
Do you believe in twin souls?


Mar 13, 2005
Puppmom's meditation thread really got me thinking.

Do you think there's such a thing as a twin soul? This is a person that you have known since the beginning of time, were separated from, and long to reunite with. Have you met him/her? The premise of this idea is that a long time ago, God/higher source created souls in his/her image. Everything was perfect in this higher consciousness but souls wanted to experience life in the human body. So they separated from their other half and travelled to Earth to learn their life lessons separately.

I've been fascinated by the concept of twin souls, soulmates, karma, reincarnation and past lives lately. It's a really interesting perspective of human origin and purpose.

The movie "Somewhere In Time" with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour really resonated with me. Maybe it's because I'm a hopeless romantic. :bigsmile:

Feel free to tell me to lay off the pipe. :Up_to_something:


Mar 13, 2008
I think there is some sort of "cosmic connection" but I don't believe it's with only ONE OTHER person. I believe we share a connection with multiple people and there's the sort that you just fall into place with. Whether it's your spouse/SO, friend, sibling, child whatever. It's a connection that you have with that soul and your souls will always find each other in some way or another. I have a twin sister and she's definitely a soul sister too. My DH I feel is this way too. I of course don't know him as long as my sister but I hope I'm right and we share a "cosmic connection."

~LC, passing the pipe... :bigsmile:


Aug 15, 2004
Didn't Demi Moore do that movie.... with a really bad accent?

Sorry. :nono: I don't have an actual opinion on this so I just resort to inappropriate humor.


Mar 13, 2005
lliang_chi|1311123232|2972602 said:
I think there is some sort of "cosmic connection" but I don't believe it's with only ONE OTHER person. I believe we share a connection with multiple people and there's the sort that you just fall into place with. Whether it's your spouse/SO, friend, sibling, child whatever. It's a connection that you have with that soul and your souls will always find each other in some way or another. I have a twin sister and she's definitely a soul sister too. My DH I feel is this way too. I of course don't know him as long as my sister but I hope I'm right and we share a "cosmic connection."

~LC, passing the pipe... :bigsmile:

LC, they say tnat "soulmates" are people that you knew in a past life, and this is why you form an immediate bond with them when you meet them. So you can have many soulmates, and like you said, they can be family members, friends, co-workers or romantic partners. But supposedly you only have one "twin soul", and that person is essentially your other "half". That person may not be in the same lifetime with you, so you may never meet them while you're alive. It would be really interesting if you and your real-life twin are each other's half since you came from the same egg. You definitely have a strong bond with your sister and your husband, there's no denying that. Especially if you feel it.

I really like your perspective, and I don't feel so crazy for asking such a question especially on a diamond forum. ::)

My husband believes I am his twin soul even though he's my polar opposite. I would ask him, "How do you know?" He'd say, "I just know." I guess my scientific mind needs more proof, like being struck by lighting, to confirm it. :lol: But so far he has the characteristics. I can say that since I him, my life changed dramatically and for the better.

Passing the pipe. :tongue:


Mar 13, 2005
Upgradable|1311123271|2972603 said:
Didn't Demi Moore do that movie.... with a really bad accent?

Sorry. :nono: I don't have an actual opinion on this so I just resort to inappropriate humor., I think you're thinking about Scarlett Letter. But I really liked Ghost and Indecent Proposal. In fact, I liked her much better with Robert Redford. :Up_to_something:


Apr 28, 2008
After reading the thread so far, I think that I have experienced 'soul-connections' though I don't know if I'd call them 'twin souls'. An easy one is my SO; we're not really alike, but with him I feel like I'm riding an tandem bicycle. But other times, I've met people that I just click with in a perfect the moment I can only think of one another, who I met in a very coincidental kind of way, which would solidify the theory that your souls seek each other out.

On the specific topic of a twin soul though, I'm going to have to do some thinking..


