Hi everyone,
I hope there isn''t one of these threads already started for today, but I looked and didn''t see one. Well, i''m officially an idiot. Yesterday, I tried and tried to logon here but couldn''t. I kept getting this error message about cookies. Well, I try today and then the lightbulb hits---i''m using the wrong username.
So, I felt so bad all day yesterday b/c i''m addicted to you guys and couldn''t respond.
So now, back to business!
Since my computer at home seems to have died on me, or at least the modem part, I couldn''t post over the weekend. I did pretty good finishing out last week though. I accomplished my 5 day exercise goal. I also feel like i''ve been better drinking water. My exercise goal this week is to do these leg exercises twice/day that i''ve been slacking on, in addition to my regular 5 day/wk cardio. I''ve done 2 days this week so far. My eating has been ok although I really have to find a way to resist temptation. It is hard!!!! I try not to keep anything in the house b/c I can''t resist but lately, there''s been stuff there leftover from V-day. I also try not to be very hard on myself but I really want to lose weight. There is a Weight Watchers group starting at my job next Monday. I am thinking of joining b/c I need all the motivation I can get. Has anyone done that? I know I won''t be able to attend regularly given my schedule but even once in awhile, it seems worth the money.
I hope everyone else is doing well.
Anyone else set weekly or short term goals? I also have a short term weight loss goal of 5 lbs but I seem to have been on that one for quite some time. Sometimes the weight comes off fairly easy, sometimes it just never goes away.
I hope there isn''t one of these threads already started for today, but I looked and didn''t see one. Well, i''m officially an idiot. Yesterday, I tried and tried to logon here but couldn''t. I kept getting this error message about cookies. Well, I try today and then the lightbulb hits---i''m using the wrong username.
So now, back to business!
Since my computer at home seems to have died on me, or at least the modem part, I couldn''t post over the weekend. I did pretty good finishing out last week though. I accomplished my 5 day exercise goal. I also feel like i''ve been better drinking water. My exercise goal this week is to do these leg exercises twice/day that i''ve been slacking on, in addition to my regular 5 day/wk cardio. I''ve done 2 days this week so far. My eating has been ok although I really have to find a way to resist temptation. It is hard!!!! I try not to keep anything in the house b/c I can''t resist but lately, there''s been stuff there leftover from V-day. I also try not to be very hard on myself but I really want to lose weight. There is a Weight Watchers group starting at my job next Monday. I am thinking of joining b/c I need all the motivation I can get. Has anyone done that? I know I won''t be able to attend regularly given my schedule but even once in awhile, it seems worth the money.
I hope everyone else is doing well.
Anyone else set weekly or short term goals? I also have a short term weight loss goal of 5 lbs but I seem to have been on that one for quite some time. Sometimes the weight comes off fairly easy, sometimes it just never goes away.