
Did anyone get any new BB stones?

Oh good for you! That mint tourmaline is beautiful and I was tempted...

Knowing Barry would have new stones up tonight, my plan was "maybe" to buy one. I bought three :o

I'll post the pics.
I got the 9.8 mm round Tanga garnet, the 10.5 mm round moonstone, and the 2.45 c emerald cut pink/peach tourmaline.

They're all stones I've been wanting for awhile so I'm really pleased.[attachment=2]t-6648g_1851_general.jpg[/attachmen



OOh that tanga garnet is pretty! it's huge... what are you gonna do with it??

I was also looking at the cuprian, but it just didn't call out to me as much as I expected. The supernova mint one was jumping up and down, so i had to get it. :)
The Tanga garnet really is big! I'd like to set it in the LOGR lotus setting.

Yes, that mint tourmaline is amazing :love: What a catch!

I forgot to ask... what will you do with the mint tourmaline?
i have no idea! i have a box full of gems right now, and only set 3 things. I'm kinda overwhelmed so it might sit for a while before I decide. i do see this one on its own w/ maybe a double pave band?
I wanted the CC garnet but it was sold when I clicked the buy button. I was thinking about the aqua but didn't pull the trigger. I also wanted the cuprian but I need to save for the wedding.

ETA: Wow .. I just checked and almost everything is sold!
I understand that "box full of gems" and "overwhelmed" feeling :o :o

I love the pave idea!
Baby nurse, you have two of the stones that I would have liked to buy (the tourmaline and the garnet :P).

They look gorgeous!

You will have to post pics when you get them :)
I was sitting at my computer refreshing my screen compulsively! :sun:
I really really really wanted a few of those, but decided in the end that
I have too many pending projects!

Barry will just have to cut a few more down the road, when my
wallet is in better shape :lol:

Can't wait to see y'alls stones when they come in!
Aargh! I lost the gorgeous moonstone to BN; well, I snoozed so I lose. Congrats BN! :appl:
I bought the cuprian

I actually had no intention of buying anything since I already have enough projects going to last me well into next year. And usually I don't buy anything without thinking, and thinking, and thinking about it. I'm blaming my husband for this one, since he was standing behind me, and when I came to the cuprian and said I might have to think about it, he said to buy it now and take a look at it IRL. So I did. I'm concerned that it might be a little too dark in tone, but my experience of Barry's stuff is that they are almost always better IRL than on his site, so we'll see. :eek: I'm a little freaked out, to tell you the truth, since I've never bought a stone so impulsively before.

Baby Nurse, those are beautiful, I hope you'll post photos when you get them. That moonstone is amazing. Any plans?

ForteKItty, I love the mint tourmaline, such a lovely color.
Chrono said:
Aargh! I lost the gorgeous moonstone to BN; well, I snoozed so I lose. Congrats BN! :appl:

Thank you, Chrono! I'd been wanting a moonstone for a long time, so I went into last night's sale with a plan "If the moonstone is up, I buy it." I will post pictures of it when I receive it.
Aoife said:
I bought the cuprian

I actually had no intention of buying anything since I already have enough projects going to last me well into next year. And usually I don't buy anything without thinking, and thinking, and thinking about it. I'm blaming my husband for this one, since he was standing behind me, and when I came to the cuprian and said I might have to think about it, he said to buy it now and take a look at it IRL. So I did. I'm concerned that it might be a little too dark in tone, but my experience of Barry's stuff is that they are almost always better IRL than on his site, so we'll see. :eek: I'm a little freaked out, to tell you the truth, since I've never bought a stone so impulsively before.

Baby Nurse, those are beautiful, I hope you'll post photos when you get them. That moonstone is amazing. Any plans?

ForteKItty, I love the mint tourmaline, such a lovely color.

Oh I was hoping someone from here has bought it so I can see its beauty!!! Congrats, and can't wait to see it. :)
I got a Barry stone in the mail yesterday, but obviously it wasn't up on the site. I'm super excited about it though.

I love that peachy emerald tourm BN!

