
Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring?

Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Laila619|1325301426|3092002 said:
ame|1325292843|3091863 said:
She wasn't my favorite person on the internets, but I think she was certainly justified. I think what SS did was appalling, and I think the way Parrot Tulips posted that seemed awfully like it was a neener neener I ripped off your antique and I don't give a crap if you're mad about it.

Oh, not at all. I can assure you, Parrot Tulips is an incredibly sweet, nice poster. Seriously, she's just a poster who loved and admired SS's ring and never thought in a million years that it would upset SS.

Oh yes! PT is a very sweet person who is still around, and frankly, she had every right to proudly post her engagement ring! It was absolutely totally rude for her to have been treated that way. She was afraid to even share any more pictures on her own thread of HER OWN ring!!! She WAS the victim!!!

Again, Singlestone is in the business of making reproduction antique rings!!! That is what they do!!!
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

ame|1325301685|3092007 said:
Gypsy|1325301266|3091998 said:
ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

PT went in to Ari with pics. Ari said: I've seen it in person, and don't really need the pics. PT said, great you are hired.

What was Ari supposed to do? Give himself amnesia since he'd see the thing in person?

Surfgirl was very unreasonable about the whole thing and her expectations both of Ari and of PT and this forum in general. She posted the ring. She didn't say to Ari when she took it in and showed it to him "please make sure you never copy it..." nothing. She LOVED the attention her ring brought her and loved to show it off. Well, guess what? Someone loved it so much they wanted one of their very own. Surfgirl, instead of being happy that she had helped someone find their dream piece instead turned into the Grinch. Beginning, middle and end.

I absolutely disagree. I found Ari to be the unreasonable and unprofessional one. What he should have said is that "I know the owner of that, it is a true antique and I need to confirm with her before I copy it identically, we might need to make small tweaks". THAT is professional. THAT is how you handle that situation. I understand that if PT had brought those pics elsewhere there's very little anyone can do, and while SG could be hurt by that, she did post the pics. But Ari already started in on copying that to benefit financially from his encounter with SG and her unique antique ring, and did so on the sly, only admitting it when called on it by SG, and THAT would piss me off too. It's very used-car-salesman.

She might have loved that attention, but his complete lack of professionalism changed everything. And clearly crucifying her for being angry over that is ever so justified. :rolleyes:

I'm calling BS, and if you owned a business (I don't know if you do, but let's just assume you do), I'm not quite
sure you would act in that manner at all.

I consider some of the jewelers I've worked with *friends* and only once have I gotten a courtesy request,
at the behest of the customer, no less. Why would any *intelligent* business person pigeonhole himself
into possibly *losing* business from one potential customer at the will of one other customer?
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

wildcatz|1325302062|3092011 said:
That is a gorgeous diamond! Thanks for posting it. I'm really interested in learning more about old diamonds and seeing some that are well cut. It can be hard to understand what makes the good ones so nice as there is so much variation with them and most don't have certificates with angles.

You're welcome! And you are right that it is a lot more complex trying to find a well cut antique stone! Spend some time looking through Singlestone's handmade reproduction rings. They have some beautiful pieces and many have beautiful stones:
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

ame|1325301685|3092007 said:
Gypsy|1325301266|3091998 said:
ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

PT went in to Ari with pics. Ari said: I've seen it in person, and don't really need the pics. PT said, great you are hired.

What was Ari supposed to do? Give himself amnesia since he'd see the thing in person?

Surfgirl was very unreasonable about the whole thing and her expectations both of Ari and of PT and this forum in general. She posted the ring. She didn't say to Ari when she took it in and showed it to him "please make sure you never copy it..." nothing. She LOVED the attention her ring brought her and loved to show it off. Well, guess what? Someone loved it so much they wanted one of their very own. Surfgirl, instead of being happy that she had helped someone find their dream piece instead turned into the Grinch. Beginning, middle and end.
I absolutely disagree. I found Ari to be the unreasonable and unprofessional one. What he should have said is that "I know the owner of that, it is a true antique and I need to confirm with her before I copy it identically, we might need to make small tweaks". THAT is professional. THAT is how you handle that situation. I understand that if PT had brought those pics elsewhere there's very little anyone can do, and while SG could be hurt by that, she did post the pics. But Ari already started in on copying that to benefit financially from his encounter with SG and her unique antique ring, and did so on the sly, only admitting it when called on it by SG, and THAT would piss me off too. It's very used-car-salesman.

