
Dedicated forum for Been There, Done That


Aug 15, 2004
Would you please revisit establishing a forum for the older posters. We've got a single thread over in FHH (thank you for the sticky), however it is difficult to reply to issues that may have brought up several pages back and still keep a sense of continuity going. This thread has become a very valued place for a number of posters who need input from people of similar age and experience.

I have asked this before, but the topic was brought up again in the last day or so with the renewed energy that has been apparent in Hangout. Thank you for reconsidering this.

ETA: Here is a link to the thread in which the subject came up. [URL=''][/URL]
I agree, for the reasons I posted in the other thread.
I also agree for the reasons I stated in the other thread, as well as the points that Uppy made in her original post.
I agree with Uppy. I can also see removing Newlyweds and LIW to stickies somewhere (maybe BWW), and having the mom threads get one forum and BTDT get the other.
I totally agree for the reasons that Uppy stated.
I agree as well!
Ella responded in the linked thread saying that admin is hesitant to continue to split forums because of decreased traffic in some of the newer forums.

However, in the ONE THREAD that we were encouraged to start in order to assess the draw for a dedicated forum, there are now 3 of the last 4 posts that address serious, different topics that each OP hopes will be commented on in order to help them cope with the existing concern they have.

Please help me understand HOW each can be effectively addressed in a single thread in which other posters have to scroll through other responses or posts to find, quote, and respond to each new reply without loosing track of the conversation or potentially snubbing the other, just as significant topics that are being brought up concurrently??

Admin, PLEASE seriously consider our request for a unique, dedicated forum.
I'd also like to ask that Admin think about the value of a dedicated forum for older posters. To save space I'm just going to ditto all the other reasons put forward, since they express my views perfectly.
Well, I'm not yet 40 but am not all that far away... and my Mum is going through some of the things I've seen discussed on the "oldies" (with all due respect!! :kiss: ) thread, and I'd love to be able to check whether I'm being supportive enough/giving her enough space etc without having to actually ask HER, if you know what I mean. So, having another group of slightly-older-than-me people to canvas opinions from, would be very welcome.

Another way of looking at it is that ALL of us will get old at some point, and many of us will watch our parents age first. Not everyone will have kids! Nor will everyone need babysitters, be TTC, need a "Mommy" thread etc. I avoid FHH because it feels (to me) over-run by baby/kids topics, and I have no interest wading through those to read the other topics I might find interesting. I'm quite happy for those topics to exist, of course! But I wish they were in a specific section. I'd be (personally) much more interested in a BTDT sub-forum.

Along the "I-don't-wish-to-read-these-topics" vein, I would love it if Admin would(/could) make a "Mark This Sub-Forum Read" button at the top of each sub-forum page. That sort of functionality exists in many other forums I visit and it makes it so much easier to read the "View New Posts" page, since I can first quickly jump into whatever sub-fora from which I DON'T wish to read any threads, and click the "Mark All Read" button on each page.... then when I go to the View New Posts page, all the threads from those sub-fora just don't appear on my list. Bliss!! :)
I would also like to see a dedicated forum. I am 31 but have a longer marriage than most of those my age (11 yrs). I will also likely enter menopause early (yeah, thanks for that! My mom never had a period after she was 39!) A dedicated forum would allow posters like me to seek advice and support without interrupting the other happenings that don't yet apply to me.

And besides my personal benefit from a dedicated forum, I see how much the other thread is filling and must be difficult to navigate.