
Do you still buy from department stores? Are amethyst worth this much?


Sep 1, 2018
Three questions.

Just curious. Do you buy department store jewelry along with your fancy high quality stones? Do you buy lab created?

I was thinking of buying these rubies since I don't have any rubies and thought this would be a low cost alternative to one high quality. I like rubies, but not crazy about them. So I would like some, but a good one will have to wait. What do you think of it?

I always thought amethyst don't cost much as I could buy tumbled stone for a few dollars. But these earrings have nice color. They may not be the real color, as Macy's colors are sometimes a bit off, but I can return them. I don't feel like paying more than $50 for them. Just wondering what you experts think of these jewelry.
I have absolutely no comment on the ruby set, as I do not own any synthetic gems and have no idea what is reasonable. I tend to be a purist towards them (I've turned down free ones for my loose collection), although I know many have different opinions.

As for the Amethysts, you could do much better by buying matching gemstones and paying 6 dollars for silver snap tite castings on Etsy, imo. Yes the cost of high quality high carat Amethyst has gone up in the past 15 years that I can speak of, but these minuscule gems are ridiculous, even in 10k gold.
If you're not crazy about rubies, why waste your money on lower quality synthetics? I don't see much point in having synthetics unless they are gorgeously cut by talented cutters showing off the extent of their art (see Gene Flannigan's recent lab jewels for an example). These aren't that. If you're looking for something pinkish red to wear and they're worth it to you then go ahead, sure, but I don't think they're anything special. I'd save the money to put towards something I really liked, in your place.

The amethysts are overpriced, and I say that as a open lover and collector of purple stones.
You aren't ever going to "get your money's worth" at a department store jewelry department like Macy's, imo, unless you buy it when they're going through liquidation.

I get the euphoria of starting a collection with every type of gem out there, but if you want pieces you'll genuinely be happy with for years and years, I'd take my time to be more choosy if I were you.

The ruby set you linked has stones that are are too pink in my opinion to be considered ruby--they look like pink sapphire to me. The sets with lab sapphires and lab emeralds look more true to the ideal color than the lab rubies.

And the amethyst--since they're so small, I would not personally be satisfied with them. I'd look on Rubylane for vintage amethyst that will probably be <$100 and much larger than what Macy's is carrying.
Thank for the input so far! When I say I'm not crazy about rubies, I mean I have priorities (sapphires, emeralds) but I do like rubies too. The pictures aren't very good. I saw them in real life and they are actually very pretty. I figured $90 is pretty damn good for four rubies even if they are synthetic. Then I could have a pretty ruby set. A good quality ruby which would cost thousands, will have to wait. I have a preference for natural and unheated but I wouldn't say no to free gemstones even if they are synthetic.
Thank for the input so far! When I say I'm not crazy about rubies, I mean I have priorities (sapphires, emeralds) but I do like rubies too. The pictures aren't very good. I saw them in real life and they are actually very pretty. I figured $90 is pretty damn good for four rubies even if they are synthetic. Then I could have a pretty ruby set. A good quality ruby which would cost thousands, will have to wait. I have a preference for natural and unheated but I wouldn't say no to free gemstones even if they are synthetic.

Well, the thing with gemstones is that they're worth what you're willing to pay for them. If you think those rubies are worth the money, then they are to you. It's a highly personal purchase.

That said, you can get lab rubies from Indian sellers on Etsy for under a dollar each.
Well, the thing with gemstones is that they're worth what you're willing to pay for them. If you think those rubies are worth the money, then they are to you. It's a highly personal purchase.

That said, you can get lab rubies from Indian sellers on Etsy for under a dollar each.

Whaa. Wouldn't setting them be costly though?

As for ruby lane this is right up my alley :love:
You seem to like them so you totes should buy it!

I have a few lab created rings I bought for $50 or so years ago at a clearance sale that I give to my son to play with. He has them scattered all over his draw and brings them out for his bestie when she comes over.
You can buy snaptite settings for a few dollars as well.

If lab stones are something you are interested in, maybe try asking on the fashion jewelry forum. The
posters there will not all the details on how to get the best bang for your buck.

Oops, I somehow forgot Mrs_Strizzle's post about casting from Etsy. This is sounding good.
There is a difference between types of synthetic corundum. Some are actually grown as small crystals, others in large bouls which are not quite the same atomically. I can’t speak about specifics, but I read about this and saw a video about it from a corundum manufacturer some time ago. I believe it takes much longer to grow, and tighter control than the other kind. The crystal type, with small crystals is really identical to natural corundum, but the other kind is a bit different and extremely inexpensive. This is the same material as ‘sapphire glass’ on watches and is used a lot for industrial purposes.

Also, quartz i( especially amethyst, green amethyst and citrine) s routinely lab grown now, so amethysts seen in department stores may well be of this material, along with the amazingly inexpensive amethyst beads on eBay. Just important for pricing and informed purchasing. Though I doubt many sellers actually know what they have in this regard, especially department stores.

Just something to look into or be aware of.
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Also, I don’t buy from department stores because they are WAY overpriced even with sales, and because of quality, treatments and mass produced styles. The only exception is very occasional, inexpensive costume jewelry which my daughter has wanted, and a few silver pieces from Nordstrom’s when they had great styles 20 years ago.

My MIL gifted me a pair of gold and blue topaz briolet earrings from macy’s Which she bought 8 years ago at a 50 percent off sale. They had the marked down price tag still on them in case I wanted to return them. She paid $400 at half off. Those earrings are worth 100 tops. Thin gold, irradiated topaz, very pretty but still. I felt bad for her but just decided to enjoy them and appreciate the gesture.
My 9mm square Amethyst cut by Richard Homer cost a lot more!


DK :))
I never ever buy jewellery or gems from department stores.
My first preference is always pre loved.
After that I choose to support small jeweller manufacturers or cutters who sell at craft shows or or websites like Etsy.
There is nothing wrong with synthetic gems but they are basically worthless and mostly made by mass and extremely cheap Asian mass production for a few dollars. Buy your “$50 dept store earrings” on eBay for 99 cents with free shipping and cut out the “middlemen”. But be warned, it isn’t even real silver and the gems will be 1 cent CZ stones.
Three questions.

Just curious. Do you buy department store jewelry along with your fancy high quality stones? Do you buy lab created?

Generally no to department store jewelry except the cheap faux stuff to either:
- wear for fun. And there are some cheap cheerful pieces that I quite enjoy wearing
- trial for size/color/feel before I take the plunge and buy the real (and expensive) item

Yes to lab created if either:
- For above reasons
- Some fancy precision cut

As for the links you posted, no to the amethyst. The rubies are cheap so ok if you like pink. Else I’ve see better synthetic rubies around.
Thanks for all the feedback and advice! DK, that is a NICE ring!

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