
Dairy connection with ear infections?

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
What is the conventional wisdom regarding the connection btwn dairy and ear infections? I've heard from so many people who say that once their child was taken off dairy, they stopped getting ear infections. I'm thinking of trying to have DS go dairy-free because he's gotten another ear infection (the last one was one month ago), so that's now 2 infections since his ear tubes came out in February. I knew this one was in the mail though, as he has pink eye with a lot of discharge and snot...typically when he gets colds with a lot of drainage, he gets the accompanying ear infection. Fortunately, he was able to tell us for the first time that his ear hurt and consistently pointed to the ear that actually does have the infection.

My one concern with going dairy-free is that it practically makes him a vegan and he's a poor eater to begin with. He doesn't drink a lot of milk anyway (probably 8 oz or less a day), but it's an easy source of calcium and fat for him. He can't drink almond milk or other nut milks due to allergies and I am reluctant to give the guy soy milk.

Anyone have any luck with regard to dairy-free and ear infections?
I've never heard of this connection, but I'm interested to hear what others have to say because I suffered from chronic ear infections as a child and I drank a lot of milk.
I'm interested to hear the responses. I've never heard of the connection but DS has had (at least) 6 ear infections since October. That's right after we started him on cow's milk BUT that's also when he started daycare. Daycare seems the more likely culprit.
Both of my kids drank lots of milk. D#1 didn't really get ear infections (I don't remember any), while dd#2 had a series of them when she was 1-2 years of age. But then she seemed to grow out of them.
How old is your child? When they are little basically their eustachian tube is shorter and more prone to infections. Also some kids must have funkier e tubes than others and be more prone.
Haven't heard about the dairy connection. Whenever my children get a cold I do try to get a lot of clear fluids into them (fruit, juices, broths), but not 24/7.
Unless someone has an IgE mediated milk allergy which could lead to increased congestion, there is no correlation.

It is a myth that milk/dairy increases or thickens secretions. It's one of those "Old Wive's Tales" that pedis have been fighting forever. It's up there with "white spots are a sign of strep" and "green mucous means a sinus infection."

(For the record, white on the throat is more commonly post nasal drip or viral exudate; and green mucous means a person needs to drink more fluids.)

ETA: I just realized that my reply could seem curt, which isn't intended! I just thought a simple, straightforward reply would be most helpful. Sorry if it read at all snarky!