Hi! I am so glad I found this website which really helped a newbie like me, I have read some forums and the education part but still feel scared of purchasing a diamond online. I would like to ask you to give me some suggestions on a F-G SI2-SI1 eye clean, 1 ct and of course cut is the priority which is ideal or "super ideal". I have seen some diamonds on some online vendors but kinda skeptical about the quality of the setting they have based on the forums I have read here. Secondly, I want to ask for any suggestion on a setting too, I like a pave setting in yellow gold with some uniqueness to it, if my budget would allow it! My finger if size 4.5 so I like a thin band within 1.8-2.4mm. I want to stay within 7k-8,500 budget for the diamond and setting.
Please bear with me, I need all the help that I could get! Any input would be greatly appreciated!
Please bear with me, I need all the help that I could get! Any input would be greatly appreciated!