitement of new bikes has worn off and we are starting to get lazy, it certainly is easier to sit on the couch rather than ride so I hope that checking in here will motivate me to do it. Riding is definitely pleasant, the cool wind and just being out and about.

Congrats Monarch on the weight loss and fitting into those old jeans!

I wish you guys well,

Bridget-Oh what a great way to spend time together as a couple!
Monarch- 9 pounds that is awsome!!! Congrats!
I just popped back in becuase it is getting warmer...and we sweat. For the girls who are walking, running, I have started using bodyglide. I am losing (not to goal yet, but on my way!) but my thighs still rub when I jog, I am loving bodyglide becuase it keeps my skin from getting irratated.
Just a litte FYI!
Gals I subscribed to eDiets newsletter and they sent out some informative articles etc, I saw this one re why whole foods is good so here is the link and also their bullet points. it''s alot of what we talk about but it''s good to see it reinforced!

Simple Rules for a Wholefoods Diet
-Eat only whole grains and unrefined sweeteners.
-Eat lots of fresh vegetables and moderate amounts of fruit.
-Get more protein from beans and less from meat and dairy.
-Maintain a moderate fat intake, preferring vegetable rather than animal fats.
-Avoid food processed foods that are dependant on unnatural amounts of sugar, salt and food additives.
-Drink plenty of non-sugary liquids.

Whole article:
Hi everyone,
I don''t really have anything to report for this week yet. I planned to work out this morning but woke w/a terrible sore throat and just couldn''t force myself to go jump around for 45 min. I know I need to workout this evening but just not sure if it will happen. I did complete 5 days last week, and i''m pretty happy about that. I didn''t think I would b/c I was sick part of the week and missed a day but made it up on Saturday. I am so glad that I did b/c I had a big piece of pecan pie and ice cream on Sunday. It was good! So....I really need to workout today. We''ll see.
Glad everyone seems to be doing pretty well.
9lbs is great Monarch! Way to go.

Bridget, welcome! I bought my son a bike just so that it would help me get out there and get some exercise.

Back to work for me... I am tired of being so busy.
Especially when I just want to go back to bed.

But I must workout! I will workout! I will workout! I will workout!

Ok, maybe that will work!
Amy--get your booty to the gym, lol! You can do it!!!

Bridget--glad to hear you''ll be joining us! It''s nice to be able to post here, positive things, as well as challenges. Mara doesn''t put up with any "wallowing" though, so consider yourself warned, ha ha!

Sounds like everyone''s doing pretty well on the whole--keep up the good work!
Hello Girls,

Firstly, Monarch, congratulations and a big welcome to Bridget.

My workout buddy was late today and we did 30 minutes of cardio, some stretches and called it a day. I am thinking fierce thoughts for tomorrow... My race is 5 weeks away! Eek.

Mara, great advice re: whole food diet. The toughest part for me is finding significant sources of protein that do not come from meat or dairy. I''m not a huge fan of beans, but maybe I just have to get more imaginative and find some good recipes.

We had a beautiful weekend, for the most part, and now it''s back to gray and rainy. Last night, there was a torando watch issued for the Ohio Valley, but the sirens ended up being more scary than the weather that followed... fortunately. I hope the sun comes back soon. I love spring.
Wow, thanks for all the welcomes and encouragement!

This may be a good way to add beans to the diet without having to eat a side of beans : )
I had this salad in a restaurant a few weeks ago and enjoyed it so much that I make it at home.

Romaine & Green Leaf Lettuce
Cherry/ Grape tomatoes
Kalamata Olives
Thinly sliced sweet onion
Chick Peas
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil

Cut up Romaine and Green Leaf lettuce. Mix a tablespoon Balsamic with 3 tablespoons olive oil, mix really well and sprinkle over lettuce, toss to coat, use just enough to "gloss" the lettuce, you don''t want oily dressing in the bottom of the bowl. Add tomatoes, olives, onion and chick peas. Viola it''s done. The chick peas add tons of fibre and protein and you can will need to adjust the quantities of ingredients to suit you. I tend to go heavy on the chick peas because they are really tasty with the touch of dressing.

Work is almost done, then I am going to gym!

I wish you well,

Stermag, what race are you going to be involved in?? If it is running then I am amazed (I am sure if it is not running and something else, I will still be amazed!) I have been, am and always will be amazed with people who can run for any length of time because I *know* that I cannot and can only imagine what stamina and training it takes!

I wish you well,

mmmmmmm, chick peas are so yummy. Bridget is right - they taste even better with just a touch of salad dressing! I''m now having a craving for some hummus

Bridget - I posted this a week ago or so, but I always thoughht I couldn''t run either. I would wimp out after a mile or so, complain about hurting muscles, etc....I just ran my first 5K this Saturday & I finished in 35:45...not too bad for someone who would walk for 15 minutes and want to jump off the treadmill.

