
Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope???


Jun 9, 2010
Hi All- Just curious, did your Diamond preference or style change after pricescope?? I can tell you mind did- a couple of times! I knew I had always wanted a Cushion Cut, that never changed...however, originally I would have been satisfied with a 2-25 ct, now that we are seriously in the market, I want a 2.5+ carat! Also, originally I was DEAD SET on a halo, Harry Winston inspired ER, now I want a 3 stone, tapered baguette setting with a Cushion Brilliant center...I toyed with the idea of a Round, then an oval, but then always went back to a cushion. Its strange how our opinions become "squewed" after Pricescope... I feel like I don't even have my diamond yet, and I am already suffering from DSS!!! Thank goodness I have the rest of you who understand!
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

No - I still ended up with exactly what I wanted before, but I am 100% certain it's all of better quality and price! The other unfortunate side effect of Pricescope is that for someone who purported to be "not that interested" in diamonds before, I am now obsessed and my wants list has expanded 10 fold. Ugh!
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Yes!!! I mean, I'm not engaged, but I thought I would always want a 1.3-ish RB in a cathedral setting. NOW I want a 2+ ct. AVC (but still in a cathedral). Talk about a difference!
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

I discovered cushions on PS.

I also discovered that while I don't get DSS, I do crave different shapes, colours and sizes.

So PS is responsible for me buying at least 20 coloured stones, plus little diamond studs, a pendant and a round three stone.

I seem to want more, not bigger, which is even worse on the wallet because I don't send back anything for an upgrade! :shock:
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

When i first joined PS i wasn't aware of what an AVC is and maybe it was for the best, because now i want one and i'm jealous of all the ladies who do have such amazing stones! I also had a .50 ct RB solitaire, which i immediately upgraded to a .90ct and i still find it small, even though at the before PS time the .50 ct stones seemed fine to me!!! :D Furhter more, i developed a taste for warmer stones, so now i like and want everything, crispy white and warm! I also fell in love with the halo settings and thank God i obtained two rings with halo setting! In general, ever since i discovered PS i continued liking the things that i liked before but i have created a long list of new kinds of things that i wish for and never cared about before! Too bad for my budget!!!
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope


I started off looking for a 0.8-1 Carat, G-I Color, Very good - Excellent Cut, VVS1 or VVS2 Clarity.

Prior to my education here, I thought I'd only be able to afford, what ended up being, a much lower quality diamond (at the time I thought it was equal quality) and I was under the impression clarity was king. Boy was I wrong!

I ended up with: 1.215 F SI1 Brian Gavin Signature Hearts and Arrows :naughty:

Also, I found out I was able to affordably design my own setting with BGD that turned out BEAUTIFULLY! :appl: After it was complete Brian and Lesley asked if they could add it to their line-up. We were very flattered by this. It is the Kristina.

Also, I came in about 8K under budget that allowed me a destination proposal that, for us, was nothing shy of fairytale book beginning =)

Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Absolutely! My friends all had rounds or princesses, and my mom's friends mostly had pears. Looking around on PS introduced me to asschers and cushions.

When I was married the first time, I had his grandmother's ring, which had a .5 ct round stone with a small open culet (which I now suspect was a transitional cut).

I knew I wanted something different when my now-husband and I decided to look at diamonds. After much looking on PS, I knew I wanted a chunky cushion and after we just couldn't find any locally, we ordered online. It was a little scary, but after all of the good reviews here and many phone calls with Marie at GOG, I got a lovely 1.13 E VS2 non-AVC chunky cushion with strong fluoro - I really wanted that lovely icy blue-white of a high color, high fluoro stone. When we were married, I added a Dream half eternity from BGD which was far sparklier and the diamonds cut better than anything I'd seen in person.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

It really is amazing how educational and insightful this website is...I would have NEVER considered purchasing from an online vendor, lucky for us, my FI and I are on the Eastcoast, so a plane ride to Mark was "do-able"...unfortunately, I never had the pleasure, I feel so fortuante that my FI is in the right hands...I provided my FI with a spec sheet, and left Mark and FI in charge. I know Mark will find an amazing Cushion, because he knows exactly what I am looking for....Due this this website, I often felt more educated than the B&M's we would go visit, their examples were Modified Brilliants, and they spent most of their time trying to convince me that they were Antique Cushions....Really?? :nono:
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

When I got married in 91 we were so broke, we couldn't afford anything let alone what I wanted.... so over the years I yearned for a 3/4 carat oval. I thought that was extravagant! I secretly hoped for more than a carat but never thought I'd get it. I very quickly changed to cushion in 96 when I got here and ended up getting a full 2 carats more than I had initially wanted and about 10x what I thought I'd pay. So, um, yeah lol
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Yes absolutely.

PS is very influential.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Not much. I picked out my e-ring setting pre-PS and never wavered. I found PS looking for information on cushions and ended up getting one - and a modified brilliant, at that, so I was never seduced by all the chunkies! And (for reasons involving too much enthusiasm at our public interest auction) I used a brick-and-mortar store instead of an online vendor.

I actually think there is a very good chance I would have the exact same ring whether or not I had spent countless hours here over the past year. But I definitely think PS made me a better and more knowledgeable consumer, and it has been a heck of a lot of fun!

