
Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring?

Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

TristanC|1325246241|3091387 said:
I've never seen the ring, though it keeps coming up (with a quiet furor each time it does). And now that I've seen the inspiration ring... that's IT? Not that the ring isn't lovely... but seriously. THAT is the copied design?

Sigh. Whatever it is that some people think will forever elude me.

Hi Tristan, I totally agree. While surfgirl's ring was (is) lovely it really was much ado about nothing. Since she felt so strongly about the design (which by no means was unique) she never should have posted it on PS. I mean, this is where many people come for inspiration and what did she think? Personally, I would be hugely flattered if someone loved one of my jewelry pieces so much that they wanted to copy it but hey, different strokes for different folks. Just do not post the photos on PS if you don't want anyone to use your design for inspiration, KWIM?
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Well said, Missy...much ado about nothing! It wasn't the setting design that made SG's ring so amazing and was her large transitional cut center stone. That baby had wonderful checkerboard faceting and threw tons lovely fire!
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Maisie|1322842917|3072947 said:
I don't know if anyone has any photos, I do recall there was a giant hoohaa over her photos being removed a while back. She hasn't posted for a while so I don't know if we can post her ring now.... heres hoping :))

It was most definitely that gorgeous diamond that made SG's ring stand out as much as it did :love: I'll say no more :|
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

@ Maisie,

Don't know if you're still searching for inspiration rings, but found this one at Lang's and thought it was one of the coolest antique mixed stone rings I've ever seen. Love it :love:

OEC with traps and french cuts.jpg
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Starshine|1325263722|3091589 said:
Well said, Missy...much ado about nothing! It wasn't the setting design that made SG's ring so amazing and was her large transitional cut center stone. That baby had wonderful checkerboard faceting and threw tons lovely fire!

That's a good point--a lot of times, it's not really that the ring/setting is so amazing, it's more that the center stone is a stunner. Especially with antique cuts!
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

I don't really understand why this repeatedly comes up on this forum especially after the Admin explained that her rings shouldn't be posted on here. It seems like it comes up for the sole purpose of stirring up sh!t on here, and making drama when things get "boring".

Frankly, that whole thing eliminated my respect for Single Stone, and killed any reason for me to ever patronize them. I don't care how nice their work is or how pretty it is, what Ari did was unethical, unprofessional and dishonest, and she was a pretty damn loyal customer of his, and a cheerleader for him. I don't expect anyone to get that, because it seems everyone thinks she totally overreacted and I don't necessarily believe that she did. She wasn't my favorite person on the internets, but I think she was certainly justified. I think what SS did was appalling, and I think the way Parrot Tulips posted that seemed awfully like it was a neener neener I ripped off your antique and I don't give a crap if you're mad about it. Sure she shouldn't have posted super detailed shots on here, but it sounds like Ari didn't need those since he took his own with the express purpose of duplicating a one of a kind antique for sale in his store, one that she brought in on her own, purchased elsewhere. I don't think permission needs to be granted by someone to have a ring they like, but when you're going to directly rip off someone else's unique item, and you're proud about it, that's pretty obnoxious. I found it pretty amazing how many leapt to Parrot Tulip's defense, and ripped SG to shreds over that. I don't believe for one damn second that everyone who posted that she should be flattered would be as flattered if that had been their experience.

That's my two dollars on that subject. Maybe one day she'll get over her deep disgust for that scenario and try to put it past her, but the way she was treated for how she felt burned by that vendor...? I wouldn't be able to for a while either. Like I said, not my favorite on the internets, but I defend her reaction and disgust to the death bec I do not believe it was unwarranted at all. And I often think sometimes that people on here reopen this can of drama to reopen that wound in an attempt to either bring her back swinging or make her go back away from pondering reinstating her account. Just because they can and they're bored.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

This again?? I am so bored .

But now that it has been a few years??

Her ring , was a great find in an antique jewelry store. SHE did not design said ring. I know, know how very special it was to her.
And hello it's a gorgeous ring.

But, once you post it on the internet...

Well it's out there, and then what ya gonna do???


And for those that want to replicate a designers piece ( and this wasn't one ) you have to alter the design by 20% to be legal..

