
Does anyone else just LOVE labor and delivery?


Mar 5, 2009
DH and I are done having kids. I have absolutely no desire to be pregnant or bring home another baby, but damn I am going to miss labor and delivery. The closest thing I can compare it to was the way I felt about Christmas morning when I was a kid, or when I I have a new piece of bling under the tree. I really am going to miss it and actually get a little jealous of my pregnant friends. Most people look at me like I have three eyes or horns growing out of my head when I say this. Am I the only weirdo out there?
I'm looking at you like you have three eyes :wink2: I loved being pregnant the first time around, but L&D and newborns? Not so much. I had pretty traumatic deliveries though.
I think you might be alone on this one! I had a relatively *easy* birth the last time (labored for 2-3 hours and pushed for 20 mins, with fairly easy recovery). I don't fear it like a lot women because of my positive experience but I definitely wouldn't say I love it. :bigsmile:
ponder|1356550896|3340194 said:
DH and I are done having kids. I have absolutely no desire to be pregnant or bring home another baby, but damn I am going to miss labor and delivery. The closest thing I can compare it to was the way I felt about Christmas morning when I was a kid, or when I I have a new piece of bling under the tree. I really am going to miss it and actually get a little jealous of my pregnant friends. Most people look at me like I have three eyes or horns growing out of my head when I say this. Am I the only weirdo out there?

No, I love it too ponder! I want to have a third baby so badly! It's like a euphoric high after giving birth, such a great feeling.
I can't say I loved labor and delivery, but I agree with the euphoric feeling of seeing that little baby for the very first time! And in fact, I had the same overwhelming emotion the moment I saw our baby girl in China as well! Amazing LOVE!!! :love: :love: :love:
Ummm yes, you're crazy. I want more kids, but the thought of it having to exit my body again makes me want to hide in a closet.
amc80|1356562811|3340287 said:
Ummm yes, you're crazy. I want more kids, but the thought of it having to exit my body again makes me want to hide in a closet.

ditto. 3 weeks out & everyone comments that our baby is so good we'll def have more. my response is that I *might* consider it if they could figure out a miraculous way to get the next kid out of my body! I admit, I did feel amazed that I was able to do it but the pain afterward & the recovery has me seriously doubting I'd have another kiddo.
I'm eight days out from a C-section after 19 hours of labor and I can firmly say: No, I do not love labor and delivery.
But man oh man do I love the result.
Do I miss late pregnancy, labor, or the crazy sleep deprivation of the first couple weeks? Nope! However,the moment he was born was the most amazing moment of my life, so I know what you mean about that part. Ten weeks out and I am already daydreaming about getting to meet another new baby and learn about his or her personality.
I had a natural birth, and while I didn't love the pain I was going through at the time, I have to say that afterwards I was on a bit of a 'high'. It was a tremendous feeling of accomplishment afterwards, like I had just run a marathon and reached the finish line. I was tired, but relieved and in awe of what my body could do. So yeah...I can relate a bit. Can't say I would look forward to the pain the next time around, but I think that pregnancy and labour/delivery are amazing feats and would love to be able to experience the whole thing again. :))
Sha said:
I had a natural birth, and while I didn't love the pain I was going through at the time, I have to say that afterwards I was on a bit of a 'high'. It was a tremendous feeling of accomplishment afterwards, like I had just run a marathon and reached the finish line. I was tired, but relieved and in awe of what my body could do. So yeah...I can relate a bit. Can't say I would look forward to the pain the next time around, but I think that pregnancy and labour/delivery are amazing feats and would love to be able to experience the whole thing again. :))
This exactly!
I had two vaginal births with epidurals; first one with pitocin augmentation, and second one was an induction. So I don't think I get the naturally high and empowering feelings that come with natural births. They were easy L&D, and I literally laughed my son out. We (OB, DH and I) were chatting, I started laughing and OB told me that I have to stop laughing because our son was coming out and he wasn't ready (gloves weren't on yet). It wasn't an amazing experience. I love meeting my babies though. I miss being pregnant and feeling the kicks more.
My first thoughts when my baby was born weren't about love or how happy I was to meet him- they were of relief that it was over and I was no longer pregnant. I think the exact thought was "thank God that's over."
amc80|1356627917|3340787 said:
My first thoughts when my baby was born weren't about love or how happy I was to meet him- they were of relief that it was over and I was no longer pregnant. I think the exact thought was "thank God that's over."