For me - it was all mental. I kept telling myself I couldn''t run, so I couldn''t. I signed up for this race with my friends & it was just the source of motivation that I needed. Granted - for me - running HURTS. It''s not really fun & I haven''t gotten to the point where I can just jog along for miles at a time. But when I run, I just feel accomplished. And to me - that makes all the pain and negative feelings go away for me.

So I don''t know - if you want to run, you should keep trying & not give up. But if you don''t want to run or really don''t like it, there are plenty of other exercises.

Now that my race is over, I really want to start focusing again on lifting weights. I''ve been kind of ignoring them while trying to train for the 5K & I can really tell in my arms. They are getting a little flabby & that''s not cool
Oh also for beans, check out that Red Beans and Rice recipe from Cooking Light that we posted over in the Light Foods/Cooking thread in FHH. I want to try that tomorrow night, its with Turkey Sausage so it sounds yummy.

LOL monarch...I know I''m a hard ass!!

Tonite we are doing the Tilapia with Cream and Mushrooms I also posted in that healthy thread. We had it last week and Greg LOVED it.
Date: 4/3/2006 3:27:28 PM
Author: monarch64
Amy--get your booty to the gym, lol! You can do it!!!
Monarch, THANKS! Sometimes you just need a little push. I really do feel like crap right now but I am pretty sure I can still get a workout in. So that will have to be the very FIRST thing I do when I get home or it will never, ever happen tonight.
Mara, I bought a copy of the Cooking Light magazine that you mentioned before. It has some good stuff in it. I''m looking fwd to going to the website and trying something new. I get soooo tired of Lean Cuisine meals after awhile. They kind of all taste the same to me.
I am very glad I found you guys!
Bridget, I''m on a relay team running the Cincinnati Flying Pig marathon in May. Each leg is approx. 10k. It''s my first race, and I''ve never really been a runner, but since starting training in late Jan, I''ve progressed from barely being able to run half a mile, to running 5 miles a day.

Like Danielle said, it''s 90% mental. In fact, almost all exercise is. It''s your brain that ultimately decides when to stop, how fast to go, how hard to work. Your level of physical and cardiovascular fitness determines only at which point you begin to feel discomfort. In other words, in January, I would feel significant fatigue after half a mile, and today it doesn''t creep up until mile 4 or when my feet start to blister, whichever comes first. Still, no matter what your level, it''s still up to your brain to push your body forward, and test your own limits. The more you test them, the more you will obscure them.

Good luck!
The hardest part is starting, and you''re already there.
Date: 4/3/2006 4:21:28 PM
Author: amy94

Date: 4/3/2006 3:27:28 PM
Author: monarch64
Amy--get your booty to the gym, lol! You can do it!!!
Monarch, THANKS! Sometimes you just need a little push. I really do feel like crap right now but I am pretty sure I can still get a workout in. So that will have to be the very FIRST thing I do when I get home or it will never, ever happen tonight.
Mara, I bought a copy of the Cooking Light magazine that you mentioned before. It has some good stuff in it. I''m looking fwd to going to the website and trying something new. I get soooo tired of Lean Cuisine meals after awhile. They kind of all taste the same to me.
I am very glad I found you guys!
Hee hee, if I gotta go, you gotta go!
Hi ladies.
I haven''t posted in a while but I''ve been keeping up the workouts and weight watchers. I''ve lost a total of 12 pounds. Good, but not as much as I want. I have another 5 pounds to lose to reach my goal for my birthday in three weeks.

I''m not working right now so you would think I would be at the gym as much as possible, but I find it much harder to motivate. I love my trainer though and she''s been great.

Keep up the great work!
AManda, congrats on your 12 pound loss! You''re doing great! I know it''s hard to stay motivated sometimes, I think we all get that way. My 9 pounds hasn''t come off as quickly as I wanted, it''s been 11 weeks since I started really trying to eat right and exercise faithfully, but I''m not being too hard on myself. It took me two years to put on the extra weight, so although I know if I really went crazy with working out and being super restrictive with my calories I could lose faster, but you know, I just don''t wanna put myself through that! It''s too easy to lose weight fast, and then fall completely off the wagon and re-gain it when I reach my goal. At 28 I''ve had to rethink my entire lifestyle and realize that if I want to live a long and healthy life I can''t just go the quick-fix route anymore.
I''ve given myself about 4 months to take off 20-25 pounds, so 2.75 months in I''m pretty much where I want to be, which is nice. 5 years ago I would''ve expected it to come off in 30 days, ha ha!

Keep checking in with this thread! I love to read it every day and see how everyone else is doing. On days I just don''t want to work out, it helps me to know that others feel the same but they are still doing it. Kind of gets me thinking I can do it if they can!
Welcome, Bridget!

And congratulations on the weight loss, Monarch, that''s awesome!

My boyfriend got back in town a day earlier than expected, so it was swim or see him for the last time before surgery (since I headed out of town this afternoon). I chose to see him, and then went on about a 2 mile walk. It''s definitely spring time in Virginia, with chirping birds and beautiful smelling flowers and 80 degree weather, so I really enjoy getting outside.

Oh, and I swam about 40 or 45 minutes yesterday.
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