I have had my Asscher copied a bunch of times. Was I the original designer?? No, but I followed the letter of the law and did what I di in compliance . And I gave credit to who the inspired design came from.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Kaleigh|1325294176|3091883 said:
But, once you post it on the internet...

Well it's out there, and then what ya gonna do???
Right but ARI took his own pics/copied it from sight, NOT from the pics. Those probably were brought in after he'd already started. THAT is my issue with it. And that is why I think she's not in the wrong.

But yea, since the thread was brought up again, I finally just said my piece.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Agree Kaleigh! Someone who is very opposed to their ring design being copied shouldn't post it on the internet! 100 people could have copied that design. It wasn't like it was original. I am sure it wasn't that unusual to Ari. He was probably the most surprised of all about the controversy! They make copies of antique rings everyday!!!
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

The ring isn't some gothic inspired disco ball with ninja turtle prongs and a milgrained barney motif running down the sides.

THAT would have been unique. I'm disappointed honestly. Finally seeing the ring after reading so many references to it... its just a really nice ring. I expected different.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

In my opinion Parrot Tulips had every right to post her beautiful ring. She didn't post to be mean. She was very proud of it.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Linda W|1325295683|3091903 said:
In my opinion Parrot Tulips had every right to post her beautiful ring. She didn't post to be mean. She was very proud of it.

I felt terrible for her. Her ring deserved to be admired .

Horse is dead I suppose.

My fave thread was someone who hated pics of her ring being posted . She would have liked to do so herself.. Well I could have held my breath for that to happen...

Then after a few months we found out she copied a Ps'ers ring.. After she was like don't copy anything of mine...
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

She had QUITE the collection too.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

diamondseeker2006|1325295357|3091898 said:
Agree Kaleigh! Someone who is very opposed to their ring design being copied shouldn't post it on the internet! 100 people could have copied that design. It wasn't like it was original. I am sure it wasn't that unusual to Ari. He was probably the most surprised of all about the controversy! They make copies of antique rings everyday!!!

THIS! I have never really been sure why she was so upset.

For the love of God, last year, BGD posted a NEAR EXACT copy of my engagement ring, that my husband DID design (without any prior contact from Brian or Lesley; (most recent/closest copy, btw -, and I couldn't be HAPPIER for the girl who got it. I posted images of my ring all over PS, and have seen several copies, or inspiration ring pics, and you know what? If that's their dream ring and they LOVE it, I'm going to be over the moon for them!!!!!

This world needs a LOT more love and good will in it, and some PS members would be well served to be a heck of a lot less caustic about "copying" at times.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Great way to look at it, Lauren!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

I just wish I could see a pic of Surfgirl's diamond - without the ring. I don't suppose anybody would be brave enough to photoshop the setting out of the picture and show the diamond only.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

diamondseeker2006|1325299578|3091970 said:
Great way to look at it, Lauren!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Thanks, DS, You, too. Thanks for allowing me to quote you. :bigsmile:
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

LaurenThePartier|1325299223|3091961 said:
diamondseeker2006|1325295357|3091898 said:
Agree Kaleigh! Someone who is very opposed to their ring design being copied shouldn't post it on the internet! 100 people could have copied that design. It wasn't like it was original. I am sure it wasn't that unusual to Ari. He was probably the most surprised of all about the controversy! They make copies of antique rings everyday!!!

THIS! I have never really been sure why she was so upset.

For the love of God, last year, BGD posted a NEAR EXACT copy of my engagement ring, that my husband DID design (without any prior contact from Brian or Lesley; (most recent/closest copy, btw -, and I couldn't be HAPPIER for the girl who got it. I posted images of my ring all over PS, and have seen several copies, or inspiration ring pics, and you know what? If that's their dream ring and they LOVE it, I'm going to be over the moon for them!!!!!

This world needs a LOT more love and good will in it, and some PS members would be well served to be a heck of a lot less caustic about "copying" at times.

that is because you are graceful/classy lady Lauren and we luvs ya for that!!!
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

wildcatz|1325299824|3091974 said:
I just wish I could see a pic of Surfgirl's diamond - without the ring. I don't suppose anybody would be brave enough to photoshop the setting out of the picture and show the diamond only.

