
Design question about two rings


Aug 14, 2018
I have two questions about two different rings. The first is my three stone. I go back-and-forth between resetting the center diamond in a different setting. If I were to do that I would still keep the setting and put a different stone in the middle probably some sort of colored gemstone. My question is would it have to be a round stone or would it be able to be changed to accommodate a square shape? I am showing pictures of the side of the ring and the front so you can see.

The second question involves a pink sapphire ring I have. This may seem like a dumb question and I doubt it can be done but is there anyway to raise the gallery somehow? Or do something to it to make it rise off the finger more? It’s a bit tight now because my finger size changed slightly after I had a baby and it’s not comfortable on my right hand. And it’s just really flat against the finger and did not know if there was a way to change it. Pics below the 3 stone pics.


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The only dumb question is the one you don't ask

I actually love the profile of the pink saphire ring but if its uncomfortable what's the point ?(that's what shoes are for)
The only dumb question is the one you don't ask

I actually love the profile of the pink saphire ring but if its uncomfortable what's the point ?(that's what shoes are for)

OMG you crack me up with your shoes comment!!! Especially since most of mine have heels of MINIMUM 3 inches. THANK GOD my shoe size didn't change after bébé bc I know that happens with alot of women :lol:
OMG you crack me up with your shoes comment!!! Especially since most of mine are have heels of MINIMUM 3 inches. THANK GOD my shoe size didn't change after bébé bc I know that happens with alot of women :lol:

I used to be really into shoes
But i cannot afford a Bruce Springsteen habit and a shoe hobby !
I use those gel inserts for some

I took a real tumble on a high wedge heal in down town Wellington once - at the traffic lights at lunchtime
Its kind of made me weary

And i discovered i don't like the extra 3 inches of view from up there !
I used to be really into shoes
But i cannot afford a Bruce Springsteen habit and a shoe hobby !
I use those gel inserts for some

I took a real tumble on a high wedge heal in down town Wellington once - at the traffic lights at lunchtime
Its kind of made me weary

And i discovered i don't like the extra 3 inches of view from up there !

Oh yeah in Europe and with cobblestone - forget it. When I'm over there nope to heels.
the first question- i think it can accommodate a different shape, but the person to really ask is the bench/ jeweler that you are going to be working with.

2nd Q- there are 2 further questions here as i am not sure if you are asking
1) comfort to wear the ring. if so, i think resizing work for you.
2) it still needs to be taller/ higher off your finger to make it better for the aesthetics? then i suspect a new head setting (?) is what you are asking. then ask a jeweler.
the first question- i think it can accommodate a different shape, but the person to really ask is the bench/ jeweler that you are going to be working with.

2nd Q- there are 2 further questions here as i am not sure if you are asking
1) comfort to wear the ring. if so, i think resizing work for you.
2) it still needs to be taller/ higher off your finger to make it better for the aesthetics? then i suspect a new head setting (?) is what you are asking. then ask a jeweler.

For me yes it’s aesthetics because it looks so flat on my hand and the fact that it’s more snug makes it look even flatter. But a new head I assume be way more trouble than it’s worth!
Maybe instead of a new head (which I'm not sure is possible with this setting), the jeweler can retip the prongs instead?

I think I had to have that done for one of my pieces. I had a gem that was like 0.2mm too wide for the existing setting. So if I remember correctly, my bench lengthened each prong so that they could bend out further. But then the stone also had to sit a bit higher.