Apr 30, 2005

It's lots of fun to wonder about stuff like twin souls, reincarnation, life after death, heaven, but I'm okay just leaving unanswerable questions unanswered.
I think it is perfectly fine for them when people pretend (aka faith) they have answers to unanswerable questions but pretending (faith) is not for me.
Being limited to the stuff I can be reasonably sure of is fine.
I'm sure maggots will eat my dead body.
That's fine.

Just because you can think up a question does not mean there is an answer.

But sure, it's lots of fun to imagine cool stuff.
Star Wars films are cool too.

I can certainly understand why people 'believe' such stuff.
It can make you feel like your 78-year life is more meaningful than just DNA's way of making more DNA.


Aug 12, 2005
If I have a "twin soul" that other soul is very lucky. :naughty: :wavey: SO and I used to joke that we didn't have souls, emotions, feelings, etc.--a humorous way to get us through the crazy part of dating after having gone through some sadness. I have had a lot of coincidental meetings in life and I always wonder if there's anything to it, when it happens...but I usually go on about my business and just keep those memories of having a nice connection with someone. Perhaps I am just unenlightened.


Jan 18, 2009
I struggle to believe in the concept of twin souls. I feel like I meet a lot of people that seem strangely familiar, but then there are people that are exceptionally different than I am but we enjoy each other so much more than people that could be my "twin soul."


Mar 13, 2005
IndyLady|1311131959|2972692 said:
After reading the thread so far, I think that I have experienced 'soul-connections' though I don't know if I'd call them 'twin souls'. An easy one is my SO; we're not really alike, but with him I feel like I'm riding an tandem bicycle. But other times, I've met people that I just click with in a perfect the moment I can only think of one another, who I met in a very coincidental kind of way, which would solidify the theory that your souls seek each other out.

On the specific topic of a twin soul though, I'm going to have to do some thinking..

Indy, just the fact that you mentioned "soul-connections" lets me know that you understand what I am talking about. Like you, I've met people and had three different types of reactions: immediate like, immediate dislike/anxiety or indifference. It amazes me how people can have a certain affect on us, and it has nothing to do with physical appearance. I really like your tandem bicycle description of your S.O. You both have to be balanced, do your part and go in the same direction to make it work. I think that's awesome, because that's how I feel about mine.

Would you care to share more about this person? I'd love to hear about these coicidences, and how you found each other.


Mar 13, 2005
kenny|1311136486|2972721 said:

It's lots of fun to wonder about stuff like twin souls, reincarnation, life after death, heaven, but I'm okay just leaving unanswerable questions unanswered.
I think it is perfectly fine for them when people pretend (aka faith) they have answers to unanswerable questions but pretending (faith) is not for me.
Being limited to the stuff I can be reasonably sure of is fine.
I'm sure maggots will eat my dead body.
That's fine.

Just because you can think up a question does not mean there is an answer.

But sure, it's lots of fun to imagine cool stuff.
Star Wars films are cool too.

I can certainly understand why people 'believe' such stuff.
It can make you feel like your 78-year life is more meaningful than just DNA's way of making more DNA.

Kenny, what I admire about you is your ability to be honest with yourself and speak what's on your mind. Some people find it refreshing while others find it a little morbid. I find it refreshing because you don't sugarcoat the inevitable. It's just the reality of life and death. I can actually see where you are coming from, and you are no different than a scientist or lawyer who tries to remain objective. It is what it is based on the facts.

I think the very fact that we can imagine the possibilities is what makes life so exciting. It's that "search" for answers that drive me, because oftentimes I end up knowing myself a little better. Do I really have a twin soul? Maybe. Maybe not. Are we alone in this universe? Maybe, maybe not. Where did we really come from and where are we going? Who knows? But I love the possibilities.

Yes, maggots will eat your dead body but is that the end of you? Will your state of being cease to exist and your last thought lost in darkness and eternal silence? Maybe. Maybe not. What if that's just the beginning? What if your energy is finally free to explore the universe at the speed of light?

There's only one way to find out. Die. :bigsmile:


Mar 13, 2005
monarch64|1311137593|2972724 said:
If I have a "twin soul" that other soul is very lucky. :naughty: :wavey: SO and I used to joke that we didn't have souls, emotions, feelings, etc.--a humorous way to get us through the crazy part of dating after having gone through some sadness. I have had a lot of coincidental meetings in life and I always wonder if there's anything to it, when it happens...but I usually go on about my business and just keep those memories of having a nice connection with someone. Perhaps I am just unenlightened.

Haha..that's a good one. They say that people don't go through personal introspection unless they have experienced something really painful, devastating, disappointing or sad. You are lucky to have your SO to help you get through it. :))

I don't think you're unenlightened, you just didn't think about it all that much, which is normal. But wait til you actually do. That's when enlightment starts to find you. ;))


Mar 13, 2005
centralsquare|1311138657|2972733 said:
I struggle to believe in the concept of twin souls. I feel like I meet a lot of people that seem strangely familiar, but then there are people that are exceptionally different than I am but we enjoy each other so much more than people that could be my "twin soul."

Twin souls don't have to be exactly like you. In fact, they can be your complete opposite. I find that I learn more from people who are different from me than those that are like me.


Apr 30, 2005
platinumrock|1311139870|2972753 said:
kenny|1311136486|2972721 said:

It's lots of fun to wonder about stuff like twin souls, reincarnation, life after death, heaven, but I'm okay just leaving unanswerable questions unanswered.
I think it is perfectly fine for them when people pretend (aka faith) they have answers to unanswerable questions but pretending (faith) is not for me.
Being limited to the stuff I can be reasonably sure of is fine.
I'm sure maggots will eat my dead body.
That's fine.

Just because you can think up a question does not mean there is an answer.

But sure, it's lots of fun to imagine cool stuff.
Star Wars films are cool too.

I can certainly understand why people 'believe' such stuff.
It can make you feel like your 78-year life is more meaningful than just DNA's way of making more DNA.

Kenny, what I admire about you is your ability to be honest with yourself and speak what's on your mind. Some people find it refreshing while others find it a little morbid. I find it refreshing because you don't sugarcoat the inevitable. It's just the reality of life and death. I can actually see where you are coming from, and you are no different than a scientist or lawyer who tries to remain objective. It is what it is based on the facts.

I think the very fact that we can imagine the possibilities is what makes life so exciting. It's that "search" for answers that drive me, because oftentimes I end up knowing myself a little better. Do I really have a twin soul? Maybe. Maybe not. Are we alone in this universe? Maybe, maybe not. Where did we really come from and where are we going? Who knows? But I love the possibilities.

Yes, maggots will eat your dead body but is that the end of you? Will your state of being cease to exist and your last thought lost in darkness and eternal silence? Maybe. Maybe not. What if that's just the beginning? What if your energy is finally free to explore the universe at the speed of light?

There's only one way to find out. Die. :bigsmile:

It is indeed fun to consider the possibilities.
The problem comes when people forget they are only possibilities and become "sure" and starting to vote to deny civil rights to groups (or fly commercial jets into buildings) based on this stuff they are 'sure' of.
It is a very dangerous and real problem.

I'm gonna start a new religion.
When we die we get reborn and we each get 3 diamonds, 250-carat pure Fancy red, Fancy Vivid Green and Fancy Vivid Blue Octavias.
I don't just believe this; I know with certainty this is true.
Anyone wanna join?

YEAH!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:


Jan 18, 2009
platinumrock said:
centralsquare|1311138657|2972733 said:
I struggle to believe in the concept of twin souls. I feel like I meet a lot of people that seem strangely familiar, but then there are people that are exceptionally different than I am but we enjoy each other so much more than people that could be my "twin soul."

Twin souls don't have to be exactly like you. In fact, they can be your complete opposite. I find that I learn more from people who are different from me than those that are like me.

That's a really good point...hadn't thought of it like that before.


Nov 27, 2007
No, not really. I don't believe in soul mates either. It's a neat idea, but I just... don't believe it. :tongue:

I do believe that we have lived past lives however. I had always kind of thought that, but last year I had the most intense, vivid dream of my life, of a past life (which sounds utterly ridiculous, I know! :rodent: ) and I even corroborated some of the details from it with some research later. (Of course, if you're a cynic you could say I'd seen the information I dug up *prior* to dreaming it, and then it ended up in my dream, but I honestly don't think so.) And I do think we occasionally run into the same people from life to life. My cousin-sister for example- she was in my dream, as my actual sister.


Feb 6, 2009
I like the concept of twins souls, just not sure how you would have definitive proof. I absolutely do believe in connections with other people's souls - a deep down bond. Its amazing how you can meet people for the first time and 100% click or for some reason they completely rub you the wrong way. Its almost always spot on first impression.
i would like to think my DH and I are twin souls. We fill each other in where we each are lacking very well. However we do have opposing viewpoints on many things and butt heads, but I think that just makes us grow.


Jan 18, 2011
kenny|1311143222|2972790 said:
platinumrock|1311139870|2972753 said:
kenny|1311136486|2972721 said:

It's lots of fun to wonder about stuff like twin souls, reincarnation, life after death, heaven, but I'm okay just leaving unanswerable questions unanswered.
I think it is perfectly fine for them when people pretend (aka faith) they have answers to unanswerable questions but pretending (faith) is not for me.
Being limited to the stuff I can be reasonably sure of is fine.
I'm sure maggots will eat my dead body.
That's fine.

Just because you can think up a question does not mean there is an answer.

But sure, it's lots of fun to imagine cool stuff.
Star Wars films are cool too.

I can certainly understand why people 'believe' such stuff.
It can make you feel like your 78-year life is more meaningful than just DNA's way of making more DNA.

Kenny, what I admire about you is your ability to be honest with yourself and speak what's on your mind. Some people find it refreshing while others find it a little morbid. I find it refreshing because you don't sugarcoat the inevitable. It's just the reality of life and death. I can actually see where you are coming from, and you are no different than a scientist or lawyer who tries to remain objective. It is what it is based on the facts.

I think the very fact that we can imagine the possibilities is what makes life so exciting. It's that "search" for answers that drive me, because oftentimes I end up knowing myself a little better. Do I really have a twin soul? Maybe. Maybe not. Are we alone in this universe? Maybe, maybe not. Where did we really come from and where are we going? Who knows? But I love the possibilities.

Yes, maggots will eat your dead body but is that the end of you? Will your state of being cease to exist and your last thought lost in darkness and eternal silence? Maybe. Maybe not. What if that's just the beginning? What if your energy is finally free to explore the universe at the speed of light?

There's only one way to find out. Die. :bigsmile:

It is indeed fun to consider the possibilities.
The problem comes when people forget they are only possibilities and become "sure" and starting to vote to deny civil rights to groups (or fly commercial jets into buildings) based on this stuff they are 'sure' of.
It is a very dangerous and real problem.

I'm gonna start a new religion.
When we die we get reborn and we each get 3 diamonds, 250-carat pure Fancy red, Fancy Vivid Green and Fancy Vivid Blue Octavias.
I don't just believe this; I know with certainty this is true.
Anyone wanna join?

YEAH!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Now that's a religion I could buy in to!

I also ditto everything else Kenny said. Religion can be (and often is) dangerous.


Dec 12, 2008
There are some people that I really connect w/ but I don't believe in souls, so I don't think it's some sort of deep otherworldly bond, I just figure it's something that happens between some people.


Jun 25, 2007
lliang_chi|1311123232|2972602 said:
I think there is some sort of "cosmic connection" but I don't believe it's with only ONE OTHER person. I believe we share a connection with multiple people and there's the sort that you just fall into place with. Whether it's your spouse/SO, friend, sibling, child whatever. It's a connection that you have with that soul and your souls will always find each other in some way or another. I have a twin sister and she's definitely a soul sister too. My DH I feel is this way too. I of course don't know him as long as my sister but I hope I'm right and we share a "cosmic connection."

