
Do your babies go to is it working out?

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Mr. Chunks is a GORGEOUS baby. What a sweetheart.
Thanks for making me feel so good about this decision! I showed this thread to my hubs and he was really touched and will now stop complaining that I''m always on PS (well not anymore anyway =).
Miranda, Mrssalvo, that message rings so true, you can''t get those years back! Mrssalvo, I think it''s such a great idea to maybe do the daycare thing once a week, biweekly or something. I''m going to look into doing that.
Pebbles, I''ve always wondered how working moms do it honestly. I love to cook and since I''ve had my son, it''s been take out almost every night for the last 5 months, and slowing finding time to cook again. I mean, I can barely take a shower most days! Thanks again for all your advice and sharing your''s helped so much.
Kristy, thanks so much for the support! wow, you''ve just described my life for the past 5 months almost to the letter. My son has severe reflux too, the poor thing. I must have a high energy baby too, because he honestly cannot sit still for very long. When I hold him, he''s always squirming trying to reach out for something or telling me to walk him around. And yes, I was evil too as I felt so resentful of those moms with the easy babies..sorry!!
Kaleigh, I MUST remember to go the moms club meeting this month. I forgot last month and they only have meetings once a month. I can''t wait to get him in a playgroup.
Ebree thanks so much! He''s a mr. chunks alright..he''s now at 21lbs at 6months..I just don''t know where he gets that from.
you guys are the best.
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!
Oh Slammie, I''m so happy that you are going to be a stay at home mom for your son! I know this is the best thing for him! He will be so happy that you were there for everything in his life. My mom was and is a stay at home mom and I can''t imagine being raised any other way. Moms give the best attention to their children, unlike any other person in the world can, and children need that special motherly love to grow into strong, independent people. So, congratulations on being a mommy and enjoy your family!
Hi Slammie,
Glad to see that you made a decision. I am happy that you guys are able to do that.
I thought about it as well, well, working part time instead of full time, but in the end I went with working full time, since I only work 3 nights a week anyway. Part time would have been 2 days a week, so for me, I figured the one extra day wouldn''t make a difference.

I posted before that I have been working every other day, except on my weekends. I usually do Sat, Sun, and Mon in a row so that I only have to come in one other day during the week, usually on Wed.
I have been lucky because my husbands job is flexible enough that he doesn''t have to go to work early on the days I come home in the morning, so I can sleep before he heads off to work.
So far, and I have been to work now since Nov. 28th, I have not brought my kids to the babysitter at all, with the exception of one night where my husband had to go to an office party and I had to work, but we brought the kids to my in-laws anyway, so it technically doesn''t count.
I know it''s a realy hard decision to make and sometimes I wish I could be a stay at home mom, but at the same time, I know that I need to interact with other people(for my own selfish reasons) and I would not be able to handle being home 24-7. I am telling you girl, I would go crazy!!!! It''s just not me.

I am really happy that you have made up your mind. Do you know how long you will be a SAHM?

On a side note, wow, he is 21 lbs. already? Kara was only 16 lbs. at 6 months. I am envious of that. She eats well enough, but she also poops like 3 times a day!

Kara also gets that way as well, she is constantly complaining when I put her down, even after only a few seconds and I always wind up picking her up and do chores around the house with her in the carrier.

For his reflux, has the doctor prescribed anything for him? Usually at our hospital we have the babies on Zantac. Perhaps you can ask him about that.
Hehee....your little chunk cheeks had my daughter beat.
She was exactly 20 lbs at 6 months old. Now she is 3 and 37lbs. She is also really tall too so it''s not like the has all this blubber hanging off her! Once he starts crawling around he will thin out. Not that he needs to, just once they get moving they slow down the rate at which they put the weight on.

My son was on Zantac for reflux. It was truly a life saver even though it tastes terrible. There is a brand new one out, but I can''t remember the name, that is like Zantac but much better tasting.
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