
Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight rings


Apr 26, 2007
It's almost a year since I had my baby, and my fingers are aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalmost back to normal: I can get most of my eternities on, though I'm wary of wearing them in case my hands swell. But my right hand, where I wear my wedding band, is still a titch bigger than it used to be: I can get the band on and off, but I tend to need to wash my hands, and the knuckle is a little red after. I couldn't be making it worse, could I?
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r

I had an open gallery ring sized 3.5 that fit perfectly. The ring was damaged and I had it remade slightly differently with a closed gallery. Taking the ring on and off makes my knuckle feel raw, and so my answer is yes.
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r

Temporarily would be my best guess. Since you are almost back to normal I think it would be OK to wear them occasionally till you get back to where you were. My fingers swell in warm weather (like most) but I still wear my rings and it seems OK. And then when it is cooler they are too loose and I am always nervous I will lose them. But I digress- short answer is not enough for you not to enjoy wearing them IMO. Especially if it is not too much of a squeeze which is how it sounds. Good luck and congrats on almost being back to pre-baby knuckles/fingers! :cheeky: :appl:
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r

I had a slightly tight ring that I wore on my middle finger (5 stone ring that was my grandmother's anniversary ring), and it actually put little callouses on my knuckle on the sides from taking it on and off! I don't think it did anything permanent, but once I noticed that I finally gave in and got it sized down so it would fit my ring finger. (I had gotten it reshanked and had all the prongs replaced, and it looked so good I couldn't bear to part with it to get it sized to the correct size!)
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r

Well anytime you pressure and irritate skin it does tend to swell a little. But I think its temporary considering all the things your hands do in a day without much bother!
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r

I have the same problem, I have to get my rings bigger just to fit over my knuckle and then they spin.
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r

Yes they do, and I have mine sized for my knuckles, which is WAY bigger than my finger, then the sizing beads to try to deal with the spinning. In the hellishness of summer I don't even bother with even my plain band, bec even with way. But I can't get em on anyway for like 2 hours even in winter after I get up, but my knuckle sides are raw sometimes. I either slobber or spray windex.
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r

It's not worth the aggravation; just give it more time. You'll be able to wear it in comfort soon enough.
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r

Congrats on having your pre-baby body back! :appl:
If you are the same weight but your fingers are still slightly big, you might just have to adjust to your new finger size.
As for the red spot, make sure you pat dry, but dry thoroughly. Then apply moisturiser. Give it a rest from the ring for a day or two.
Re: Does it aggravate the knuckle to put on/take off tight r


Dish soap is nice and slipper and it's a good excuse to clean your ring.