~LC, passing the pipe... :bigsmile:

Agreed with this.


Mar 13, 2005
kenny|1311143222|2972790 said:
platinumrock|1311139870|2972753 said:
kenny|1311136486|2972721 said:

It's lots of fun to wonder about stuff like twin souls, reincarnation, life after death, heaven, but I'm okay just leaving unanswerable questions unanswered.
I think it is perfectly fine for them when people pretend (aka faith) they have answers to unanswerable questions but pretending (faith) is not for me.
Being limited to the stuff I can be reasonably sure of is fine.
I'm sure maggots will eat my dead body.
That's fine.

Just because you can think up a question does not mean there is an answer.

But sure, it's lots of fun to imagine cool stuff.
Star Wars films are cool too.

I can certainly understand why people 'believe' such stuff.
It can make you feel like your 78-year life is more meaningful than just DNA's way of making more DNA.

Kenny, what I admire about you is your ability to be honest with yourself and speak what's on your mind. Some people find it refreshing while others find it a little morbid. I find it refreshing because you don't sugarcoat the inevitable. It's just the reality of life and death. I can actually see where you are coming from, and you are no different than a scientist or lawyer who tries to remain objective. It is what it is based on the facts.

I think the very fact that we can imagine the possibilities is what makes life so exciting. It's that "search" for answers that drive me, because oftentimes I end up knowing myself a little better. Do I really have a twin soul? Maybe. Maybe not. Are we alone in this universe? Maybe, maybe not. Where did we really come from and where are we going? Who knows? But I love the possibilities.

Yes, maggots will eat your dead body but is that the end of you? Will your state of being cease to exist and your last thought lost in darkness and eternal silence? Maybe. Maybe not. What if that's just the beginning? What if your energy is finally free to explore the universe at the speed of light?

There's only one way to find out. Die. :bigsmile:

It is indeed fun to consider the possibilities.
The problem comes when people forget they are only possibilities and become "sure" and starting to vote to deny civil rights to groups (or fly commercial jets into buildings) based on this stuff they are 'sure' of.
It is a very dangerous and real problem.

I'm gonna start a new religion.
When we die we get reborn and we each get 3 diamonds, 250-carat pure Fancy red, Fancy Vivid Green and Fancy Vivid Blue Octavias.
I don't just believe this; I know with certainty this is true.
Anyone wanna join?

YEAH!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

YES!!! You had me at 250 cts. :bigsmile:

If I'm extra good in this lifetime, can I get a Fanta orange one to?? :devil:


Mar 13, 2005
LGK|1311143525|2972793 said:
No, not really. I don't believe in soul mates either. It's a neat idea, but I just... don't believe it. :tongue:

I do believe that we have lived past lives however. I had always kind of thought that, but last year I had the most intense, vivid dream of my life, of a past life (which sounds utterly ridiculous, I know! :rodent: ) and I even corroborated some of the details from it with some research later. (Of course, if you're a cynic you could say I'd seen the information I dug up *prior* to dreaming it, and then it ended up in my dream, but I honestly don't think so.) And I do think we occasionally run into the same people from life to life. My cousin-sister for example- she was in my dream, as my actual sister.

Your dream doesn't sound ridiculous at all. In fact, I've had recurring dreams about this person I know, and it feels as if we are meeting in our dreams. It's like among random people that are around me in the dream, we recognize each other, and my heart skips a beat. It doesn't make sense because in real life I don't have a relationship with him...just someone I knew from work. And I don't work at that place anymore. But goodness, the emotions I feel when I see him in my dreams are we loved each other in another life. I know, it sounds crazy. I even told my husband about this, and he thinks this person was reaching out to me in some way. He was in a car accident, and he was in an induce coma for a few days.