She might have loved that attention, but his complete lack of professionalism changed everything. And clearly crucifying her for being angry over that is ever so justified. :rolleyes:

Yeah. NO.

"True antique" WTF? There is nothing about a 'true antique' that makes it special OR "protected" in any way. There is no moral, ethical, or legal obligation to call ANYONE (let alone the person who bought the thing from an upscale San Diego La Jolla boutique) about anything. PUBLIC DOMAIN. That's what it means.

AND as for your "small tweaks" comment. There were HUGE Tweaks. PT's ring did NOT look like SG's. The arrangement of the sidestones was the same. The ring itself was totally different. Proportions were completely altered in PT's ring.

There was no "sly"... he had no clue (NONE OF US DID) that she would be against the copying. Especially with a center stone that was half the size of hers and without the same faceting, and the proportions of the sidestones to the center was completely different.

Yes, I think you are just plain wrong. Not that your assessment is different from mine.

WHY? Her ring's design was not protected. You cannot make any argument that Ari owned any duty to Surfgirl (except in her own mind) because her ring was a "true antique" because there is no obligation for permission for "true" antiques.

And even IF he was obligated to tweak, which he wasn't, he DID tweak it as the reproduction WAS different than the original.

All of that equals you being flat out wrong.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Gypsy|1325301737|3092008 said:
LaurenThePartier|1325301386|3092001 said:
ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

I feel like banging my head against a wall. It doesn't matter if he copied it from the pics or from holding it in his hot little hands. It's public domain. Ari had the right to copy any element of that ring that he wanted to. It's a very, very, very common mixed 5 stone design, and what made SG's ring special, IMO (and what also makes PT's special) is the gorgeous center stone.

Brian actually had his HANDS on my ring and helped DH fine tune the design while he was at WF. DH never filed a patent on it, so it's now public domain. Simple as that. Can't be mad that I've plastered pics of it all over dingley-cooch and occasionally, a copy/inspiration makes it's way back here.

Pics of SG's ring are a different thing, and any one of us could exercise our request to have pics removed from PS as the photographer. The subject makes little to no difference.

The only appalling thing about the whole mess was Surfgirl's selfish entitlement in ruining PT's enjoyment of her engagement ring.

Incidentally: fair warning: I LOVE "dingley-cooch" and am now appropriating it for my own use.

I think dingley-cooch should really be used more broadly. Go forth (with my *blessing*), and use it all over the internets, Gypsy! Spread the love! :bigsmile:
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

LaurenThePartier|1325302477|3092017 said:

Incidentally: fair warning: I LOVE "dingley-cooch" and am now appropriating it for my own use.

I think dingley-cooch should really be used more broadly. Go forth (with my *blessing*), and use it all over the internets, Gypsy! Spread the love! :bigsmile:[/quote]

Will do, my friend. :wavey:
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

LaurenThePartier|1325302143|3092013 said:
I'm calling BS, and if you owned a business (I don't know if you do, but let's just assume you do), I'm not quite
sure you would act in that manner at all.

I consider some of the jewelers I've worked with *friends* and only once have I gotten a courtesy request,
at the behest of the customer, no less. Why would any *intelligent* business person pigeonhole himself
into possibly *losing* business from one potential customer at the will of one other customer?

No need to assume, since I do actually own a business and I will not totally replicate one brides design for another bride, and I WILL tell a potential client that up front. It is in my policies sheet that I give in my packets and is explained clearly when I meet with a bride/couple. With a few more generic exceptions, most of the work I do is done for the individual person, and there are several very specific ones that will not be altered or reused at all period, either because the bride requested it, and in some cases did NOT request it and I just did it, because I think that is the professional thing to do. I have never copied someone else's design because a client said "I want exactly this". I worked hard to get the reputation that I earned, and maybe i have more integrity than Ari seems to.

