I think (hope) the worst of it already came through the Chicago area between 7pm-8pm. My oldest son is out with friends and my DH is at work so I'm a bit worried.
Terrifying. In the last one through Virginia trees were toppling all around the house. We had 4 mature trees go down in the block. I have seldom been so scared. Stay safe.
It's aound 10:10 pm. Now there is another bad storm coming thru the Chicagoland area. This one feels worse than the one that went thru earlier this evening. What a night! Stay safe if you are in Chicago.
I just got done cleaning up the flood in my house. The CB put backflow preventers in the guest bathroom and mechanical room drain after the last big rain caused a much more minor flood but the one for the master bath shower didn't fit and he never got around to doing whatever needed to happen to make it fit. Turns out letting that little project get pushed off was a very bad idea. I just had water through about half of my space. Fortunately I don't think anything of real value is ruined but what a PITA. And thank god it didn't happen a few days later because I plan on being away for the fourth. Having this happen while I was gone would have been a disaster. Be safe.
I hate those things..we had one roar thru here at this very time same of the month 2 years ago...we were without power for 5 days. I hope all stays safe in the wake in of the storm.
I'm glad all the Pricescopers seem to be OK. I didn't open this thread immediately since I had no idea what a "derecho" meant in this context. Is it a relatively new term when discussing weather? I just thought of it as meaning "right" as in "not left" *and therefore did not have a clue what the thread would be about!
*PS-I know, now, that "derecho" is "straight" and "a la derecha" is "to the right"! But Spanish was not my first second language!
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