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Jan 11, 2006
Wow. Tonight I went and put on my new diamond (which is in a metal stone holder). It looked smaller than it did before. Seriously. I sort of panicked and thought maybe the 1.37 got switched with the 1.63 and I got sent the smaller stone! It was just that the 1.63 seemed SO big when I first saw it, and now it looks normal to me. But I asked my husband to get his calipers for me so I could attempt to measure it, and I do think it is the right stone. I really did not expect to get DSS, but it must be contagious...sort of like a computer virus, just from being on PS.
LOL! It sure does happen fast, doesn''t it?
too funny DS and yes it''s a sickness. I started thinking the same thing about my 1.5 and I don''t have it yet. I had to go to a jewelry store and try on a 1.5 just to remind myself that''s it''s plenty big for me right now lest i upgrade b/f I even get the thing set
It is just a sign that you need to get it mounted - it will look bigger then!!!
Lol! I actually did have some communication with Jonathan before he sent me the stone about maybe upgrading before they sent it to me! He had a couple of stones in the 1.75 to 1.85 range that sounded very nice! But I thought, no, I''ll feel weird enough wearing this one. I didn''t really perceive it to be small when Tacori and I were at the jewelry store looking at settings, and I did like it with a Memoire band of 10 pointers, so mentally, I can''t believe that it was really small. But now I wonder why I was so worried about it being too big when I first saw it. It''s a good thing you girls talked me into getting this one instead of the smaller one!
Welcome to my world!!!
Date: 9/11/2006 9:45:59 PM
Author: Lynn B
Welcome to my world!!!
You are TOO funny! Your stone is HUGE! It is really a perfect size for your hand. Of course if you did want to upgrade it at least you haven''t picked out your setting yet
Just hold it up to your old diamond. It is an amazing stone.
Date: 9/11/2006 10:22:30 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
You are TOO funny! Your stone is HUGE! It is really a perfect size for your hand. Of course if you did want to upgrade it at least you haven''t picked out your setting yet
Just hold it up to your old diamond. It is an amazing stone.
Thanks, S! At least you have seen it! I did go back upstairs and get out my 1 ct. and put it on, too, and the 1.63 grew a little.
I need to get the thing set so I don''t keep having these irrational thoughts!
Honestly it is up to you but I think it is a beautiful stone and a great size. Even Bill seemed impressed!
Date: 9/11/2006 10:53:45 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Honestly it is up to you but I think it is a beautiful stone and a great size. Even Bill seemed impressed!
Well, for him not to say anything negative about it was a very good sign!
DSS sure hits fast! I bet you are glad you kept the 1.63 vs. 1.37. It''s such a beautiful stone, I can''t wait to see how you set it. Be sure to take lots of pictures.
This thread is just plain scary.

So I really want to stick to 1.6 and above now!
oh DS!!! (((((1.63))))) hehehe I know what you mean though... every day I look at my 2.7 and think gosh it isn''t that big on my finger and then I think, are you freaking NUTS sara?? it''s a mind thing. I''ve been very hypersensitive about looking at hands/diamonds lately and I rarely see anything even in your range, most women I know don''t even wear their diamonds anymore, just their bands. then I start thinking that I''m going to look tacky with such a big stone... but then I remember my finger size and think nah it''ll look perfect... then I''m back to it''s kinda small on my finger... @@@ it doesn''t stop! LMAO!!
Date: 9/11/2006 9:18:35 PM
Author: Sundial
It is just a sign that you need to get it mounted - it will look bigger then!!!
do they really look bigger when mounted? because I was just thinking yesterday that it was gonna look smaller!
hehehe...''Tis a good job you got the bigger rock ''Seeks! DSS is contagious and inevitable I am beginning to think
Get that puppy set and I bet it will look huge again!
I''m sure you''ve seen this in some of my other threads, but it seems you are now a full member of the DOCD club:

You have Diamond Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (DOCD), an illness many of us suffer from on this forum. DOCD, discovered by Dr. Brillianteering in the early 1900''s, is a manifestation of mental anomolies when perfectly sane individuals become the owners of high quality diamonds and the settings those diamonds sit in. What typically occurs for an accurate DOCD diagnosis is euphoria upon the purchase of a nice gem or setting, followed by self doubt, and ultimately downright concern that the purchased stone or setting has somehow magically shrunk or changed in appearance while the owner slept.
While there are no known medications available to combat DOCD, many people have reported the symptoms are reduced or completely eliminated by purchasing larger, higher quality diamonds and/or settings or visiting chain jewelry stores, such as Zales or Kay, or having lunch with a friend who has jewelry of poorer quality than the DOCD sufferer.

