
Each day, when does your bling give you a needed boost?


Oct 24, 2012
For me, it's after every 2-3 hours of hard core concentrating or trying to figure out a problem. Yes, that sparkly little twinkle that is my e-ring brings a much needed smile to my face. :love:
Every time I talk to my divorce attorneys. :o
All day, every day. Whenever I look down at my hands.
All the time. I love looking at beautiful things I wear.
Like others are saying, my rings give me a boost all of the time, all day long. Whenever the sparkles catch my eye I find myself stopping to admire them and two things go through my head every single time:

1) Wow, I can't believe I have something this beautiful on my finger & I keep waiting for them to not be as dazzling one day. I thought that over time I'd get used to all of the fire around my finger, and I keep trying to find a lighting environment where they don't sparkle like maniacs. So far, no luck, they fire up in every environment that they're in.

2) Wow, I can't believe how lucky and blessed I am to have a husband who, after years of marriage, says he'd marry me all over again even after learning about all of my faults and idiosyncrasies over the years. DH purchased this ring as a symbol of that for me, and my heart melts for him everytime I look at my left hand :bigsmile: !!

Now I know that my FIRST thought SHOULD be about the romantic symbolism of the ring, but I'm just keepin' it real LOL :D!
Ok secertly nothing thrills me more then when the sun hits my diamond and rainbows go everywhere in the room or in the car :naughty: :bigsmile: That just makes my day. But yes they give me a boost all the time. They remind me that I loved and cherished.
All the time, for the exact reasons posted by SB and Roxy...

Sometimes I think that I'm pretty shallow for letting a sparkly jewel make me so happy (because I shouldn't need a symbol to make me feel loved/cherished), but it's the truth...
I've had a bit of a strange week. I've started taking antidepressants again (for panic disorder) I've been feeling a bit weird at times which in turn makes me panicky. I've been looking at my sparklies to try and divert my mind onto something else. I use my torch app on my phone for maximum effect :bigsmile:
The elevators in my office building are the perfect lighting for making my bling extra dazzling. The doors are mirrored so I get to stare at my bling all the way to work in all its glory and it's awesome. I also get to check out everyone else's bling without them noticing - I hope.

I just changed jobs and the transition is hard. I felt competent in my old job but the new job is killing me. I don't know where anything is or who to ask and it's a struggle. My supervisor gives vague descriptions of what he wants on his way out the door and then I have to wait until he's not busy to get the details. I'm so frustrated! I know this there's a learning curve and it will get better. Anyway, the great thing about my new job is that I have a North facing window and my bling looks fabulous all day. Not elevator fabulous but better than my previous windowless office. I know it sounds shallow but looking at my e-ring gets me through the day right now and I really need a boost.

(my apologies for the whining!!!!)
SB621|1395309881|3637824 said:
Ok secertly nothing thrills me more then when the sun hits my diamond and rainbows go everywhere in the room or in the car :naughty: :bigsmile: That just makes my day. But yes they give me a boost all the time. They remind me that I loved and cherished.

This, and all the time. Loved and cherished not only by my husband, but by myself -- I am worth owning and wearing this spectacular, valuable, and beautiful piece of jewelery.
yennyfire|1395321593|3637863 said:
Sometimes I think that I'm pretty shallow for letting a sparkly jewel make me so happy (because I shouldn't need a symbol to make me feel loved/cherished), but it's the truth...

Don't feel shallow ::) There is actually a really good social psychological intervention that my colleague developed where she has young women and men go through a workshop and the end is that they sort-of ritually imbue a bracelet with meaning -- the bracelt reflects and important value that they share with a loved one. Then, in the daily lives, when the look at the bracelet they are reminded of that shared value and it makes them feel more secure and peaceful. For us, we naturally imbued our jewelry with that meaning. That's not shallow, its healthy psychology ;))

PS: The symbol doesn't MAKE you feel loved and cherished, it simply brings those thoughts and feelings to the front of your mind.
Dreamer_D|1395341316|3638082 said:
yennyfire|1395321593|3637863 said:
Sometimes I think that I'm pretty shallow for letting a sparkly jewel make me so happy (because I shouldn't need a symbol to make me feel loved/cherished), but it's the truth...

