
Dedicated to our special DHs! (or DWs)

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Jan 11, 2003
I thought it would be nice to have a thread that is dedicated to that special person we love so much we chose to marry him (her)! A bit sappy but that''s the point I want to make. It would be nice to take a break from all our consumerism and get back for a minute to the reason we all needed to search for that diamond.

It''s a bit disappointing every week (almost daily at times) to read again about another celebrity breakup. It''s no picnic sometimes but do they really try????? There is so much blame, what happened to self control or supporting each other?

My DH and I have been married nearly 3 years, after each of us having a "starter marriage" previously.

I adore this man. We''re not rich, we''re not gorgeous, we don''t have glamorous jobs or fabulous breathtaking homes or the most stylish of trendy cars. What we do have is respect, trust and amazing love between us. He loved me enough to help me move 3 hours away to another state to pursue the work I do, which I love love love as a massage therapist.

He bought me a cute little old house and for a year has come every weekend to cut my grass, fix my car if needed, listen to me go on endlessly about all the stuff our little house here needs. He''s replaced doors, floors and windows. He''s cut down trees, fixed the roof and cleaned up the computer so we can stay in touch during the week.

The cats haven''t but he''s put up with my new stray pup and the enormous cost of training her to become a house dog. He''s supported my love of snakes (had 16 babies), our found stray ferret and fish 3 tanks. He''s had to make dinner himself, and had to go without (If I didn''t feel like it). He even had to do a major part of our Thanksgiving dinner because I volunteered to work the morning shift (a resort spa, open 365) Now that''s something to be thankful for, a man that cooks!

He does all this and sooooo much more for us! He owns and operates 2 businesses with his brother and works part time for another company several hours away.He''s really enjoyed it and it''s been good to him/us but he has decided to do something completely off the wall by becoming a police officer in the town I live in. His grandfather was a fairly famous officer in the NYPD, maybe that has something to do with it, because it''s not for the money! Maybe he''s just sick of his brother (lol) I''m so proud of him for taking a chance to do something so different. I completely support him in this. He seems excited. The Academy starts 3 days afer Christmas and he''ll finally be living with me while our other house sits empty for awhile.

We''re both realistic about the downside of his future profession but everything else outweighs that as far as I''m concerned. I think it''s so important to support him as he supported me. We''re a very happy couple, we have everything we need, a good life and a good future ahead of us.

Whoops, I realize there is no way to keep this short. He''s a great guy and I love him more than I love my diamonds (I love those)!

I hurt my ankle somehow last week (maybe a mild sprain?????), and he helped me hobble around the mall on Tuesday so we could buy Christmas decorations for our apartment. He's always been incredibly supportive and understanding about how I feel about my education (currently a PhD student); we dated long-distance through college because he "doesn't want to hold me back" and wanted me to go to the college I wanted to even though it was harder for the relationship at the time. I love talking to him, he makes me want to be a better person, and he makes me feel beautiful. Besides, the man does dishes! I would rather clean the toilet with my tongue than do dishes, and he doesn't mind them at all!

ETA: This morning I had to give a final exam so I didn't want to be late for my 8:30 class. However, I spent too much time on PS
and ended up missing my bus!
Darling hubby went from a bathrobe, just out of the shower to dressed and ready to go in 5 minutes flat so he could drive me to school and I wouldn't be late to proctor the exam! Sooooooooooooo wonderful!!!!!
This is a nice thread.

My DH and I are newleyweds...we just got married in July 2005. This is a 2nd marriage for us both. My first husband passed away from cancer. My son was 6 at the time. My DH entered our lives literally like a "white night to save the day." He fully accepts the challenge of raising a little boy who lost his dad not too long ago. It is amazing how much a strong, good male influence can help a child. My son has really blossomed just in the last few months.

My DH is one of those rare men who truly think of others first. My family & friends continually tell me how lucky I am to have found him. He even calls my first husband''s parents on a regular basis just to check on them. He believes in sharing domestic chores. In fact, he tries to do the chores I hate most--laundry--just so that I don''t have to do them. He''s an emotional adult--if we disagree he knows how to talk through things rather than just fight. I learn so much from him every day. I truly feel blessed that this wonderful man took in my little boy and I. It''s kind of like the line in Sound of Music..."Sometimes when God closes a door, he opens a window" My DH is that window...
They both sound like wonderful men!

Thank you for your replies, hopefully others will add to this thread keeping it alive and near the top!
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