And Gypsy, I do believe that he knew it would upset her, and unless you have a sworn statement from him, you cannot state that as fact. He did it on the sly, and he was called out for it by SG. He had enough encounters with her that he most certainly knew how she felt about it. We're going to have to agree to disagree, I am not calling you wrong, despite you calling me wrong. You're stating his side of this based on your opinion, and your recollection. It's not factual, unless you can provide actual fact, or Ari wants to join the discussion.

I also consider some of my jewelry vendors friends, and many of my former clients are also now great friends, and I would not consider them as such any further if they didn't at least say "hey there's another customer interested in a duplicate of your design, what is your opinion of that", esp if it was my design, whereas I would ask the client if there was any opposition to that. I personally don't own anything non-generic in terms of jewelry. I don't own a lot of custom anything for that matter, but I would take offense to another designer doing a direct rip of my work down to the font, when it's specific to the bride. I also know there's nothing I can do about it in 99% of the cases, I just know that some people are more concerned about a buck than about having an ounce of self respect. And I think he's one of them.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

ame|1325303390|3092028 said:
And Gypsy, I do believe that he knew it would upset her, and unless you have a sworn statement from him, you cannot state that as fact. He did it on the sly, and he was called out for it by SG. He had enough encounters with her that he most certainly knew how she felt about it. We're going to have to agree to disagree, I am not calling you wrong, despite you calling me wrong. You're stating his side of this based on your opinion, and your recollection. It's not factual, unless you can provide actual fact, or Ari wants to join the discussion.

A. It happened years ago and there has been a LOT of time to rehash it with parties involved. And actually I have talked to Ari. And he was blindsided. And the ARGUMENT that she had been in his store so he MUST have psychically known that she would be a head case about her ring is BS. We here on PS talked to her daily, I helped her with her wedding dress (and still remember the black sash she COPIED from Vera Wang on her dress), we listened to her thoughts on her ring... we KNEW HER MUCH BETTER THAN ARI and *WE* were blind sided. So yes, I fully believe Ari had no clue of the sh*tstorm she would cause.

B. MANY of my pieces are custom. So I DO know what I am talking about when it comes to designing things, design rights, and copyright. And I have worked with a variety of vendors for these pieces and have had many pieces 'copied' and I am always happy to see it happen [ETA: As long as the original design rights of any designer I work with are not infringed].

C. With the exception of the hypothetical where a close PERSONAL friend of mine got an exact copy of my engagement ring, I can't imagine being upset by anyone copying anything of mine.

ETA: D. I have never purchased from Ari and have no attachment to him. And do not consider him one of my vendor 'friends' so I consider myself to have no stake in his ethics, business or anything.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

ame|1325301685|3092007 said:
Gypsy|1325301266|3091998 said:
ame|1325301007|3091995 said:
I don't think he copied it based on the internet photos that PT brought in. He copied it after she was in his store before PT. That's my issue with it. Parrot Tulips might have brought in photos from here, but Ari was already copying it. My thought on the whole thing was that she's more pissed about that fact than PT copying the ring and posting it back on here.

PT went in to Ari with pics. Ari said: I've seen it in person, and don't really need the pics. PT said, great you are hired.

What was Ari supposed to do? Give himself amnesia since he'd see the thing in person?

Surfgirl was very unreasonable about the whole thing and her expectations both of Ari and of PT and this forum in general. She posted the ring. She didn't say to Ari when she took it in and showed it to him "please make sure you never copy it..." nothing. She LOVED the attention her ring brought her and loved to show it off. Well, guess what? Someone loved it so much they wanted one of their very own. Surfgirl, instead of being happy that she had helped someone find their dream piece instead turned into the Grinch. Beginning, middle and end.
I absolutely disagree. I found Ari to be the unreasonable and unprofessional one. What he should have said is that "I know the owner of that, it is a true antique and I need to confirm with her before I copy it identically, we might need to make small tweaks". THAT is professional. THAT is how you handle that situation. I understand that if PT had brought those pics elsewhere there's very little anyone can do, and while SG could be hurt by that, she did post the pics. But Ari already started in on copying that to benefit financially from his encounter with SG and her unique antique ring, and did so on the sly, only admitting it when called on it by SG, and THAT would piss me off too. It's very used-car-salesman.

