
Did you start out ''Fancy'' and go ''Round Brilliant''?

Did you start out ''Fancy'' and end up ''Round''?

  • Yes-- but now I have seen the error of my ways!

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No-- I knew I or my better half wanted a round brilliant from the start

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Oct 30, 2002
I've seen this noted often in the here is the question. How many people came to Pscope or started their diamond/ring search looking for something OTHER than a RB (e.g. a princess, radiant, oval, Lucida etc) and then in the course of their research went over to the 'round brilliant' way of thinking?

Keep in mind that the answers are 'tongue-in-cheek' if you have a fancy and didn't go 'Round' doesn't mean we don't love your stones too!

NOTE: Hmm I realized that I should have had a 3rd choice which was 'I started out Fancy and stayed Fancy! Fancies rule'. So if you are that third category, let us know by posting to this thread.
Oh, and the better half, in my case, was my future hubby. He had it in his mind - nothing says engagement like a RB solitaire.
I can't vote yet because we're not purchasing my stone until next month, but I keep on wavering between the H&A round and the Asscher cut. Everyone says that the round brilliants are tops, but I just don't know if I can convince myself to be a round brilliant girl. Is that wrong? Asschers seem so alluring...
Daniela..nothing is wrong when it comes to stones (except bad cuts!)...go with your heart. I love Asschers too (you seem to 'fall' into them), but I love RB for engagement rings...if I can get an Asscher or something like a radiant later in life for a funsy ring, that would be great but I agree that RB screams engagement!
man is THIS one biased...
Started Fancy, stayed fancy, but might switch to RB if I ever traded in my e-ring -- but that would be a long time in the future.
Am I the only person here who started round and then went fancy? Maybe because my first engagement ring was round, I got it out of my system. That relationship didn't work out, so I set that diamond into a pendant, had drop earrings made to match and never looked back. Now I'm a princess devotee. My next favorites would have to be asscher and cushion. But goodness knows I don't discriminate.
Start out fancy and stayed fancy.
I just can't get into RBs.
My darling princess should be done soon and I'll post pictures as soon as my sweetie decides to give it to me.
Never wanted a RB, 'cause light return is secondary to shape in my preferences. I *have* bought RBs for my mom, though, because of the superior light return.
Started fancy and stayed fancy. My first ering from a relationship that did not work out was a heart -- yes, I was very young. Then, my "real" ering from my now husband was a marquise. I just recently changed (after 17 years of marriage) to a pear. No question, I love round brilliant for earrings though.

When my better half & I began to speak of rings, I began hiding fearfully under the bed really wanted an emerald cut - preferably a solitaire, since my taste in design is fairly clean & streamlined. My engagement ring from my ex-husband was a lovely .92 round solitaire, set in a simple 4-prong white gold setting, and I wanted something 'different' this time.

Once I was able to see that a well-cut round is generally a superior optical performer to an EC, I decided that I once again wanted an RB for my upcoming e-ring. I still really love the EC, though - to me, it's so simple and subtlely beautiful.
When I started looking for my 10 year anniversary gift, I really wanted to get a princess or square radiant cut diamond.
I even found one that I liked- a 1.37 D VS1 GIA cert. I went as far as picking out a setting and finding a pair of trapezoids to go with it (.68 ctw. F VS1).
Then, after reading everyone rave about H&A's, etc., I thought I would give it a try. I was already using Whiteflash for the radiant diamond, so continued to use them for my RB purchase. Of course I shopped around, but I found they had exactly what I was looking for.
I already had a .75 OMC diamond, so I knew that I had to get something bigger, but how big?
I decided first on something bigger than 1.25, I really wanted 1.5, but didn't want to spend that much money.
Luckily for me, my husband knew I wanted that size, and said to go ahead and get the size I really wanted.
So I got my 1.51 F VVS2 ACA from Whiteflash. Then shrinkage set in, and when we got some extra money in June, I decided to get a 2 carat instead.
So now, I have a 2.03 G VS1 ACA. Plus, my husband also got me a 7 diamond anniversary band.
I started off wanting to spend no more than $10K, and wound up spending way, way more than I intended to.
Hey, what about a poll about that, Mara? Did you wind up purchasing more or less or exactly what you planned to spend when you purchased the e-ring. That would be interesting to find out. I have a feeling that most people spent more than their budget.
I started out fancy and stayed fancy. I knew from the beginning that I wanted a marquise because I have always loved the shape (I think I knew by age 14 that I would want a marquise e-ring). After discovering Pricescope, I briefly considered RB because of the superior light return (and I saw an 8* that nearly blinded me), but after trying on different shapes, I decided that having an interesting shape to the stone was worth sacrificing a little light return. I love my RB stud earrings, and would like to have a super ideal RB pendant one day, but I wanted something different for my e-ring. Also, I knew I wanted a very sleek, simple solitaire, so the drama of the ring had to come from the shape of the stone itself. I love my marquise, and it looks much better on my long, slender finger (size 4.5, just over 3" in length) than an RB did.
Well I said I'd post pics as soon as I got them!
Check out my thread "look at my ring" it's a princess with round stones from DBOF. Just got the pics today!
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