
Diamond Color ??


Mar 7, 2014
Hi all still browsing online for a good deal or a diamond that catches my eye. All else being equal would a well cut (ideal) diamond that is H color show yellow face up at all? Im torn between getting a E/F or going for a larger size and going with a H... any help or pictures in "real life" would be helpful!
H should be fine in an ideal cut stone.
I would no question rather have an H in a larger size rather than an E or F... or G for that matter (and I have a G :) I wish I had gone for size over color when I originally got my e-ring years ago!
A well cut clean diamond pretty much down to a J will face up super super white and will be very difficult to tell apart from a colorless diamond face up. But we don't look at diamonds from the complete face up position. You look at tilt angles and yes there is a very very slight difference between H and E color.

The first things you notice about a diamond is relative color and size. H is high enough to be white and low enough to give good size. For me, it's the sweet spot for value if you want a white diamond.
Good Old Gold has some good comparison pictures on their site. H should be white enough. Color is graded face-down, and face-down, an H might look a little daunting but will face up white and should be white enough from the side. I color range is where most people will start to notice the tint. J is too far down the color scale to look white from the side, for sure.

Modern ideal-cut diamond wash color very well. You can have a lot of body tint and still have a stone look "white-ish" due the cut. But the tint will still be seen from the side. It may be noticed face-up as a creamy white instead of a bright white.

You didn't say how big. But the larger the stone, the more it concentrates the tint. If you're looking at 2-3ct size, the answer may be you need a higher color grade (or maybe 2 grades higher) than you would if you are looking at .75ct - 1ct range.
From previous posts, I see you are shopping for the missus with a budget around 10k USD.

Speaking as a guy who purchased a diamond for SO, I would say go for H/G. If you are planning to set into yellow gold, you could consider dropping to I, as the ever so slight tint in the diamond will be offset by the gold setting and look "whiter" by contrast.

If you are looking at 6 prong or bezel settings, you can go lower in colour as you will never see a true side profile of the diamond and see maximum colour when at a slight tilt on the table. As diamonds "face up" whiter (with a good light performance), you can cheat the colour grade by only showing the faceup colour.

If your SO hasnt done much research into diamonds, she wont understand all the technical aspects and research that went into finding the ring. Pretty much everything "D" to "I" will probably just look "white" to her, as long as it well cut. She will however understand size without needing to do any research. The added benefit from gaining size (in her eyes) will most likely be greater than going up in the colour scale.

My suggestion is to go for an ideal cut in the colour ranges listed above and try to maximise spread while staying within ideal proportions (preferably at a slight underweight to the milestones).

I would also suggest some window shopping in BM stores to understand the nuances in colour (in different lighting environments), but ensure the diamonds are GIA/AGSL graded rather than in-house graded to check like for like. Lorelei has some excellent tips on how to get a good lightning environment away from those pesky spotlights in tore.

You have an excellent budget and expect you will get excellent recommendations from the other members of PS.
I am in the G-H camp... :appl: :appl: