
Do you wear an (your) actual engagement ring every day?


May 17, 2014
I just realised I don't! Lol yes it's silly to just realise that now but in between swapping rings for lunch and dinner I started to wonder if it was just me as my friends all keep their engagement rings/wedding bands on. I match according to outfit.

Is it tradition to wear it every day?

Are your coloured stones all RHR or do you wear them on your left ring finger? I wear all sorts of rings on my both my ring fingers. Don't even need an engagement ring!
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I wear mine every day :love::kiss2:
Everyday! But the jeweler has my wedding set right now for a cleaning and once-over, so I’ve been wearing other rings in the jewelry box. It’s fun to wear the other stuff on the left hand, but I can’t wait to get my e-ring back on!
I wear my trinity wedding bands all the time and never take them off. I don’t have an engagement ring per se, but I have several CS rings that I don’t wear while housekeeping. I wonder how careful everyone else is about taking off their rings at home. Some of my friends take off their jewelry when they come home. Others just have a spot near the kitchen to tuck their rings while busy. I am afraid of banging the prongs or getting kitty litter dust in the crevices.
I don't wear my actual e-ring every day. I love my original e-ring but it no longer matches my tastes. I keep it in a place that I can see it all the time, even though I don't wear it. My second e-ring is lost forever I'm afraid. :cry2: I used to wear that one on my right hand.

Now days, I match my rings to my mood or outfit. Pretty much all colored stones. I wear a different one every day. I am the only person I know in real life that does this.

ETA. I'm lucky in that my DH does not care what I wear on my ring finger so long as I wear something to show I'm taken. Love that guy! :kiss2:
I wear my trinity wedding bands all the time and never take them off. I don’t have an engagement ring per se, but I have several CS rings that I don’t wear while housekeeping. I wonder how careful everyone else is about taking off their rings at home. Some of my friends take off their jewelry when they come home. Others just have a spot near the kitchen to tuck their rings while busy. I am afraid of banging the prongs or getting kitty litter dust in the crevices.

I'm so careful about taking mine off as soon as I walk in the door. My mom does everything with her ring on (dishes, scrubbing the floors, painting the house, you name it). :eek2:
I wear either of my pink sapphire rings on my left hand everyday. They come off when I do dishes or something like gardening where I could damage them, otherwise they are always on.

I still have my original wedding set as well as an upgrade for my 10th anniversary but I don't wear them. I'll probably pass the upgrade on to my SIL someday.
Yes I wear my 15th anniversary ring on my left ring finger with my wedding band every day. I don't wear any rings while doing household chores. I wear a colored stone ring on my right hand.
I wear Bea everyday if I go out but once I arrive back home I take her off and place her in the jewelry box (made especially for her) and put it in the safe. I don’t wear bling in the house. Too much potential for injuries to myself, or the kitties or Bea.
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I rarely wear any rings nowadays.
I wear my engagement ring every day, and switch up what I wear on my right hand. Sometimes nothing, sometimes a small diamond band on my middle finger, or a big colored stone ring on my right hand ring finger. My ering finger is a different size than my other fingers (smaller), so all my other rings are too big for me to switch with that ring. Plus i really love my ering and want to wear it every day!
Yes I do! Tho I do take off all jewelry when I get home. Earrings included....just prefer to lighten the load.
I wear it occasionally, out to dinner, or a more dressy occasion. I don't wear it to work anymore.
I travel for work, and because I'm in multiple public places everyday, I'm kinda paranoid about losing stones.
I once had the stone fall out of a ring when I worked in an office situation. I was able to retrace my steps and I found the stone! But now that I move between many locations daily, it's a concern for me.
While I wear my e-ring on my left hand more than anything, it's often a different combination of rings.
I have my solitaire, the ring in my profile picture, which is a yellow diamond ring that I won (but unfortunately, no longer fits on my right hand, sometimes aging stinks) that can stack and a few anniversary/stack style rings. I've even started mixing in my favorite yellow gold sapphire band/anniversary ring with the rest, which are white.
My solitaire does get the most play, though.
. I wonder how careful everyone else is about taking off their rings at home. Some of my friends take off their jewelry when they come home. Others just have a spot near the kitchen to tuck their rings while busy. I am afraid of banging the prongs or getting kitty litter dust in the crevices.

My fiancé does all the housework, I am not domesticated. (I go out to work, he currently stays at home) =)2
Yes I wear it every day.
My wedding set is the only jewelry I wear every day. I don’t wear it in bed, in the shower, when swimming, or when doing messy hands on cooking (like making meatballs or rolling cookie dough), but otherwise it’s on 24/7. I swap out earrings, necklaces, right hand rings when I wear them (which is mainly for fancy nights out), but the watch and wedding set are constants.
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Yes, everyday. I feel naked without it on. The only time I take it of is when I’m working with messy foods in the kitchen (I have a porcelain ring dish I’ll put it in) or sometimes when I bathe (like if I’ve recently cleaned it and don’t want to get it dirty so soon, in which case I have a different porcelain dish by my sink that all jewelry goes in to). I’ll take it off for cleaning in the ultrasonic a few times a week, and I’m sure there’s the occasional working with harsh chemicals/painting/etc that spurs me to remove it, but other than that it’s always on (as is my other staple jewelry too).
Nope, I didn’t have one.
I wear mine every day except when doing housework or washing my hair. I like to have them on so I can continually admire them! I have a collection of RH rings that I colour coordinate with what I’m wearing if I’m going out. Otherwise I just always wear an eternity style ring on my right hand. I find if I’m not wearing my rings I will go “OMG no ring” before I remember that I didn’t put one on. I even wear mine to bed. If the house catches on fire my beautiful and precious engagement ring will be exiting the house with me!
I rotate my four "engagement" rings (no worries, same guy), always wearing one of them on my left hand. Sometimes I'll wear another of them on my right (the left must always be the bigger). Then I rotate a bunch of right hand rings on my right hand.

My DH nicknamed me ringo before we started dating (when he thought I was married) for all the rings I wore (but I wore no diamond on left hand, duh). Took him like 3 years. :lol:
My wedding set and a RH band are the first things I put on in the morning and the last things I take off at night. I only take them off to do weights, anything heavy or messy and to dry them after I’ve washed my hands or if I’m putting hand lotion on. Otherwise they’re on all day every day and I feel super naked without them.
I just realised I don't! Lol yes it's silly to just realise that now but in between swapping rings for lunch and dinner I started to wonder if it was just me as my friends all keep their engagement rings/wedding bands on. I match according to outfit.

Is it tradition to wear it every day?

Are your coloured stones all RHR or do you wear them on your left ring finger? I wear all sorts of rings on my both my ring fingers. Don't even need an engagement ring![/QUOT

I wear mine every single day. I don’t even take it off to swim or shower. I change out my right hand rings though and am careful with them. I take them off for housework, showering, swimming, working out and sometimes even cooking.
I just realised I don't! Lol yes it's silly to just realise that now but in between swapping rings for lunch and dinner I started to wonder if it was just me as my friends all keep their engagement rings/wedding bands on. I match according to outfit.

Is it tradition to wear it every day?

Are your coloured stones all RHR or do you wear them on your left ring finger? I wear all sorts of rings on my both my ring fingers. Don't even need an engagement ring!

Great question! I have child size hands and a very wide wedding band so I could never wear my ering and band together. My ering is also pretty wide (it's a stacked toi et moi) so if I wear it, it goes on my right. However, I also wear it only on special occasions. I'm not terribly comfortable on public transportation with it, plus as much as I like it- it's fancy for daily wear-for me at least. I think the fact that I can only wear it on my right makes it feel natural not to wear daily. But I do feel naked without my wedding band!
I rarely wear any rings nowadays.

Let me know if you decide to part with any oval spinels... ;)

I pretty always wear a diamond ring on my left hand when I go out (though rarely my original). A CS on my right if I’m organized enough, to match my outfit or mood. Or I go through phases of colour.
I normally wear diamond ring and wedding band on my left hand and no ring on my right. But I'd consider wearing a right hand ring (colored stone) on my left ring finger if I thought it went better with what I was wearing or just wanted a change. I just rarely dress up so I don't wear a lot of jewelry on a daily basis.
What a fun thread! I like how everyone has a different style that works for her!
I wear my engagement ring and wedding band all the time, even in the shower/pool/ocean etc. I used to take it off if I were washing greasy dishes or something, but I just had a baby and towards the end of pregnancy/first weeks postpartum my fingers were so swollen that i couldn’t get them off. (Hey, good excuse to have someone else do the messier tasks. ;)2)

Currently I don’t wear anything on my right hand though I really want to! I’m thinking about building a RHR with a blue topaz in celebration of my son, but I imagine that would only be brought out for special occasions.

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