I can't show you her ring, but I will show you another similar and outstanding transitional diamond owned by another PSer and bought at Singlestone:


Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

TristanC|1325295600|3091901 said:
The ring isn't some gothic inspired disco ball with ninja turtle prongs and a milgrained barney motif running down the sides.

THAT would have been unique. I'm disappointed honestly. Finally seeing the ring after reading so many references to it... its just a really nice ring. I expected different.

Tristan, you haven't seen the ring. You've seen the inspired by for Parrot Tulips, which was a very nice piece and I was VERY happy for her and am sad that she left, but it honestly the inspired by didn't compare to the original because of the proportionality of the piece. And also the checkerboard faceting of the center stone.

That said: I agree with Lauren's comments. "This world needs a LOT more love and good will in it, and some PS members would be well served to be a heck of a lot less caustic about 'copying' at times." I have had people do 'inspired by' settings of mine (in fact a ton of vendors now carry them as stock offerings) when, at the time I conceived of it, there was only the Tacori plain shank halo with a ton of filigree and cage work available. And you know what? ALL OF THEM bring a smile to my face and they certainly don't take away from the specialness of my own piece. If you don't want it copied, don't share it on the internet. If you post it on here we assume it is okay to use it for inspiration. That's all there is to it.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after SG was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here. And since she's no longer here and I haven't seen a lot of PT since then either, we are only going based on our memories. I don't think we need to crucify SG over her feelings on this just because people keep going on about her posting pics online. The copy started long before the pics went up on here.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

PT went in to Ari with pics. Ari said: I've seen it in person, and don't really need the pics. PT said, great you are hired.

What was Ari supposed to do? Give himself amnesia since he'd see the thing in person?

Surfgirl was very unreasonable about the whole thing and her expectations both of Ari and of PT and this forum in general. She posted the ring. She didn't say to Ari when she took it in and showed it to him "please make sure you never copy it..." nothing. She LOVED the attention her ring brought her and loved to show it off. Well, guess what? Someone loved it so much they wanted one of their very own. Surfgirl, instead of being happy that she had helped someone find their dream piece, made the decision turned into the Grinch AND to ruin PT's happiness about her ring in the process. And to this DAY she thinks that she was in the right and has NEVER admitted to any wrong doing or fault. Completely unrepentant and entitled. Beginning, middle and end.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

I feel like banging my head against a wall. It doesn't matter if he copied it from the pics or from holding it in his hot little hands. It's public domain. Ari had the right to copy any element of that ring that he wanted to. It's a very, very, very common mixed 5 stone design, and what made SG's ring special, IMO (and what also makes PT's special) is the gorgeous center stone.

Brian actually had his HANDS on my ring and helped DH fine tune the design while he was at WF. DH never filed a patent on it, so it's now public domain. Simple as that. Can't be mad that I've plastered pics of it all over dingley-cooch and occasionally, a copy/inspiration makes it's way back here.

Pics of SG's ring are a different thing, and any one of us could exercise our request to have pics removed from PS as the photographer. The subject makes little to no difference.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

ame|1325292843|3091863 said:
She wasn't my favorite person on the internets, but I think she was certainly justified. I think what SS did was appalling, and I think the way Parrot Tulips posted that seemed awfully like it was a neener neener I ripped off your antique and I don't give a crap if you're mad about it.

Oh, not at all. I can assure you, Parrot Tulips is an incredibly sweet, nice poster. Seriously, she's just a poster who loved and admired SS's ring and never thought in a million years that it would upset SS.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Gypsy|1325301266|3091998 said:
ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

PT went in to Ari with pics. Ari said: I've seen it in person, and don't really need the pics. PT said, great you are hired.

What was Ari supposed to do? Give himself amnesia since he'd see the thing in person?

Surfgirl was very unreasonable about the whole thing and her expectations both of Ari and of PT and this forum in general. She posted the ring. She didn't say to Ari when she took it in and showed it to him "please make sure you never copy it..." nothing. She LOVED the attention her ring brought her and loved to show it off. Well, guess what? Someone loved it so much they wanted one of their very own. Surfgirl, instead of being happy that she had helped someone find their dream piece instead turned into the Grinch. Beginning, middle and end.

Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Laila619|1325301426|3092002 said:
ame|1325292843|3091863 said:
She wasn't my favorite person on the internets, but I think she was certainly justified. I think what SS did was appalling, and I think the way Parrot Tulips posted that seemed awfully like it was a neener neener I ripped off your antique and I don't give a crap if you're mad about it.

Oh, not at all. I can assure you, Parrot Tulips is an incredibly sweet, nice poster. Seriously, she's just a poster who loved and admired SS's ring and never thought in a million years that it would upset SS.

Ame, you are wrong.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Gypsy|1325301266|3091998 said:
ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

PT went in to Ari with pics. Ari said: I've seen it in person, and don't really need the pics. PT said, great you are hired.

What was Ari supposed to do? Give himself amnesia since he'd see the thing in person?

Surfgirl was very unreasonable about the whole thing and her expectations both of Ari and of PT and this forum in general. She posted the ring. She didn't say to Ari when she took it in and showed it to him "please make sure you never copy it..." nothing. She LOVED the attention her ring brought her and loved to show it off. Well, guess what? Someone loved it so much they wanted one of their very own. Surfgirl, instead of being happy that she had helped someone find their dream piece instead turned into the Grinch. Beginning, middle and end.
I absolutely disagree. I found Ari to be the unreasonable and unprofessional one. What he should have said is that "I know the owner of that, it is a true antique and I need to confirm with her before I copy it identically, we might need to make small tweaks". THAT is professional. THAT is how you handle that situation. I understand that if PT had brought those pics elsewhere there's very little anyone can do, and while SG could be hurt by that, she did post the pics. But Ari already started in on copying that to benefit financially from his encounter with SG and her unique antique ring, and did so on the sly, only admitting it when called on it by SG, and THAT would piss me off too. It's very used-car-salesman.

She might have loved that attention, but his complete lack of professionalism changed everything. And clearly crucifying her for being angry over that is ever so justified. :rolleyes:
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

LaurenThePartier|1325301386|3092001 said:
ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

I feel like banging my head against a wall. It doesn't matter if he copied it from the pics or from holding it in his hot little hands. It's public domain. Ari had the right to copy any element of that ring that he wanted to. It's a very, very, very common mixed 5 stone design, and what made SG's ring special, IMO (and what also makes PT's special) is the gorgeous center stone.

Brian actually had his HANDS on my ring and helped DH fine tune the design while he was at WF. DH never filed a patent on it, so it's now public domain. Simple as that. Can't be mad that I've plastered pics of it all over dingley-cooch and occasionally, a copy/inspiration makes it's way back here.

Pics of SG's ring are a different thing, and any one of us could exercise our request to have pics removed from PS as the photographer. The subject makes little to no difference.

The only appalling thing about the whole mess was Surfgirl's selfish entitlement in ruining PT's enjoyment of her engagement ring.

Incidentally: fair warning: I LOVE "dingley-cooch" and am now appropriating it for my own use.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Gypsy|1325301562|3092005 said:
Laila619|1325301426|3092002 said:
ame|1325292843|3091863 said:
She wasn't my favorite person on the internets, but I think she was certainly justified. I think what SS did was appalling, and I think the way Parrot Tulips posted that seemed awfully like it was a neener neener I ripped off your antique and I don't give a crap if you're mad about it.

Oh, not at all. I can assure you, Parrot Tulips is an incredibly sweet, nice poster. Seriously, she's just a poster who loved and admired SS's ring and never thought in a million years that it would upset SS.

Ame, you are wrong.
So instead of saying "I don't agree with your assessment" you just say I am wrong? And I read the thread, I don't agree that she was as incredibly nice and sweet as everyone wants to make her out to be. It looks to me like she played the victim card as soon as SG posted how she felt.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

That is a gorgeous diamond! Thanks for posting it. I'm really interested in learning more about old diamonds and seeing some that are well cut. It can be hard to understand what makes the good ones so nice as there is so much variation with them and most don't have certificates with angles.