
Do you friends know you are a very keen LIW?


Oct 22, 2011
Do you friends and family know you are an *eager* Lady in Waiting?

Although my partner and I have been together for almost 7 years, I have not confided in my friends that I am really keen to get engaged.

Friends and family often ask 'when' it is going to happen, and I have tried saying I don't know or it's not really up to me, or that we are in no rush, but I want to scream out "yes, I know it's been a long time, I don't know why he is taking so long, why don't you as him"
I told a few people that I was going to look for rings and that we had found one. They have not seen which ring we have chosen. Also, his family knows its in the cards because the stone we are using is an heirloom diamond that his grandmother gave us. I am not sure if he told her when or not, I don't know that!

I am sure the people that I haven't told expect it soon or in the next year. I moved across the country for my BF this past summer for his job. They just feel its the right thing to do. :)
Omg yes, everyOne knows how crazily Obsessed with engagements, weddings, jewelry, florals.. The whole shabang!
No. If anything they'd be shocked that I write on a forum about it!
They know I'm a LIW and they know that BF and I have been ring shopping together. But I think they would be surprised that I post on a forum about it and that I've become list keeper! ;)
When I was a LIW, nope - told no one.... except for one friend that we were looking at rings/diamonds.

I'm not sure why, but just felt like, this was just between the two of us. It was probably stupid to think this way. But then, whenever I needed to talk about it, I had PS or the FI (now DH).
nope. not even family. although i did make a comment to my mom once about "if he ever decides to propose..." but nothing more than that. friends know that i want to get married but don't know how much i wish the proposal would happen immediately. :naughty:

ETA: however, BF definitely knows. i'm so candid and it's impossible for me to hide emotions that i HAVE to talk to him about it.
iota15|1320651531|3055918 said:
I'm not sure why, but just felt like, this was just between the two of us. It was probably stupid to think this way.

That is exactly how I think!