I do have a small RHR from Heart of Water on Etsy that I wouldn't have without PS, though. I had a small peridot earring that had lost its made and didn't know what to do with it. PS gave me the idea and I love my teeny tiny ring!
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Kind of...I still got an RB but got a slightly bigger size. I originally wanted one around 1.25 and ended up with a beautiful BGD 1.31. The design also changed significantly. I wanted a more contemporary look and got a nice setting that's in between a classic and contemporary. But PS has definitely been helpful with my diamond choice.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

I originally wanted an EC but after PS I came to appreciate ideally proportioned RBs.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Since I was in the middle of high school in 2005/2006 I wanted a cushion in a halo. I though that I would want a 1 carat stone.... after PS I'm fantasizing about a 2+ carat rock :errrr: I also discovered Leon Mege through pricescope and after buying two of this string bands, I'll never consider having a ring made by anyone else. I love diamonds and really care about jewelry but if it's the right man, I'll be happy with whatever I end up with... as long as it's a Leon :bigsmile:
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Oh yeah!! I always thought that I HATED pears. After PS I realized that I LOVE pears but they have to be pears with the ratio of 1:5. I like em chunky. In fact! Just picked up my pear today. Gonna post pictures when it's sunny. PS has made me into an animal!
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Yes. for the better.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Most definitely. Before PS, I didn't even know about OEC's, Transition cuts or chunky cusions. Now, I'm totally hooked on antique diamonds and, of course, the AVC. I've also learned that 1.10 to 1.20 ct is the perfect size for me and love the warmer colors.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

My FI had already bought the diamond, before I found PS. But PS led me to Leon Mege. . . . . :love:
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Absolutely. I purchased diamond studs after discovering PS and learning how to pick nicely cut diamonds with ideal proportions.

I still own my 1.5 ct F VS2 60/60 style stone. I priced out the cost of trading it in and getting an ideal cut rock, and it wasn't worth it. But, my stone is lovely, and I still enjoy wearing it immensely. It's a 2.6 on the HCA so it really isn't shabby at all. But after finding PS, it wouldn't be my first choice if I were to do it again.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

What a great question. My preferences haven't changed a bit, but I'm much more educated. (And I got to discover James Meyer's stuff. Yowza.) I like what I like, but can be smarter with the dollars.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Yes and no. I love my RB, but I also have fallen for the older cuts and I wouldn't mind an AVC. As for the setting, I went with a solitaire because I could not find something I loved. Well since finding PS I have found tons of things I love (it changes daily, lol)
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

nah, still the same style... but I just want one of every shape and size now! :wacko:
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

My preferences have most certainly been revised and refined since I started hanging out on PS. I came to PS after I lost my original e-ring (found it 4 months later) and was planning a replacement. B/c the original was found, I'm now planning an upgrade for my anniversary. When I first started looking I was enamored with HW type halos and pave. While I still think they are beautiful, the thrill has worn off a bit and I have realized that I a prefer simpler solitaire styles-maybe maybe with a few small stones on the side. And I have discovered GOG AV stones and the beauty of vintage stones.

Of course, I have become a bit jewelry obsessed and now have lots more ideas about pieces I'd like to get than I did b/f PS. :twirl:
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Mine actually didn't. When I came to PS, I knew that I loved princess cuts, and I also knew that I wanted tons of sparkle (I actually had been looking at Tiffany & Co. and also at Jared's 'Peerless' AGS000 line). I have learned a lot about diamonds (especially cut) since I have been here, but my tastes haven't changed. :)
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

A little but no a whole lot. I thought I wanted a square shaped stone in a low color, but the end result of me going for a rectangular stone had to do more with trying things on and seeing what I liked. I ultimately went for a lower color stone than I thought I would as I originally wanted around M-P in color. The more I looked the more I realized I wanted even lower and wound up with Y-Z.

It shows me settings that I wouldn't have thought of, but in the end I am still stuck between a halo and a 3 stone for my stone. I've wanted a halo before they were even "in" but I am still not sure if my lifestyle is good for a halo.

So a little change but not sure if PS was influential or not in my changes as much as just looking around made me decide. I'm highly indecisive though so it is pretty much the norm for me to change my mind a lot :lol:
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

Pricescope is one of those places on the Internet where a secret universe of previously cryptic or partial bits of information were never before in one unifed place with sufficient peer input and rules to make the site reliable for consumers. Copnsumers come to Pricescope with every level of knowledge, so how much Pricescope changes people's thoughts is very much a function of how much they previously understood and their desire to perfect their buying power. Not everyone has the same goals and may not need as much knowledge as another user may want.

So, it is a bit like gaining the knowledge of fine wines or fine food. What you expose yourself to, what you desire, what you have previously experienced, what your budget can handle, how patient and well travelled you are, all have some effect on your taste, desires and goals. It is a certainty that the Internet has helped to educate consumers to buy better and smarter. The more education they received, the greater the chance for a change from their past concept of what would be the right diamond to purchase.

From where I sit, I see a large overall change in what consumers buy and can attribute nearly all of the change to Internet education. The diamond trade supplies what consumers want and the message is clear that cut is a major concern which was pretty much neglected 10 or more years ago.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

I was onto asschers & cushions & Lucidas PRE-Pricescope ... but PS did open my eyes (and heart) to the particular charms of OECs and Transitional cuts. Before PS I really didn't understand what was *different* about them that made me VASTLY prefer them to modern Round Brilliants.
Re: Did your Diamond/Ring preference change after Pricescope

I joined last year and since then have been overwhelmed with all of this knowledge and help from other members. Im in the process of working with Exile on finding me a priceness cut.. Thanks everyone for your help and knowledge...