
Deciding between asscher stones


Sep 6, 2024
Hi all – this forum is truly amazing. I have learned so much just from scrolling through various asscher threads, and I would still love some additional inputs on my decision-making process.

I have always been drawn to Asschers, and I'm hoping to find a stone that checks off as many of the boxes as possible, with a focus on balance — that is, balance of surface area in relation to finger size (4.75), as well as balance of table vs. depth %. For ex, I've read that a better Asscher cut has a table % that is equal or less than the depth %. (My silly chart shows boxes around the table/depth %s where table < depth for that reason.)

We are talking really small hands, so I want to be mindful about picking a stone size that looks beautiful and wearable but not costume-y or tacky. I know it will matter how the stone is set as well, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you might arrive at a decision.

I've been leaning towards the 4.07 and 3.82, but I also have not yet seen the 3.23 and 3.05 IRL.

The photos are screenshots from videos since I do not have direct video, but please let me know what other info might be helpful to provide. I know it ultimately comes down to seeing all the stones in person, and these pictures simply don't do them justice.

Thanks so much in advance – I'm really looking forward to learning more.
Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 4.22.31 PM.png
Videos...videos would help. Please post links to any you have.
The diamonds aren’t moving enough in the videos to tell much.
Dang! Let's try this again... Here are the diamonds on hand:

4.07 E VVS2
3.82 E VVS2
3.23 D VVS1
3.05 D VVS2

I'm unfortunately unable to post the 3.71 and 3.84 stones...they were email attachments and imgur keeps removing them!
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Going to call @Karl_K to see if he can comment. The first videos where they only rock them N/S are of limited use (but still useful).
I thought I liked the 3.05 but when I saw the finger video it looks like I'm seeing too much leakage. Same with the 3.23 but lets let
@Karl_K speak on that.

Now, I'm leaning toward the 3.82...but again, Karl knows asscher anatomy and can tell you what's worth pursuing.
Crazy busy weekend it will be Monday before I can view them at my pc.
Are these all from the same place?