She might have loved that attention, but his complete lack of professionalism changed everything. And clearly crucifying her for being angry over that is ever so justified. :rolleyes:

As I said in my earlier post, I have no idea what SG's ring looks like or why this is even a big deal. However, I wanted to address the part about it being a true antique not being copied. Ari was legally fine in copying the ring, it wasn't designed by her nor was it patented by her or any other designer. Not only will he do it, a lot of other PS vendors will do it IF it's a true antique and not a designer setting without making the 20% change. I've emailed many of them for quotes to copy a true antique ring (to the best of my knowledge) and once I told them it was a true antique, copying issues were out the window. We've all seen PSr's rings get added to a vendor's sight even if it was the PS'r who designed it. For example, Yssie and Matata just off the top of my head, but I'm sure there have been many others.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

diamondseeker2006|1325300547|3091987 said:
wildcatz|1325299824|3091974 said:
I just wish I could see a pic of Surfgirl's diamond - without the ring. I don't suppose anybody would be brave enough to photoshop the setting out of the picture and show the diamond only.

I can't show you her ring, but I will show you another similar and outstanding transitional diamond owned by another PSer and bought at Singlestone:
Why thank you DS! :wavey:

I have to say, when that whole ruckus was going on with SG, I had to admit that I wasn't sure how I'd feel if that happened to me. But after I got my ring made by 23rd Street and posted a bunch of pictures here on PS, I went back into the store and they said they'd gotten many phone calls and emails including all of my pictures with requests of replicating the ring - and I was THRILLED. To help someone find what they loved in a ring, well that made me feel such happiness. Granted my ring wasn't an antique that I happened upon with all of the attendant circumstances which SG said made the ring so very special and personal to her, it was my ering nonetheless, and it still just made me feel great that someone would want one just like it. So while I won't say that SG was wrong to feel as she did, feelings being as they are, I can now say that I don't understand her reaction.

ETA: My ring was also custom, as much as rings can be now that everything has been done. We went through many tweaks and iterations to get there.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Okay, now am I the only newbie that wants to read the thread y'all are talking about? Kinda quiet around my place at the moment...
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Begonia|1325306256|3092064 said:
Okay, now am I the only newbie that wants to read the thread y'all are talking about? Kinda quiet around my place at the moment...
:wavey: Add me in the list far I'm agreed with majority in here...
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

jjc|1325305940|3092062 said:
diamondseeker2006|1325300547|3091987 said:
wildcatz|1325299824|3091974 said:
I just wish I could see a pic of Surfgirl's diamond - without the ring. I don't suppose anybody would be brave enough to photoshop the setting out of the picture and show the diamond only.

I can't show you her ring, but I will show you another similar and outstanding transitional diamond owned by another PSer and bought at Singlestone:
Why thank you DS! :wavey:

I have to say, when that whole ruckus was going on with SG, I had to admit that I wasn't sure how I'd feel if that happened to me. But after I got my ring made by 23rd Street and posted a bunch of pictures here on PS, I went back into the store and they said they'd gotten many phone calls and emails including all of my pictures with requests of replicating the ring - and I was THRILLED. To help someone find what they loved in a ring, well that made me feel such happiness. Granted my ring wasn't an antique that I happened upon with all of the attendant circumstances which SG said made the ring so very special and personal to her, it was my ering nonetheless, and it still just made me feel great that someone would want one just like it. So while I won't say that SG was wrong to feel as she did, feelings being as they are, I can now say that I don't understand her reaction.

ETA: My ring was also custom, as much as rings can be now that everything has been done. We went through many tweaks and iterations to get there.

:wavey: Hi!!! I think you know I LOVE your ring! :))
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

luckky|1325306554|3092065 said:
Begonia|1325306256|3092064 said:
Okay, now am I the only newbie that wants to read the thread y'all are talking about? Kinda quiet around my place at the moment...
:wavey: Add me in the list far I'm agreed with majority in here...

This is the thread where PT proudly showed us her new engagement ring. Down on the first page, someone tells her that SG is upset about it. I can't recall if a second thread was started to discuss it or whether it all ended up on this one because I haven't reread it through to the end.

Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

I wasn't on PS when all this happened, so I can't say much about it, but I did find it interesting that a quick search brought up this thread that Parrot Tulips started almost a year before she posted about her ring, asking how people would feel if their ring design was copied. Just about everyone replying to the thread said they'd be fine with it. So just based on that I definitely think PT had NO idea of the upset she would cause.

Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

I know you weren't around (at least publicly) when this whole thing transpired, Ame, so perhaps you didn't see that SG's advice to another poster (who couldn't secure a given ring) was to have it reproduced.

Given that, I don't reasonably see how anyone should have been expected to know how she'd feel about it. It was not an already well known thing.

I wholeheartedly disagree (then and now) with the notion that a jeweler known for reproductions should be required or expected to get permission from any client to make similar (and especially unoriginal) piece. SG didn't own design rights on it.

I don't truly believe it even crossed Ari's mind that it would be a problem....but even if it had, I don't feel he had any obligation whatsoever to abstain.

I know we'll just agree to disagree on this, and that's fine.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

And this is the "sh*t hits the fan" thread where SG's friends argue her case for her (Pandora and Harriet) and well, lose and then SG finally comes it at the end-ish [URL=''][/URL]

My favorite part of that thread is the discussion of the copyright of Harriet's tsavorite ring, and the evolution of the discussion with the subsequent finding of a true antique ring that proved the argument of the majority that while people (including Harriet) might assume that their jewelry designs are 'unique' and 'groundbreaking' the truth is that there is very little that is new in the world of jewelry design-- so the lesson is: If you REALLY think your piece is unique-- don't go posting pics of it dingley-cooch (everywhere willy nilly)-- Golem it in your own hot little hands and never let it see the light of day! Cause if you don't either it will be found to be similar to a preexisting piece (deflating your bubble the way Harriet's was) or someone will be inspired to create something similar to it (the way PT did).

Good times. :rolleyes:

And for efficiency, Surfgirl's post in that thread (page 18 is where she finally comes back) where she states quite explicitly that she doesn't regret ruining Parrot Tulips enjoyment of her engagement ring:

"I promised myself I would not post about this again and I will not after this post. But the way people interpret things to re construct something else sometimes doesn't jive with what is really at hand, and since I read NF's and RS's posts I just want to clarify something. In the end, the only thing I wish is that I could have slipped away more quietly, but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don't think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied. She will never truly know what her actions have meant to me, but I think if my feelings were of interest, I would have been asked permission first, and if I said no, then a back up plan would have been in place (and for the record I would have said no to copying exactly, but I would have offered to shop with/for her so she could find her own unique piece, not a copy of my unique piece).

My friends are very dear friends, to me. And they are my friends in real life, not only online. And if speaking their minds, and speaking from their hearts about something controversial is a 'disservice' to them and to me, then I/we are perhaps not in the right place anymore"
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring


Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

davi_el_mejor|1325318015|3092138 said:

Yup, I agree. The point is moot, let's move on. Any more pics of lovely antique rings?
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

I'm late to the party, but I wanted to say that if PT still pops back into this thread, I'm SO sorry that your engagement ring unveiling was tarnished. You did NOTHING wrong, other than having crap luck with the ring that you chose as an inspiration for your own.

I'm blown away by how fierce a very small handful of people are about protecting someone who no longer posts here, seemingly just for the sake of arguing. :rolleyes: I doubt that anyone from either of their circle of friends and family will ever even meet, much less these two ladies, so what's the point in being so malicious about it?! :nono:
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

It's funny. I'm sure millions of people have copied Surfgirl's ring, there are thousands of PS lurkers and the photos probably ended up in random places on the internet. The problem came in the confirmation that it had been copied. We all see rings copied or aspects borrowed everyday. It was naive to think that she was immune from that.

There are a couple of people on PS who say that they own the copyright to their rings. I often wonder, how would they know if I copied it? I could easily take a photo in to someone to reproduce, say it's an antique, have it copied, and no one would be the wiser.

There are so many stunning rings out there and very few are true originals. It doesn't make them any less stunning.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Addy|1325343402|3092225 said:
There are a couple of people on PS who say that they own the copyright to their rings. I often wonder, how would they know if I copied it? I could easily take a photo in to someone to reproduce, say it's an antique, have it copied, and no one would be the wiser.

If the rings are copyrighted, this would be illegal and you would be inducing the jeweler to break the copyright law also. When is it okay to break the law so that you can get the jewelry, you want? Where do we draw the line?
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

minitiki|1325350209|3092288 said:
Addy|1325343402|3092225 said:
There are a couple of people on PS who say that they own the copyright to their rings. I often wonder, how would they know if I copied it? I could easily take a photo in to someone to reproduce, say it's an antique, have it copied, and no one would be the wiser.

If the rings are copyrighted, this would be illegal and you would be inducing the jeweler to break the copyright law also. When is it okay to break the law so that you can get the jewelry, you want? Where do we draw the line?

There are thousands of rings posted on here, and I am betting that extremely few (if any) would be copyrighted by the owner. The danger of that happening is extremely slight. I am not sure I have ever seen anyone state that their ring was copyrighted (although there was one mention of someone in process or something to that effect). There just aren't that many truly original rings. One that immediately comes to mind is Leon Mege's lotus setting which is very original and absolutely gorgeous! Of course, he is the one with the copyright to the design and not a ring owner. But I would have him make that ring if I wanted it rather than risking having an inadequate copy made.

Dream ring:
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Gypsy|1325316090|3092129 said:
If you REALLY think your piece is unique-- don't go posting pics of it dingley-cooch (everywhere willy nilly)-- Golem it in your own hot little hands and never let it see the light of day! Cause if you don't either it will be found to be similar to a preexisting piece (deflating your bubble the way Harriet's was) or someone will be inspired to create something similar to it (the way PT did).

Gypsy, this is worded very well. I couldn't agree with you more.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

What I think is interesting is that as lovely as PT's ring is (and it's gorgeous) it is not an exact copy of SG's ring. So, SG was/is upset about her ring being copied exactly and to me it just was not an exact copy. There may be a much closer exact copy out there and my guess is someone like VC could pull it off something very close, but again, it still would be exact IMO. This is the same logic I use when folks come on her posting designer rings like Tacori or daniel K (and yes I'm bias :bigsmile: ) and wanted to have them copied. The designs are so intricate that they usually will not look exactly like the original so if you really love a designer piece as is, you need to get the real deal. If you are open to slight changes and most of the really skilled benchman won't make an exact copy for legal reasons, even if they could, then you can end up with a wonderful piece made just for you that is special in it's own right. I also think Ari did nothing wrong in this situation. A huge portion of his business is recreating one of a kind antiques and he was just doing what he was hired and in business to do and again, it's not an exact copy so if if SG's ring was copyrighted he still didn't violate the law or ethics IMO when he made PT's ring.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

Snow_Miser|1325351625|3092303 said:
Gypsy|1325316090|3092129 said:
If you REALLY think your piece is unique-- don't go posting pics of it dingley-cooch (everywhere willy nilly)-- Golem it in your own hot little hands and never let it see the light of day! Cause if you don't either it will be found to be similar to a preexisting piece (deflating your bubble the way Harriet's was) or someone will be inspired to create something similar to it (the way PT did).

Gypsy, this is worded very well. I couldn't agree with you more.

and a big ditto to this too!!
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

aljdewey|1325315642|3092126 said:
I don't truly believe it even crossed Ari's mind that it would be a problem....but even if it had, I don't feel he had any obligation whatsoever to abstain.

I know we'll just agree to disagree on this, and that's fine.
I am fine with that too. We all see it differently and that's just how it is.

tammy77|1325324663|3092168 said:
I'm blown away by how fierce a very small handful of people are about protecting someone who no longer posts here, seemingly just for the sake of arguing. :rolleyes: I doubt that anyone from either of their circle of friends and family will ever even meet, much less these two ladies, so what's the point in being so malicious about it?! :nono:

I am not "protecting" anyone for the sake of arguing, and I don't feel I am being particularly malicious. I am simply sharing my opinion that despite my lack of favor towards SG, and everyone else's evident disgust with her, I don't think she was totally overreacting about her jeweler friend, that she trusted, copying her ring and making a repro without even discussing with her, maybe they don't think he should've asked, I do, but I design for an occupation so that's just my take on it. I think he knew what he was doing would upset her and did so sneakily and when called on it by SG was forced to come clean sheepishly, but conveyed to others his "shock" and "blindsidedness" in an attempt to save face. Whether PT got a direct copy or not, he was still intending to copy it for his own profit.

She didn't need to flip her **please watch your language** at PT, but since it was evident for over a year prior to PT copying the ring as shown in her previous thread, I don't think PT was this innocent flower people are acting like she is. And again, we all disagree on that. I was not active posting here during that time, merely lurking once in a while to see new rings on SMTR and occasionally look in RT/Hangout. That whole thing came to my attention on another forum and it started a whole can of crazy over there too.

I didn't bump this thread up yesterday or the day before. I simply commented with my thoughts. Not everyone agrees with me, and that's just how it is. Despite being called "wrong", I'm not emotional about it one way or the other. It's just a thread on PS. This place generally doesnt get me verklempt, unless we are going to talk about how **please watch your language** cool it is that the guy made his lady's ring by himself. THAT is worth some emotion.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

diamondseeker2006|1325351394|3092299 said:
minitiki|1325350209|3092288 said:
Addy|1325343402|3092225 said:
There are a couple of people on PS who say that they own the copyright to their rings. I often wonder, how would they know if I copied it? I could easily take a photo in to someone to reproduce, say it's an antique, have it copied, and no one would be the wiser.

If the rings are copyrighted, this would be illegal and you would be inducing the jeweler to break the copyright law also. When is it okay to break the law so that you can get the jewelry, you want? Where do we draw the line?

There are thousands of rings posted on here, and I am betting that extremely few (if any) would be copyrighted by the owner. The danger of that happening is extremely slight. I am not sure I have ever seen anyone state that their ring was copyrighted (although there was one mention of someone in process or something to that effect). There just aren't that many truly original rings. One that immediately comes to mind is Leon Mege's lotus setting which is very original and absolutely gorgeous! Of course, he is the one with the copyright to the design and not a ring owner. But I would have him make that ring if I wanted it rather than risking having an inadequate copy made.

Dream ring:

Addy was talking about copyrighted rings and I was responding to that. Regardless of who owns the copyright (whether the owner of the ring or the designer or the manufacturer), you cannot copy copyrighted rings without permission. Otherwise, it would be a violation of the copyright law.
Re: Does anyone have a photo of Surfgirl's Single Stone ring

jjc|1325305940|3092062 said:
diamondseeker2006|1325300547|3091987 said:
wildcatz|1325299824|3091974 said:
I just wish I could see a pic of Surfgirl's diamond - without the ring. I don't suppose anybody would be brave enough to photoshop the setting out of the picture and show the diamond only.

I can't show you her ring, but I will show you another similar and outstanding transitional diamond owned by another PSer and bought at Singlestone:
Why thank you DS! :wavey:

I have to say, when that whole ruckus was going on with SG, I had to admit that I wasn't sure how I'd feel if that happened to me. But after I got my ring made by 23rd Street and posted a bunch of pictures here on PS, I went back into the store and they said they'd gotten many phone calls and emails including all of my pictures with requests of replicating the ring - and I was THRILLED. To help someone find what they loved in a ring, well that made me feel such happiness. Granted my ring wasn't an antique that I happened upon with all of the attendant circumstances which SG said made the ring so very special and personal to her, it was my ering nonetheless, and it still just made me feel great that someone would want one just like it. So while I won't say that SG was wrong to feel as she did, feelings being as they are, I can now say that I don't understand her reaction.

ETA: My ring was also custom, as much as rings can be now that everything has been done. We went through many tweaks and iterations to get there.

Threadjack: I looooovvveee your ring, jjc. Did you sell it? I thought I saw it on Diamond Bistro...(after the sale, unfortunately! I would have snapped on that like a duck on a junebug! Gorgeous!)