That's really interesting that your cousin-sister was your sister in your dream. I think it may be a possibility that she was your sister in a different life. Do you think it's possible that people meet each other in dreams?


Mar 13, 2005
rhbgirl24|1311168463|2972893 said:
I like the concept of twins souls, just not sure how you would have definitive proof. I absolutely do believe in connections with other people's souls - a deep down bond. Its amazing how you can meet people for the first time and 100% click or for some reason they completely rub you the wrong way. Its almost always spot on first impression.
i would like to think my DH and I are twin souls. We fill each other in where we each are lacking very well. However we do have opposing viewpoints on many things and butt heads, but I think that just makes us grow.

Awwww, that's so awesome that your DH might be your twin soul. You're very lucky, because that type of relationship is very rare. It's definitely not an easy one, but you become a better person because of it.

One thing with my husband is that we are always together, even when we first started dating. We are our own little haven, and we feel protected from the rest of the world.


Nov 7, 2004
No. and I have a twin sister (maybe that's why I don't believe it).

I re-read this, and other posters responses, and wanted to elaborate. I have a twin sister. We were extremely close when young, wanting to tell the other everything that happened to the other, wanting to share everything, even have some shared memories (each one thinks it happened to them), even some strange dream experiences (having dreams that were similar, but opposite in some aspect, on the same night, while being in different locations).
When we were young we looked very similar. Some pictures of us as babies, even WE can't figure out who is who. But, our personalities were very different, even from the start. She is the dominant twin. Jokes about her being the "bad" twin and me being the "good" twin (not fair to either one of us). As we have gotten older a lot of things have happened to both of us we live pretty separate lives. I would love to be closer to her, but at the same time, I'm not sure that's possible. Sometimes I don't feel I even understand where she is coming from. Someone could look at us from the outside and superficially say wow you are like soulmates! when what I feel is the gulf that seperates us.
I do believe there are mysterious things in this world, some that one as people we will never fully understand, but the twin soul concept, how can you invalidate it because it sounds like it can be someone who is a) really similar to you b) complete opposite of you c) a mix of both but you hit it off instantly.
As far as feeling an instant attraction to someone, yes it has definitely happened with me, even with unexpected inappropriate people (people 60 years older than me) but I don't know why that has to be explained by souls.


Nov 27, 2007
platinumrock|1311220648|2973558 said:
LGK|1311143525|2972793 said:
No, not really. I don't believe in soul mates either. It's a neat idea, but I just... don't believe it. :tongue:

I do believe that we have lived past lives however. I had always kind of thought that, but last year I had the most intense, vivid dream of my life, of a past life (which sounds utterly ridiculous, I know! :rodent: ) and I even corroborated some of the details from it with some research later. (Of course, if you're a cynic you could say I'd seen the information I dug up *prior* to dreaming it, and then it ended up in my dream, but I honestly don't think so.) And I do think we occasionally run into the same people from life to life. My cousin-sister for example- she was in my dream, as my actual sister.

Your dream doesn't sound ridiculous at all. In fact, I've had recurring dreams about this person I know, and it feels as if we are meeting in our dreams. It's like among random people that are around me in the dream, we recognize each other, and my heart skips a beat. It doesn't make sense because in real life I don't have a relationship with him...just someone I knew from work. And I don't work at that place anymore. But goodness, the emotions I feel when I see him in my dreams are we loved each other in another life. I know, it sounds crazy. I even told my husband about this, and he thinks this person was reaching out to me in some way. He was in a car accident, and he was in an induce coma for a few days.

That's really interesting that your cousin-sister was your sister in your dream. I think it may be a possibility that she was your sister in a different life. Do you think it's possible that people meet each other in dreams?
That's funny you ask about sharing dreams- she and I often have extremely similar dreams with each other in them, at the same time. It's happened often enough we don't even really marvel over it much, it's just one of those things that happens every few months or so.

Wow, that's interesting about the coma... I really do think there's so much about the human mind that we don't know, and it can be incredibly powerful in very strange/interesting ways.
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