Don't feel shallow ::) There is actually a really good social psychological intervention that my colleague developed where she has young women and men go through a workshop and the end is that they sort-of ritually imbue a bracelet with meaning -- the bracelt reflects and important value that they share with a loved one. Then, in the daily lives, when the look at the bracelet they are reminded of that shared value and it makes them feel more secure and peaceful. For us, we naturally imbued our jewelry with that meaning. That's not shallow, its healthy psychology ;))

PS: The symbol doesn't MAKE you feel loved and cherished, it simply brings those thoughts and feelings to the front of your mind.

I really like the way you framed this Dreamer, thank you! Now, I can let go of that guilt (not that it really impacted me...I love my bling too much to dwell on any little niggle of guilt I might feel over it! :bigsmile: )....the exercise your colleague developed would be well used in schools/universities everywhere. We could all use a daily reminder of how many people care about us!
Anytime I look at it :)
Dreamer_D|1395341135|3638080 said:
SB621|1395309881|3637824 said:
Ok secertly nothing thrills me more then when the sun hits my diamond and rainbows go everywhere in the room or in the car :naughty: :bigsmile: That just makes my day. But yes they give me a boost all the time. They remind me that I loved and cherished.

This, and all the time. Loved and cherished not only by my husband, but by myself -- I am worth owning and wearing this spectacular, valuable, and beautiful piece of jewelery.

I love that.

I also love how encouraging jewelry is to me. Most of my stuff is purchased to commemorate something-- the end of a chapter in my life. I have one to represent the end of my first college experience, my associates graduation. One to represent my acceptance into a very competitive graduate program at a very competitive university. One to represent my undergraduate degree. It's a milestone marker for me, not only to reward myself for things past, but as a reminder that yes, I made it, and yes, I will keep on making it. Looking at my sparklies, sometimes, reminds me why I work so hard. I mean, they're obviously not the only reason I do work hard, but they do make me happy, and I do want to keep collecting things.

I don't think I'll ever stop using jewelry as a milestone marker. I keep thinking, how great would it be to pass down my "graduation ring" to my own (future) daughter when she graduates?
I guess I'm a weirdo, but my rings don't make me feel loved or cherished. :( I suspect it's because I picked them out by myself, so it doesn't really feel romantic. If DH had proposed with them, it might be a different story.

That said, I do love looking at my bling, because I have pieces that are SO much better quality and cut than what I first started with.
yennyfire|1395348118|3638151 said:
Dreamer_D|1395341316|3638082 said:
yennyfire|1395321593|3637863 said:
Sometimes I think that I'm pretty shallow for letting a sparkly jewel make me so happy (because I shouldn't need a symbol to make me feel loved/cherished), but it's the truth...

Don't feel shallow ::) There is actually a really good social psychological intervention that my colleague developed where she has young women and men go through a workshop and the end is that they sort-of ritually imbue a bracelet with meaning -- the bracelt reflects and important value that they share with a loved one. Then, in the daily lives, when the look at the bracelet they are reminded of that shared value and it makes them feel more secure and peaceful. For us, we naturally imbued our jewelry with that meaning. That's not shallow, its healthy psychology ;))

PS: The symbol doesn't MAKE you feel loved and cherished, it simply brings those thoughts and feelings to the front of your mind.

I really like the way you framed this Dreamer, thank you! Now, I can let go of that guilt (not that it really impacted me...I love my bling too much to dwell on any little niggle of guilt I might feel over it! :bigsmile: )....the exercise your colleague developed would be well used in schools/universities everywhere. We could all use a daily reminder of how many people care about us!

Yeah, just don't tell anyone that we could get the same feelings from a $5 friendship bracelet :lol:
Yes! Very much so. I've told DH that I am never bored as long as I am wearing my rings. :cheeky: