
Dispatch from Ban Island


Oct 16, 2020
Hello, hello, is anyone there? Can anybody hear me? I’ve been on this desolate island for nearly 1/4 of a day… it’s so cold and lonely. I’m feeling desperate. I have lots of wonderful jewelry but NONE of it is new. Some of it is at least a few weeks old. My mind swims with images of possibilities but they’re all out of reach. My thirst for new bling shall be unquenched for at least 29.75 more days… I hope I survive that long.

If anyone can hear me, please respond. It would be nice to know if I’m not actually alone… perhaps I could look at your jewelry and imagine in my mind’s eye that it is mine… that might bring me some solace for a minute while I wait out the clock until my release.

Be well, bling friends. Enjoy the mainland, and may you never find yourself on BAN ISLAND. Unless you’d like to come visit? :mrgreen:
It has been approximately five minutes since my last missive.

A small update: it may be possible to trade with some of the locals. While I’m lacking in the usual currency, there is one who will accept a barter of old bling for new. This is a source of hope for me, dear friends. Wish me luck on this endeavour!

Until then I will sit, clutching and restringing my pearls, gazing with hungry eyes upon the digital likeness of the bounty you generously share. Thank gawd Ban Island has wifi.

I’ve been stuck on ban island for the last month…. All hope is running out…. I’m not sure I’ll make it! SOS!
Ahem, as the self-appointed czar of Ban Island, I hereby, forth with, officially signed sealed and delivered release you from banishment. You may proceed to the nearest life boat.
Hello - we might be on the same island, but I can't find you :mrgreen2:. What are you wearing on the island? And I'm curious about your potential trade....any hints?

Hello! Hello! Can you raise a white gemstone? Might help me spot you.

Haha I’ll keep you posted about the trade… might be a pipe dream at this point…

I’ve been stuck on ban island for the last month…. All hope is running out…. I’m not sure I’ll make it! SOS!

SOS… save our sparkle, indeed!!

It’s lonely out here… but I paved my own path to this desolate place. That being said you can imagine me like Smaug, sitting inside a cave all alone but also on a pile of incredible treasure >.< haha
Ahem, as the self-appointed czar of Ban Island, I hereby, forth with, officially signed sealed and delivered release you from banishment. You may proceed to the nearest life boat.

Ok, who sent you? Clearly you are an imposter sent by my husband to test my resolve! I will not be fooled, seductress!

(Lol but thanks for the attempted rescue).
Any sparklies keeping you company while you’re on Ban Island?

Yes! My last purchase (the one that put me on ban-island) is a pair of WF ACA .60ctw studs! I am using them like “SOS” light sabers, trying to attract a rich sugar daddy to buy me off bling island! Unfortunately my hubby is not impressed! Haha!
Yes! My last purchase (the one that put me on ban-island) is a pair of WF ACA .60ctw studs! I am using them like “SOS” light sabers, trying to attract a rich sugar daddy to buy me off bling island! Unfortunately my hubby is not impressed! Haha!

Oh that was you?? I thought it was a couple shooting stars very close to earth

IIRR, Mrs. Thurston Howell the III lived rather well on an island. You'll be fine.


Oooo I’ll look for her!
I was with you on Ban Island but then I found an 18k 20” lifeline. I grabbed my wallet and for $375 I was rescued!


My journey on the Ocean of Awaiting should come to an end on Tuesday when I have finished safe passage to Brokeland.

I do fear that I will find myself longing for the days on Ban Island where the Eye Candy is in full bloom and all the shiny things are putting on spectacular feats of glorious beauty. At least there, my wallet can recuperate and find strength again.
I was with you on Ban Island but then I found an 18k 20” lifeline. I grabbed my wallet and for $375 I was rescued!


My journey on the Ocean of Awaiting should come to an end on Tuesday when I have finished safe passage to Brokeland.

I do fear that I will find myself longing for the days on Ban Island where the Eye Candy is in full bloom and all the shiny things are putting on spectacular feats of glorious beauty. At least there, my wallet can recuperate and find strength again.

