
Do you obey laundry labels?


Apr 30, 2005
I don't.

Everything gets washed in hot water.
Re: Do you obey laundry direction labels?


I was everything but things I'm going to bleach in cold water. Bleach gets hot water. The only directions I follow are to dry clean.
Re: Do you obey laundry direction labels?

No. But I have a degree in Textiles/Apparel so I know what I'm doing. The label instructions are there to cover the manufacturer's butt. Dry clean only is often b.s.
Re: Do you obey laundry direction labels?

I should add, I don't buy anything, ever that requires dry cleaning. :knockout:
Re: Do you obey laundry direction labels?

No. Example- I just got some new sheets and the directions say to use cold water. Um, gross.
kenny|1400547610|3676422 said:
I don't.

Everything gets washed in hot water.

Whoa! I'm not that radical! I certainly use the laundry labels as a guide. I do not wash everything in hot water.

On the other hand, I do use my own judgement as well. I am in my 60's and have been at this for a long time. Although I still make an occasional mistake, I no longer put a red flannel shirt in with white underwear on the hot cycle. So I tend to trust my own instincts and do not feel I need to be a slave to the instructions.

Nonetheless, I like to wash dark items that are not filthy (and thus do not require hot water and bleach) in colder water with a detergent meant for dark items. And so forth.

Not always. I've taken clothing construction and textiles classes, so I have a pretty good idea of whether I need to follow the label instructions or not. Plus I've learned from plenty of mistakes made along the way! :lol:
No, not always. I handwash silk, wool and cashmere. I rarely use dry cleaning. My husband is only allowed to buy non-iron shirts for work. I only send out winter jackets, formal dresses, and suits for drycleaning.
I wash bed linens, kitchen towels, inexpensive undies and towels in hot water.
Warm water minimizes color fading and wrinkles. Some jeans are expensive so...All jeans, man-made fibers, play wear and moderately soiled clothes go into warm setting.
I use cold water for delicate fabrics like silk, active wear, delicates, bright or dark colored tees to avoid shrinkage.....

Label says hand wash= Wash cold on delicate cycle and hang dry.
Label says Dry Clean Only= Wash cold, hang dry and hope for the best
Do I READ laundry labels? :confused:
hathalove|1400553453|3676494 said:

Label says hand wash= Wash cold on delicate cycle and hang dry.
Label says Dry Clean Only= Wash cold, hang dry and hope for the best


Only I don't buy anything that is dry clean only (except one black dress and my wedding gown) and avoid anything that claims to need hand washing unless I'm pretty sure it can run through with the regular load.
AGBF|1400549474|3676456 said:
kenny|1400547610|3676422 said:
I don't.

Everything gets washed in hot water.

Whoa! I'm not that radical! I certainly use the laundry labels as a guide. I no longer put a red flannel shirt in with white underwear on the hot cycle.

I didn't say I wash colors and white together.
I learned that lesson long ago and wore pink briefs for a year or so. :oops:
I separate loads into whites, light colors and dark colors ... but they all get washed in hot water no matter what the labels say.

Everything we own is 100% cotton, so that simplifies it somewhat.

Whites, towels and sheets go in the dryer.
Everything else, about half our laundry, air dries on hangars for a day or two in the garage.
I wash whites and colours together but I use the cold/cool setting. I also throw in undergarments into the same load. I do not separate by colour and type and create more work for myself. :lol: I also avoid buying clothes that require ironing and dry cleaning. My wool, cashmere and silks are the type can than be washed but hung or laid flat to dry. For clothes that are extra dirty, I will wash on high heat separately.
hathalove|1400553453|3676494 said:

Label says hand wash= Wash cold on delicate cycle and hang dry.
Label says Dry Clean Only= Wash cold, hang dry and hope for the best

I'd add -label says "acetate"= dry clean only (or don't buy at all). Acetate is still used, primarily in linings. It's enough of a PITA when washed that it's worth sending to the dry cleaner, or avoiding altogether.
For certain fabrics, like silk, I do. But for most stuff it all goes in the wash with the occasional trip to the dry cleaner's to be pressed and reshaped.
Nope. Cold water for everything and it all goes together. Sometimes I remember and take my bras out and wash them separately so they don't get all mangled... I trash my clothes :/
kenny|1400561783|3676553 said:
I didn't say I wash colors and white together.
I learned that lesson long ago and wore pink briefs for a year or so.
I separate loads into whites, light colors and dark colors ... but they all get washed in hot water no matter what the labels say.