Same here!
Haven|1356586349|3340503 said:
I'm eight days out from a C-section after 19 hours of labor and I can firmly say: No, I do not love labor and delivery.
But man oh man do I love the result.

I had the same, 19 hours of labor only to get to 4cm and end up with a C. We are one and done, we struggled hard for a second baby and decided to accept our triangle family and move on, but I miss breastfeeding! Some people think I'm crazy but I enjoyed every minute of it. I really wish I could do it again.

Hope you are feeling well!
I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo. :bigsmile:

I guess it's the anticipation of meeting the new baby, the post delivery high, and knowing that you get to fall in love with a new amazing little person that I'm really missing. Plus, I was really good at L&D. I am one of those weird people that doesn't think it hurts until 8cm or so and my kids also liked to deliver themselves with very little help from me. But as my husband keeps reminding me, just because we are good at something is not a good enough reason to keep doing it.
You know, if it's not just your own labor and delivery that you love, but the L&D experience in general (and you're not an OB nurse or something already), you might consider becoming a doula. I don't know what credentials (if any) are required, but I bet you could do it on an almost volunteer-like basis. Just a thought!
Not alone at all!

I LOVED my labour and delivery!! It was fantastic!
ponder|1356634399|3340870 said:
But as my husband keeps reminding me, just because we are good at something is not a good enough reason to keep doing it.

This made me giggle out loud!
ponder|1356634399|3340870 said:
I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo. :bigsmile:

I guess it's the anticipation of meeting the new baby, the post delivery high, and knowing that you get to fall in love with a new amazing little person that I'm really missing. Plus, I was really good at L&D. I am one of those weird people that doesn't think it hurts until 8cm or so and my kids also liked to deliver themselves with very little help from me. But as my husband keeps reminding me, just because we are good at something is not a good enough reason to keep doing it.

Yes! All of that is so much fun.

I too seem to have easy deliveries, fortunately. I joked to my husband that I can't conceive very easily (we went through infertility), but I sure can deliver a baby! :lol:
jstarfireb|1356659557|3341148 said:
You know, if it's not just your own labor and delivery that you love, but the L&D experience in general (and you're not an OB nurse or something already), you might consider becoming a doula. I don't know what credentials (if any) are required, but I bet you could do it on an almost volunteer-like basis. Just a thought!

That's actually a really great idea! For me, since I loved breastfeeding, I have been seriously considering becoming a lactation consultant. I'm a SAHM and when my son starts school full time in 2 years, I might do that!
I loved it too. Everything about it, every moment. I had all sorts of stuff go wrong, and ended up with an emergency C-section, and I STILL loved every minute of it. It was incredible. I loved having a newborn, too. She was so tiny, and so precious. I loved those first weeks. Maybe because DH was home for the first few months,is good with babies and knew what he was doing. I'm guessing I'd have loved it less if I'd been home alone with no idea what to do. I definitely miss breastfeeding, too.

eta I did NOT love the terrible 2s and 3s, so maybe it all balances out...
AP1976|1356697448|3341356 said:
jstarfireb|1356659557|3341148 said:
You know, if it's not just your own labor and delivery that you love, but the L&D experience in general (and you're not an OB nurse or something already), you might consider becoming a doula. I don't know what credentials (if any) are required, but I bet you could do it on an almost volunteer-like basis. Just a thought!

That's actually a really great idea! For me, since I loved breastfeeding, I have been seriously considering becoming a lactation consultant. I'm a SAHM and when my son starts school full time in 2 years, I might do that!

You should! I think being an LC would be so cool.