By the time I got home last night, everything I would have considered was already!
Hi all:

So here's the thing. I had absolutely no business buying any more stones right now, but Barry happened to put up his new stones on my birthday and I just happened to be there right as it came up (I won't mention the part about obsessively refreshing his website every minute or so at his annointed time). I think BN you had just been there because some of the garnets had already been sold, but there was till a lot left. What I love is that the stones calling to me were for the most part different than the ones others got, but now that I see your stones I think they are beautiful. I love your stones BN, and the emerald cut tourmaline is beautiful. FK, I'm so happy you bought the mint tourmaline supernova so I didn't have to! :naughty:

I bought some spessies, a garnet, and splurged on the purple Umba sapphire. Now let me see if I can figure out how to post the pics.
So in order of appearance:

2.43 Tanga garnet, 2.28, 2.18, and 1.69 ct spessies, all round, and the 1.35 ct umba sapphire supernova. I tried to post pics, but I don't know how - can someone tell me how? Also, my links look all funny - if I'm doing something wrong, can you point out what? ... oduct=3403 ... oduct=3390 ... oduct=3389 ... oduct=3388 ... oduct=3386

I want to make the sapphire into a delicate thank you ring for my french sister-in-law who took care of my 13-year old son for five week at her home this summer. I'm so excited!
The Moonstone, the garnets, and all things supernova were taunting me. That purple sapphire was tickling me like a blade of long grass in a lovers hand, in a summer field reading S T Coleridge. It reminded me somewhat of Chrono's recent violet spinel. And still I resisted, keeping in mind the cache of spinels and pearls that I am amassing for a necklace. I am so glad for you who did liberate those stones; I rest easier knowing they are in good hands, and likely soon to be on good hands!

You have quite the way with words - glad I could help relieve your itch.

I got this funky sapphire, which I can't wait to see.

When Barry says "Nature really does have a sense of humor! " about a stone, you just have to see it. I'll post about it when it comes, and we can all see it together!

I've noticed I have a preference for the unusual over the "merely pretty". . . .

m00sie said:
Baby nurse, you have two of the stones that I would have liked to buy (the tourmaline and the garnet :P).

They look gorgeous!

You will have to post pics when you get them :)

Yeah, I think the garnet and tourmaline are amazing. I bought the garnet first, and then saw the moonstone and bought it, put my kids to bed, double checked Barry's site and there was the tourmaline! Had to have it-- pink and combinations of pink with peach are my downfall. I find them so hard to resist :love:

I will definitely post pictures.
iLander said:
I got this funky sapphire, which I can't wait to see.

When Barry says "Nature really does have a sense of humor! " about a stone, you just have to see it. I'll post about it when it comes, and we can all see it together!

I've noticed I have a preference for the unusual over the "merely pretty". . . .

Please post pics of it! I was not able to make any purchases this time around, too much going on and not enough play money. But this is the stone I'd have gotten if I were able iLander! :appl: I too tend to gravitate to the unusual and interesting stones as well. :bigsmile:
Aoife I definitely will post pictures of them. As for the moonstone... I think it will go in to a pendant. I'm not sure what it is on the moh's scale but it's a bit large for me to be comfortable with it in a ring. I'd feel so badly if I damaged it :(sad

Freke, what did you get from Barry? Any pics?
baby nurse said:
I got the 9.8 mm round Tanga garnet, the 10.5 mm round moonstone, and the 2.45 c emerald cut pink/peach tourmaline.

They're all stones I've been wanting for awhile so I'm really pleased.[attachment=2]t-6648g_1851_general.jpg[/attachmen
babynurse...I love that pink/peach tourmaline...that seems to be a popular color!!! Love it! Do you have a setting in mind for it? :love:
BN, I don't know that I want to share it.
That's OK! Glad that you're so pleased with it.
So much nice stuff this time, and none of it for me. Everything I liked is gone or too expensive. The supernova mint tourmaline is stunning!
Hi All!

Long time lurker - I've learned SO much from you all!! Just started a little collection. For my birthday this year I splurged a bit and got the yellow Chrysoberyl (my avatar) and the color-change garnet.

Can't wait to see them!!!

1.3ct Color Shift Garnet ACS.jpg
Leo Lady said:
Hi All!

Long time lurker - I've learned SO much from you all!! Just started a little collection. For my birthday this year I splurged a bit and got the yellow Chrysoberyl (my avatar) and the color-change garnet.

Can't wait to see them!!!
Your avatar is beautiful.

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