I suspected that you sorted, kenny! ;))

My comments on the red flannel shirt with the white underwear were about my own past.

AGBF|1400609390|3676889 said:
kenny|1400561783|3676553 said:
I didn't say I wash colors and white together.
I learned that lesson long ago and wore pink briefs for a year or so.
I separate loads into whites, light colors and dark colors ... but they all get washed in hot water no matter what the labels say.

I suspected that you sorted, kenny! ;))

My comments on the red flannel shirt with the white underwear were about my own past.


No problem. :P
My SO was so mad I didn't throw away my white-turned-pink briefs.
There were about 20 of them :oops:
I never buy anything that requires dry cleaning, and sometimes I buy things which say that, and I hand wash them and they are fine.
I like 100% cotton clothing and I do a weird trick. I buy shirts which are 3 sizes more or less too large for me so I can dry everything in a hot dryer and when they shrink they fit me. I also have long arms and wide shoulders so I have to buy shirts larger than you'd think for my body size.
Washing a new red t-shirt with white underwear is a laundry sin my husband has committed. Sometime in the 90's he wore those pink underwear quite a bit. He didn't mind as his practical side didn't want to throw out perfectly good underwear. :rodent: He also threw a new orange sweatshirt in a load once and "dyed" a bunch of our clothes.
I don't trust him with laundry and trash detail...I like to do those tasks myself as I know there won't be any troubles.
Sky56|1400613563|3676954 said:
I never buy anything that requires dry cleaning, and sometimes I buy things which say that, and I hand wash them and they are fine.
I like 100% cotton clothing and I do a weird trick. I buy shirts which are 3 sizes more or less too large for me so I can dry everything in a hot dryer and when they shrink they fit me. I also have long arms and wide shoulders so I have to buy shirts larger than you'd think for my body size.

I do that too.
I think of it as driving a car in the direction of traffic. :lol:
Only on super fragile items.

I wash sheets and towels in hot and dry on anti-bacterial hot cycle.

I wash bras and super gentles in lingerie bags on warm and hang dry.

I wash clothes on cold, and hang most of my shirts and pants to dry, and put the underwear and socks and pajamas in the dryer, and my husband's almost everything goes in the driyer. I do hang his nice pants and shirts. When things have dried on the line, I do run them through a dryer cycle on super low to try to dewrinkle.
Our family has no issues with wearing unintentionally dyed underclothing since no one else will see them except us anyway, so why throw out perfectly good clothing? :lol:
My husband's mom accidentally poured bleach into his laundry instead of detergent so he no longer trusts anyone but himself to do laundry, including me! He does all the laundry which is fine by me! He seperates everything and uses hot water for certain loads and cold for others. We dry clean only stains we know he won't be able to fix.
Everything that goes into the machine gets washed at 40 deg C, occasionally I may do a whites only load and increase the temperature to 60 deg C.

DK :))
I like cotton, but there is no possible way I could get away with everything in my wardrobe being 100%! What do you guys wear to work out/garden/do any kind of sweaty labor in??? Cotton=chafing=OUCH! Or are we just talking about every day stuff you wear to work and around the house? Or maybe you guys just glow and don't perspire. :sun:
No, I wash various ' dry clean only' items if I think the material can actually take it but I do launder carefully. My horse jeans and T shirts get pretty filthy so those have a vigorous session in the machine but I am very careful with my ' good' clothes, ( not that I wear them much due to my lifestyle) and Hubby's shirts. I try not to over wash things unless I am covered in more mud than usual.
My husband does the laundry for all of us these days. I strongly suspect he would express surprise if you told him there was a label...
I am a rebel so I wash my clothes, UNSORTED, in cold. I wash towels/sheets on hot and with bleach.