Date: 9/12/2006 10:32:58 AM
Author: Cehrabehra
Date: 9/11/2006 9:18:35 PM

Author: Sundial

It is just a sign that you need to get it mounted - it will look bigger then!!!

do they really look bigger when mounted? because I was just thinking yesterday that it was gonna look smaller!

aljdewey had a good explaination in this thread that seems right to me:

here''s on little section:

You can see it here.....

The inner blue line is the circumference edge of the stone.

The outer red line is the circumference line suggested to your eye by the prongs.

Great illustration Mrssalvo! My rings are bezel set and they draw the eye out even more.
In theory, Al''s explanation sounds good. But in real life, you can barely even see my prongs, you really have to look. I would imagine a lot of rings are the same...
I got one word for you: HALO!!!
i agree re it being set making it look bigger.

my prongs are tiny too (and that picture that mrs salvo posted is of my friend''s ritani ring and the prongs are totally magnified there, they are small in person)...and because i have six of them, my eye is drawn out that much farther than with 4. or with a naked diamond.

and really think about it. when we do upgrades or whatever...we are talking what? 1/2 a millimeter? maybe 1 mm? that''s TINY in reality. the space that the prongs allows for visual add-on is actually quite large in terms of ''diamond spread''.

people often think my stone is 3 carats. i attribute that to public ignorance in general of diamond sizing, but also the way the 6 prongs maximizes the stone.
Date: 9/12/2006 10:27:24 AM
Author: Stone Hunter
This thread is just plain scary.

So I really want to stick to 1.6 and above now!
Lol! I really did have to laugh at this one! But yes, you may as well know ahead of time!
Y''all all made me laugh!
Rod, so this is all your fault, huh?

Nobody posted a warning on this site about catching a serious mental illness! Cehra, you''re funny, too!!! I''d say you''d better NOT get DSS with a 2.7 ct. stone!!!

I see a lot of pretty halos here, but I don''t think they are really "me" (other than the gorgeous engraved one Tacori posted on SMTR from our jewelry store visit last Friday!).

I''ve wavered back and forth on the 4 vs. 6 prongs, but I am sort of leaning toward 4 at the moment since those are often easier to fit next to a w-band.

I''m looking for diamond studs, too, so maybe those will make my 1.63 look big in comparison!
Date: 9/12/2006 8:55:25 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
Y''all all made me laugh!
Rod, so this is all your fault, huh?

Nobody posted a warning on this site about catching a serious mental illness! Cehra, you''re funny, too!!! I''d say you''d better NOT get DSS with a 2.7 ct. stone!!!

I see a lot of pretty halos here, but I don''t think they are really ''me'' (other than the gorgeous engraved one Tacori posted on SMTR from our jewelry store visit last Friday!).

I''ve wavered back and forth on the 4 vs. 6 prongs, but I am sort of leaning toward 4 at the moment since those are often easier to fit next to a w-band.

I''m looking for diamond studs, too, so maybe those will make my 1.63 look big in comparison!
Absolutely not, it is Dr. Brilianteering''s fault, don''t you know???!!! LOL
OMG! That hit you fast didnt it! I dont wear my set to work, (am in critical care cardiology) & so wear a plain gold white band so as to no damage my set. Well, when I am off, I put my girls back on (as my husband refers to them0 & they feel big all over again. Maybe you need to take reality breaks from it to keep it in perspective. LOL Or not. LOL LOL

ii is embarrassing to admit I have it too, even with the size of my stone. If it sits in the jewel box a couple of days, it tends to go away, but I do have to cop to the fact that it is not looking as huge as when I saw it at Tiffany''s on the black velvet poor hubby...
hehehe a good cure for DSS for me today was going to look at settings and seeing one I liked with a halo and asking if they could make it bigger and she said no but my stone could sit on top of the halo so I put my stone on top and it COVERED THE WHOLE HALO bahahaha :D
Date: 9/12/2006 11:28:07 AM
Author: Sundial
Great illustration Mrssalvo! My rings are bezel set and they draw the eye out even more.
really? I thought bezels would be the worst at making them smaller! I thought the more naked they were the bigger they looked... ??
Date: 9/12/2006 8:47:35 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006

Date: 9/12/2006 10:27:24 AM
Author: Stone Hunter
This thread is just plain scary.

So I really want to stick to 1.6 and above now!
Lol! I really did have to laugh at this one! But yes, you may as well know ahead of time!
Yeah and you guys both might upgrade again some day, I''m stuck forEVer with my stone so I *had* (haha had) to fast forward through DSS TWO WHOLE CARATS in two months bahahahahahaha ;)
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