Ah, Brokeland! I was on my way there when I saw Ban Island and stopped for a rest. I think I will consider visiting Brokeland when my 1-month stay at Ban Island comes to a close.

Also- your lifeline is beautiful and 20” is a beautiful length! Perhaps I would like to be rescued, too! Haha
I’m on the north side of the island in the little tiki hut on the beach. Etsy keeps calling and I'm having a hard time not answering. Hopefully the satellite connection fails and I can’t see her any more.
I’m on the north side of the island in the little tiki hut on the beach. Etsy keeps calling and I'm having a hard time not answering. Hopefully the satellite connection fails and I can’t see her any more.

That was YOU? I saw the hut but ran in the other direction- I was worried you might be a vendor with things for me to buy… oh wait, you could be a PSer with things for sale… I’m not going to visit #sorrynotsorry

On that note I think I better quit Instagram >.<
I'm on an island in the Ban Archipelago.

My island is named No Sparklies Until Christmas. :(

But I can see a ship far off in the distance. Every day it inches closer. It is piloted by Santa himself, his elves as sailors. The ship may or may not stop for me, it all depends on if I am good in the near-term. If I can stick to my budget, Santa may stop! If I'm naughty, and dine out too much, or buy clothes, it will leave me marooned on my island.

Me on Ban Island:


I see a ship waaay in the distance!
Santa, Santa, I'm here! Don't leave me! Come get me!!!!!

I have been on a self imposed trip to Ban Island for about five months (since the purchase of my ruby... ), even successfully avoiding not ONE but TWO gem and jewelry shows during that period!. Last weekend there was a break in the clouds and the satellite connection that AprilBaby has been trying to avoid came through and the Etsy pages started flipping by fast and furious. I found myself mesmerized by the craziest little sparkly thing ever. I tried everything... a nap in my hammock swinging between palm trees... building sandcastles at the edge of the surf... swimming with the dolphins... nibbling some fruit from the trees... but nothing could get the sparkly out of my mind. A passerby threw me a life raft and decided to make the purchase for my birthday on Monday. So I think technically I have not violated the constitution of Ban Island, even though I've got something coming! (Are settings also verboten on Ban Island... ? Hmmmm... )
I have been on a self imposed trip to Ban Island for about five months (since the purchase of my ruby... ), even successfully avoiding not ONE but TWO gem and jewelry shows during that period!. Last weekend there was a break in the clouds and the satellite connection that AprilBaby has been trying to avoid came through and the Etsy pages started flipping by fast and furious. I found myself mesmerized by the craziest little sparkly thing ever. I tried everything... a nap in my hammock swinging between palm trees... building sandcastles at the edge of the surf... swimming with the dolphins... nibbling some fruit from the trees... but nothing could get the sparkly out of my mind. A passerby threw me a life raft and decided to make the purchase for my birthday on Monday. So I think technically I have not violated the constitution of Ban Island, even though I've got something coming! (Are settings also verboten on Ban Island... ? Hmmmm... )

I think maybe this did not happen- it sounds like a dream, simply too good to be true! and, as the kids say: pics or it didn’t happen. :D
I have been on a self imposed trip to Ban Island for about five months (since the purchase of my ruby... ), even successfully avoiding not ONE but TWO gem and jewelry shows during that period!. Last weekend there was a break in the clouds and the satellite connection that AprilBaby has been trying to avoid came through and the Etsy pages started flipping by fast and furious. I found myself mesmerized by the craziest little sparkly thing ever. I tried everything... a nap in my hammock swinging between palm trees... building sandcastles at the edge of the surf... swimming with the dolphins... nibbling some fruit from the trees... but nothing could get the sparkly out of my mind. A passerby threw me a life raft and decided to make the purchase for my birthday on Monday. So I think technically I have not violated the constitution of Ban Island, even though I've got something coming! (Are settings also verboten on Ban Island... ? Hmmmm... )

Oh and as for settings… I mean, waste not want not. If you have a pretty that needs a new dress… I wouldn’t kick you off the island for that.