Now with that said L&D I might actually understand you on. I think people with horrible pregnancies do really well with labor. With my son I was only in labor for 4 hours. Water broke- fully dilated within 40 minutes. I could have had him total time in under 2 hours but I got an epi which slowed down labor so I think my total labor time was 3hrs and 55mins. My DD was a little longer at just over 5 hours. There is definitely a ephuroic feeling after giving birth. I think both times I was ready to do it again right away :lol:

I feel like my body handles the pain of labor pretty well. Though recovering from birth is probably the worst part of the whole experience. I will never miss that at all!
I loved the anticipation of the delivery, even though I had a c/s, it was definitely a feeling I'll never forget of being so super excited...When my son was born, there was a feeling I will never be able to fully explain...such happiness!!! And the days that followed were the same. I loved it so much... I truly look forward to having a few more (now to get my dh on board, lol!!!).
My second labour and delivery were wonderful. I wanted a natural birth and that is what happened. I am not exactly lining up to do it again anytime soon -- it was painful and intense -- but it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The moment the baby pops out is pretty cool no matter what, but in terms of the whole experience I really loved my natural labour. So, yeah, I guess you could say I also loved it! 8)
Sha|1356628658|3340797 said:
amc80|1356627917|3340787 said:
My first thoughts when my baby was born weren't about love or how happy I was to meet him- they were of relief that it was over and I was no longer pregnant. I think the exact thought was "thank God that's over."

Same here!

I was really in an altered state the whole delivery, the natural high was really overwhelming, but when the ring of fire was over (they don't call it that for nothing! haha) and the baby was out all I said was, "Thank God that is over! Thank God its done!" over and over again! Still, despite that, I enjoyed it. Such a bizarre and interesting experience.
ponder|1356634399|3340870 said:
I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo. :bigsmile:

I guess it's the anticipation of meeting the new baby, the post delivery high, and knowing that you get to fall in love with a new amazing little person that I'm really missing. Plus, I was really good at L&D. I am one of those weird people that doesn't think it hurts until 8cm or so and my kids also liked to deliver themselves with very little help from me. But as my husband keeps reminding me, just because we are good at something is not a good enough reason to keep doing it.

I felt very similar with my second. I laboured at home for the beginning and just sat in a chair rocking rhythmically with the contractions and breathing all the way to transition. No problem! When we got to the hospital, it got a little wacky because my contractions started rolling on top of each other and I progressed very fast. But the early labour was a breeze. I got into a very meditative state. I do think birthing babies takes practice. My first labour I did not know how to manage the pain and it was a very different experience. I had an "a ha" moment at the end where I figured out how to manage it, but it happened when I was waiting for the epidural. With my second, I was able to use that method I figured out the first time and it worked great.

One funny thing: When we went to the hospital I knew I was really far along, the contractions were very intense and very frequent. I walked to the nurses station and told them I was there to ckeck in, and the nurse looked at me with a really fatuous look, "Oh, are you feeling a little uncomfortable?" I almost punched her :lol: I told her I was not "uncomfortable", I was in active labour and sure enough, our son was born only 45 minutes later. Luckily our midwife didn't ask me the same question when she arrived :devil:
That is so true Dreamer! They never take you seriously unless you are writhing in pain. My water started leaking with DD#1 and broke immediately after I got to the hospital. I progressed very quickly and got an epidural at 8cm. If I had known I only had and hour left to go, I might have gone without it. My water also started leaking with DD#2, and when i got to the hospital the nurse didn't believe me. I knew i was in labor and when she finally got around to checking me i was almost 7cm and it broke my water. With DS i had an induction (after a complex pregnancy) and only had 20 minutes of pitocin before i was fully dilated. That was a quick delivery.
dreamer_dachsie said:
Sha|1356628658|3340797 said:
amc80|1356627917|3340787 said:
My first thoughts when my baby was born weren't about love or how happy I was to meet him- they were of relief that it was over and I was no longer pregnant. I think the exact thought was "thank God that's over."

Same here!

I was really in an altered state the whole delivery, the natural high was really overwhelming, but when the ring of fire was over (they don't call it that for nothing! haha) and the baby was out all I said was, "Thank God that is over! Thank God its done!" over and over again! Still, despite that, I enjoyed it. Such a bizarre and interesting experience.
I could have written this exactly!